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☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

*:・゚✧ Happy Shop・゚✧ :*

“We go the extra mile to make you smile.”

AboutFormsWhat We OfferPackagesJob CenterTermsPartnersUO

Welcome to the Happy Shop, a place where everyone can be as happy as they can be!
Here, we offer a variety of products. From thumbnails to reviews, we got you covered!
We hope you'll be happy, that this is catchy, that we do your orders in style, & that you smile!

Founded 1/23/2021 by SaitamaGTOPM.

Thanks to Luna_Robinson for the main banner & kccuber for the bump banner.

Last edited by SaitamaGTOPM (May 11, 2021 19:22:39)

1000+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

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Order Form
What product would you like?:
Give a detailed and good description of the product.:
Any links, if any?:
Is your account at least 1 month old?:
Any deadlines, if any? (Minimum is 10 days):
Have you read the terms?
How did you find this shop? (Optional, can delete):
Remember to follow this discussion to be notified when your order is taken!
Thank you for ordering! Your order is very appreciated and will be taken soon! Please read the terms too!
Package Form
What package would you like?:
Any removals of goods included in the selected package?:
Any additional information we should know?:
Is your account at least 1 month old?:
How did you find this shop? (Optional, can delete):
Remember to follow this discussion to be notified when your order is taken!
Thank you for ordering our packages! Note that there is no deadline for these and you may only order 1 per week.
Review Form
What product did you ask for?:
Who took your order?:
Did they finish it by your deadline, if any included?:
On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you?:
We thank you for any reviews! It greatly improves our overall shop quality.
Employee/Job Form
What department(s) do you specialize in? (Reviews, Coding, etc.):
If art, what type of art? (Delete this if you did not choose art):
If coding, what type of coding? (Delete this if you did not choose coding):
Example(s)/experience of this? (You must include at least 1 for each work department):
On a scale of 1-10, what is your activity?:
How many shops are you currently working at?:
Any nicknames we could refer to you as?:
Have you read the terms?:
Please follow this discussion so you can know when your form has been reviewed!
We are glad to have you join! We hope you bring great contributions to this shop! Make sure to read the terms!
Job Break Form
When will your break start? (It can be an estimate):
When will it end? (It can be an estimate, the limit is 3 weeks):
Any additional information we should know?:
Don't worry, it's okay to have a break for a while.
Resignation Form
Date of resignation?:
Reason? (Optional):
We're sad to see you go. However, we are glad that you worked here.
Partnership Form
Shop name:
Link to your shop:
Is your shop at least 1 week old?:
Will you advertise our shop in your shop? (We will advertise yours):
Your shop must have a banner. Please follow this discussion to know when your form has been reviewed!
Suggestion Form
What type of suggestion? (Forms, Packages, Section, etc.):
Describe your suggestion.:
Suggestions are very appreciated! They help improve our shop and enhance quality!
Reporting Form
Who are you reporting?:
Why are you reporting this user?:
Any proof of reason?:
Reports are used to know who is breaking the rules. Use them wisely, make sure your report is reasonable!

☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️

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Last edited by SaitamaGTOPM (April 9, 2021 21:00:18)

1000+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

About FormsWhat We OfferPackagesJob CenterTermsPartnersUO

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A package is a bundle contained with goods to fulfill your needs in only one order! The current packages are below.

Project Package*
Get custom-made products and see what you can work on!
•1 project thumbnail
•1 description (custom-made, based on project)
•Suggestions + improvements
Coder Package
Beep, boop! Coder items here!
•1 starter project (To code new features and experiment!)
•1 free follow
Profile Package
Create a neat-looking profile with this package!
•1 profile picture
•1 free follow
•1 profile setup
•1 profile comment (optional)
Intro & Outro Package
Make your projects look breathtaking!
•1 intro
•1 outro

Users may only order 1 package per week.
These are the current packages in our joyful shop. Feel free to suggest any using the suggestion form!
*Project must be shared and finished for suggestions & improvements.

☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️

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Last edited by SaitamaGTOPM (April 9, 2021 20:58:43)

1000+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

AboutFormsWhat We OfferPackages Job CenterTermsPartnersUO

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►Job Center◄

Here at the job center, you can see all the jobs, occupied and available, and a brief description of them! You can also take a look at the activity rates of each worker, their rank, and what their work departments are! Check them out!

Owner: @SaitamaGTOPM
The owner has complete control of the shop. They can create and edit posts, dismiss employees (probably never!), take orders, & more! Saitama specializes in project thumbnails, advertisements, intros & outros, setups, reviews, & more!

