Discuss Scratch

7 posts

Suggestion:Open New Tab with Url

I want a new extension called Browser and Links. It would look something like this(click the link):

Last edited by Harakou (March 1, 2021 02:57:06)

7 posts

Suggestion:Open New Tab with Url

Just in case that didn't work, copy paste this into your browser: [removed]

Last edited by Harakou (March 1, 2021 02:57:15)

1000+ posts

Suggestion:Open New Tab with Url

Hi - please don't share links to Google docs! It has the possibility of exposing your real name if you're logged in, and since it's often used to go around language filters we've had to block it. If you need to share an image, I would recommend using one of our approved image hosts, such as Cubeupload, instead.

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