Discuss Scratch

2 posts

The Scratch Egg Hunt

This is my first forum post, -v-
So, I had an idea.
Since Easter is coming up, I wanted to do a Scratch Egg Hunt!
This idea is probably gonna be a flop, but I want to try it anyways.
So basically:
You post one of your projects on this topic if you want to participate.
Add a fun way that isn't too easy nor too hard to get an egg.
There will be a date when all of the people who got eggs post a picture of the eggs they collected and the ability to get the eggs will be removed from all the projects that participated.

Now, I understand there is a flaw.
Nothing is stopping people from faking that they got all of the eggs.
If you have any solution to this, please post your solution.

If you're participating, the part of your game that lets you get the egg is due March 25.
You can customize you're game's egg however you want. But the base of your egg has to be an egg.
Make sure you name your egg. No, don't go naming your egg “Bob the builder”. If, for example, your egg is in a JSAB game, you can name it JSAB Egg. Or you can get creative and name it like “Triangular Egg” or something like that.
Egg hunt starts on March 27 and ends at the end of April.
If you have any questions, post on this topic or comment on the project I will be posting sometime later called “The Scratch Egg Hunt”.

If this doesn't flop, i'll be excited to see all of your great ideas!

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