Gold Order Checker: Lily-Lavender
Order checkers look through the shop pages for unclaimed orders and inform the owner of them for them to be added to the Unclaimed Orders. Order checkers are crucial for the shop and help not only the staff but the whole shop. They can complete orders.

Advertiser: Kitkatz6040
Advertisers will advertise the shop and get it well-known amongst the other shops. Advertisers are a major part of the shop and are very important. Advertisers can complete orders.
Silver Coder, Artist, Reviewer: @SpaceMud
@SpaceMud, or Space for short, can take coding orders, art orders, & do reviews! They also offer sounds!

Silver Coder + Reviewer: @chickencurrymaster12
@chickencurrymaster12 can give suggestions, reviews, & make simple coding!

Silver Coder + More: @–cherrykitty–
@–cherrykitty– will give help with scripts, code games, & more just for you! They can also write amazing stories!

Silver Intro Maker: @penguin2008
@penguin2008, or penguin for short, can create intros for your projects!

Platinum Artist, Reviewer, Coder*: sea-glxss
sea-glxss, or Sakura, can draw anime/kawaii OCs & do reviews! They can also code some things & make profile pictures & Canva thumbnails!
*Employee specifically asked for Diamond rank shade & Platinum rank name.

Gold Artist + Reviewer: cactii–
cactii–, or Cacti for short, can do thumbnails, banners & reviews! They can also do profile pictures!

Platinum Artist + Coder + More: kccuber
kccuber can create banners, image signatures, profile pictures, code semi-complicated games, review shops, host images, give ideas, & do grammar checks!

Silver Reviewer + Formatter: DefeattheHuns
DefeattheHuns, or Damien for short, can do reviews of anything! They can also do shop, studio, and bio setups!

Gold Silver Coder + Idea Giver + Musician: Sciencemangoes
Sciencemangoes can do platform game coding and give ideas!

Diamond Coder + Artist + Reviewer: juniorclimber
juniorclimber can code scripts, create art, & review projects!

Gold Coder + Artist: szogye
szogye can code fun and amusing games! They can also create thumbnails & banners!

Silver Image Hoster + Coder: minecraftprox101
minecraftprox101 can code awesome creations & host images!

Silver Coder + Image Hoster: Ancoder
Ancoder can code breathtaking creations & host images!

Silver Coder: cabbage_2020
cabbage_2020, or Cabbage for short, can code impressive creations!

Silver Artist: tintin2479
tintin2479 can create magnificent art for platformers!

Silver Artist + Animator: timnaxo
timnaxo can design beautiful vector art and create backdrop animations (meaning no sprites)!

Worker Count: 19
Resigned / Fired / Removed Staff:
GINNYWEASLEY69 - Resigned.
ihackdacode - Removed (Account Deleted).
ComputerCole - Resigned.
scratchieguy12345678 - Resigned.
@charmander4782 - Resigned.

Activity Ranks:
- Very Active!
- Fairly Active!
- Active.
- Warned for Inactivity!
- On Vacation/Break.

Worker Ranks:
Silver - No orders completed yet.
Gold - 1 order completed.
Diamond - 2 orders completed.
Platinum - 3+ orders completed.
Palladium - 10+ orders completed.

To earn worker ranks, employees must show proof of a completed order containing everything asked for.

Staff members are free to join the Happy Shop Staff Studio.

Become a member of the team of happiness! Apply now!

See employee terms & rights here.

☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️

AboutFormsWhat We OfferPackagesJob CenterTermsPartnersUO

Last edited by SaitamaGTOPM (May 7, 2021 14:04:29)

1000+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

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Please read the terms thoroughly.
Everyone's Terms (Rules for everyone):
•Treat everyone with kindness and respect.
•No spamming. All unrelated posts and/or spam will be reported.
•No advertising without permission. All owner-unauthorized advertisements will be reported.
•No off-topic posts, meaning no posts unrelated to the shop. All off-topic posts will be reported.
•Keep the place clean & swear-free.
Order Terms:
•Make sure everything is understandable and clear.
•Make sure your deadline is reasonable if included.
•Your account MUST be 1 month old. This is to avoid alt accounts with fake orders.
•Do not abuse or rush employees, they are taking their time to make your order the best they can make it.
•Please, UNDERSTAND that we are human beings, with possibly different time zones. Your order might take some time to be taken and completed.
•Your order will not be accepted if it breaks the Scratch Community Guidelines in any way.
Worker Terms:
•Treat everyone with kindness and respect.
•ALWAYS read the terms, they might be updated.
•The maximum number of shops you can be working at is 3. This is to avoid inactivity in the shops.
•If finished with an order/package, make sure it's fully completed and contains everything asked for.
•Try your best to be active. Highly non-active workers will be warned about their activity. Activity checks might be held.
•Don't bump (Bring Up My Post) unnecessarily since the limit is 1 bump per day.
Include “Happiness” in your order/job form to make sure you read this pretty line.

