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46 posts

Global Custom Blocks

Global custom blocks would be the ability to call a procedure from any sprite/stage, rather that only from the specific sprite. This would be handy and would clean up the amount of broadcasts and variables that I use.

Like how you can expand the options on the edit custom block window to reveal ‘Run without screen refresh’, there could 2 radio buttons saying: ‘For all sprites’ and ‘For this sprite only’

Unrelated side note: Still waiting for cloud data to support strings of text, and cloud lists…

CraftedCart - Creator of Scratch Games, GlassOS, and More!
See my projects at scratch.mit.edu/users/CraftedCart/
1000+ posts

Global Custom Blocks

I think this was suggested before, but i will definitly support. However i see a problem:
What will happen with sprite-specific variables? Maybe we could turn the global feature only on, if the definition is in the script section of the stage, but then we can't use motion blocks (we can, via drag and drop from sprites, but it isn't suppossed i think).

Also it will make it much harder for people, which want to understand your scripts. For example: One of 100 Sprites uses a custom block, but where is the definition? Then this guy has to check out in the worst case all 100 sprites and their scripts. But also for this case i have a solution, an idea i suggested yesterday: Jump to Block-Definition

And what happens if we edit a global block and make it local? Of course we can solve this if we make this option only clickable when we create the block the first time, but if you want to make it later local it could become a bit annoying. Not a big problem, but annoying

My YouTube-Account: TM_ (TMtheScratcher)
Join the Google+ Community “Persist” and test the latest Alpha-versions and get news about the desktop-game! Persist
100+ posts

Global Custom Blocks

I support this.

when green flag clicked
if <(language) = [English ]> then

say [Everything is Awesome!] for (2) secs
if <(language) = [French ]> then

say [Tout est super-genial!] for (2) secs
if <(language) = [Italian ]> then

say [E meraviglioso!] for (2) secs
if <(language) = [Spanish ]> then

say [Todo es fabuloso!] for (2) secs
1000+ posts

Global Custom Blocks

1000+ posts

Global Custom Blocks

(removed by moderator who is the creator of this post and not actually a moderator - stupid post)

Last edited by the2000 (Feb. 17, 2021 02:18:19)

67 posts

Global Custom Blocks

Or there could maybe be a check box that makes the custom block for the sprite that was selected when the custom block was made only. On the stage there could be a check box that makes it for the stage only.

No offense if it makes sense to say no offense.
1000+ posts

Global Custom Blocks

For those looking at this topic, I think it'd be a really good idea to carefully read through this:

And note that above *isn't* really technically a ‘suggestion’ – there have been many such topics already suggesting this idea, as listed in that link, and the Scratch Team already made it clear they were thinking about this before any of us had even used Scratch 2.
Instead, it's asking for ideas how to make it work, practically, and intuitively, since there are many subtleties that are not obvious until you actually think about it carefully – particularly to do with the scope of certain things, such as variables…

Last edited by TheLogFather (Dec. 21, 2016 15:03:11)

Siggy the Kumquat slayer:
Main account: DadOfMrLog –– Frameworks for basic pen-rendered 3D in scratch (see studio). Examples:

- - - - 3D Text - - - - - - Simple shapes - - - Controllable structures - - - On the ground - - - - - - In space - - - -

1000+ posts

Global Custom Blocks

bump (this is not a necropost, paddle2see used this as a duplicate.)

club penguin is kil
1000+ posts

Global Custom Blocks

1000+ posts

Global Custom Blocks

You got duplicated by 3 months. use this link.

Last edited by kccuber (June 1, 2021 14:11:49)

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