Discuss Scratch

2 posts

Scratch keeps crashing

So i wanted to do some vector editing, but every time i go onto the editor, scratch crashes. Does anyone have the same problem or could help me??

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15.7, Chrome 90.0.4407.0, No Flash version detected

100+ posts

Scratch keeps crashing

I Can Help!
If your uploading a vector image with a ton of parts then it will cause insane lag to your pc/computer/phone.
If you're just making a vector image with editing then just wait until your computer cools down and try again.

My Opinions on Scratch Crashing.

Code that makes the Project Lag
PC running hot.
Because scratch is running way slower.

when green flag clicked
play sound [Celebrate! v]
if <<[Follower] = [Me]>> then
say [Hey You!] for (2) secs
say [I Know You See this Signature] for (4) secs
say [So Why Not Follow Me?] for (2) secs
say [I Work Insanely Hard on All of my Projects so Please Follow Me!] for (4) secs
say [I Also Help People and Get nothing in Return] for (4) secs
say [So I Hope you Will Follow Me and Make me Happy!] for (2) secs
if <<[Follower] + [1]>> then
say [Thanks for the Follow!] for (2) secs
say [Now Heres a Cookie!] for (2) secs
2 posts

Scratch keeps crashing

Thanks a million! that really helped! I tried again, and i can now make my image!

Last edited by Chopsy101 (Feb. 5, 2021 08:40:27)

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