Make sure to follow the rules! Rules are cool!

☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️

AboutFormsWhat We OfferPackagesJob CenterTermsPartnersUO

Last edited by SaitamaGTOPM (March 18, 2021 19:23:30)

500+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

Username? –cherrykitty–
What department(s) do you specialize in? (Art, Reviews, Coding, etc.) Coding
Any example(s)/experience of this? You could have a look at my projects on my PF
On a scale of 1-10, what is your activity? 2-3, just part time, I am taking leave from more and more shops. I would like to join, but I will not be too active
Any nicknames we could refer to you as? Just –cherrykitty–, but some call me cherrycat. I am fine with either.
1000+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

--cherrykitty-- wrote:

Username? –cherrykitty–
What department(s) do you specialize in? (Art, Reviews, Coding, etc.) Coding
Any example(s)/experience of this? You could have a look at my projects on my PF
On a scale of 1-10, what is your activity? 2-3, just part time, I am taking leave from more and more shops. I would like to join, but I will not be too active
Any nicknames we could refer to you as? Just –cherrykitty–, but some call me cherrycat. I am fine with either.

You're hired! We're happy to have you here, thank you for joining! You'll be added to the Job Center.

1000+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

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►What We Offer◄

Here in the Happy Shop, we offer a variety of products! They are shown below:

•Profile Picture
Get a profile picture for your account.
Work Department Employees: 2028chloell, cactii–, kccuber, charmander4782, ComputerCole.

•Project Thumbnail
Either custom-made or based on a template.
Work Department Employees: SaitamaGTOPM, charmander4782, 2028chloell, cactii–, szogye.

•Starter Project
Too lazy to make a project? We got you covered! Always based on two templates, ping pong & clicker.
Work Department Employees: SaitamaGTOPM, ihackdacode, chickencurrymaster12, –cherrykitty-, 2028chloell, kccuber, juniorclimber, szogye, Ancoder, ComputerCole.

•Intro (Projects)
Can be custom-made by staff or based on a template by the owner.
Work Department Employees: SaitamaGTOPM, penguin2008.

•Outro (Projects)
Always based on a template by the owner.
Work Department Employees: SaitamaGTOPM.

•Project Review & Feedback (Choose which: Graphics, Bugs & Glitches, Instructions + Notes & Credits)
See what you can improve and upgrade on your projects.
Work Department Employees: SaitamaGTOPM, SpaceMud, chickencurrymaster12, charmander4782, 2028chloell, cactii–, DefeattheHuns, ComputerCole.

•Studio Review & Feedback (Choose which: Thumbnail, Description + Grammar Mistakes)
See what you can improve on your thumbnail, description, & get notified of grammar mistakes.
Work Department Employees: SaitamaGTOPM, DefeattheHuns.

•Shop Review & Feedback (Front Page, Other Pages, Forms, Grammar)
See what you can improve on your shop's front page, other pages, forms, & grammar.
Work Department Employees: SaitamaGTOPM, kccuber, DefeattheHuns.

Taken from Youtube & converted.
Work Department Employees: SaitamaGTOPM, SpaceMud.

•Advertisements (Projects, Studios, Shops)
Get your projects, studios, and/or shops are known.
Work Department Employees: SaitamaGTOPM.

•Ideas (Projects)
Can't think of something to create? We got you covered.
Work Department Employees: SaitamaGTOPM, Sciencemangoes, kccuber.

•Setups (Studios, Profiles)
Get a template-based studio and/or profile setup by the owner or a setup of anything.
Work Department Employees: SaitamaGTOPM, DefeattheHuns, ComputerCole.

•Grammar Checks (Projects, Studios, Profiles, Shops)
See if there are any spelling/grammar errors in your creations.
Work Department Employees: SaitamaGTOPM, kccuber.

Colors, & Styling.
Work Department Employees: SaitamaGTOPM, kccuber, ComputerCole.

•Image Hosting
Get your images hosted on Scratch CDN2 or Assets.
Work Department Employees: kccuber, minecraftprox101, Ancoder.

•Forum Signatures
Get a forum signature customarily created by our trustworthy employees! Provide us with a short description about you in 2-3 sentences, 2-3 links to your best projects, 2-3 links to your best studios, & your favorite color (other than black).
Work Department Employees: SaitamaGTOPM.

•Image Signatures
Tired of text? Upgrade now with a cool image signature to replace it! Please provide us with the 4 or 5 images you want in it and the links that correspond with them.
Work Department Employees: kccuber.

