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8 posts

Cloud variable not working

My cloud variable is not working, so I can't make any cloud projects, although I have made one but it was not in this situation. When I am seeing a cloud multiplayer tutorial, it is not working even though I have put the right code, right variable, right lists and right blocks. Please help.

100+ posts

Cloud variable not working


I checked your profile. It says you joined 6 months ago.
Scratch doesn't allow new scratchers to use cloud data, because they don't have as much experience. Not saying that you don't have any, it's just in case some new scratcher makes a bunch of cloud variables and overloads the servers.
I'm not sure if you're a new scratcher, but this is most likely the case.

This is a cage
<~ v ~ ::#ff0000>
(T^T ::#f77e52) (-n- ::#e6ad10) (• - • ::#b5ff61) (; o ; ::#23cc9c) (OnO ::#7ad1ff) (• π • ::#07108f) (˚ ° ˚ ::#b669ff) (¡ n ¡ ::#ffb0fe) (0 - 0 ::#c7c7c7) (• = • ::#828282) ::#ffffff
These are Bloks. Bloks are sad because they is trapped by Boolean The Evil in a cage. Help them!

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