If you need some more clarification on ANY product, don't hesitate to let us know.
If you are a staff and haven't been added in any of the work departments you specialize in or have been added to one you don't specialize in, let SaitamaGTOPM know.

We also offer packages! Check them out!

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AboutFormsWhat We OfferPackagesJob CenterTermsPartnersUO

Last edited by SaitamaGTOPM (April 9, 2021 20:50:44)

1000+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

B B U U M M M M P P !!
B B U U M M M M P P !!
B B U U M M M M P P !!

A bump is a post meant to bring a topic in the Scratch forums to the top of the forum, thus creating more activity on the said topic.
Credits to the Scratch Wiki.
100+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

Order Form
Username? SpaceMud
What product would you like? 2 pfp's, the first one: a cartoon-esc astronaut but instead of a head inside the helmet, its “SM”. second, just the “SM” astronaut helmet
Give a description on what the product is about. oops, i just put it above
Any links, if any? nah
Any deadlines, if any? i would like it to be done in at least a month
1000+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

SpaceMud wrote:

Order Form
Username? SpaceMud
What product would you like? 2 pfp's, the first one: a cartoon-esc astronaut but instead of a head inside the helmet, its “SM”. second, just the “SM” astronaut helmet
Give a description on what the product is about. oops, i just put it above
Any links, if any? nah
Any deadlines, if any? i would like it to be done in at least a month

Taken! Thank you for coming to the Happy Shop!
P.S.: You're our first order!

1000+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

SpaceMud wrote:

Order Form
Username? SpaceMud
What product would you like? 2 pfp's, the first one: a cartoon-esc astronaut but instead of a head inside the helmet, its “SM”. second, just the “SM” astronaut helmet
Give a description on what the product is about. oops, i just put it above
Any links, if any? nah
Any deadlines, if any? i would like it to be done in at least a month


Your profile pictures are now finished!
Here is the link to the project containing them:

Order Reviews are very appreciated, but optional.

We hope you come back again to the Happy Shop!

1000+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

B B U U M M M M P P !!
B B U U M M M M P P !!
B B U U M M M M P P !!

A bump is a post meant to bring a topic in the Scratch forums to the top of the forum, thus creating more activity on the said topic.
Credits to the Scratch Wiki.

Last edited by SaitamaGTOPM (Jan. 24, 2021 01:10:47)

1 post

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

i would like the new scratcher packege everything in the new scratcher package
New Scratcher
2 posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

Art Products:
•Profile Picture
•Project/Studio Thumbnail

sunflower themed please
1000+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

S_P_W_M wrote:

i would like the new scratcher packege everything in the new scratcher package

-svnflowers wrote:

Art Products:
•Profile Picture
•Project/Studio Thumbnail

sunflower themed please

Hello, fellow Scratchers! Welcome to the Happy Shop!
As you can see in the main post, there is a Forms section.
You can copy and paste the form you need to fill out, paste it, fill it, then post it, as they have information we will need to fulfill your orders.
Thank you!

100+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

This is a review from The Shop Review Master.

Front page: 9.5 / 10
I didn’t find anything bad, but it’s really good! Add a banner.

Other pages: 9 / 10
The forms could be in the quote. They look better then. The contents of the packages could also be quoted. Otherwise are good.

Test order:
Username? dude_master
What product would you like? (Project thumbnails, project/studio setups, reviews, etc.) Code
Give a description on what the product is about. I would like a code that draws a circle on the screen as quickly as possible.
Any links, if any? -
Any deadlines, if any? 1.2.2021
This text will change to green after I have received my order.

Service: 8 / 10
The service was friendly, but I would like you to indicate on your profile when you order is ready.

Quality: 8 / 10
I wish it was a perfect circle. Now it is uneven.

Generally: 9 / 10
have nothing to say in general but thank you when you order and you are welcome to do order in my shop again!
Please fill the review form:
Shop reviewed:
Who did it?
Was this what you wanted? (Be honest!):
Was the service fast?
Was it constructive?
Do you recommend?
Overall rating 1 - 10:

Last edited by dude_master (Jan. 25, 2021 13:04:02)

1000+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

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Can't find your desired product here? These shops might have it!

Want to partner up with the Happy Shop? Fill out the partnership form in the Forms section!
Your shop must have a banner. If you don't have one, you can go to my friend, Albraa60, & ask them to make you one!

☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️ ☀️ ☁️

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Last edited by SaitamaGTOPM (May 4, 2021 14:57:25)

1000+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️


Last edited by SaitamaGTOPM (Feb. 3, 2021 22:37:40)

100+ posts

☀️ ☁️ ► Happy Shop ▪ Closed Until Further Notice. ◄ ☁️ ☀️

Order Form
Username? SpaceMud
What product would you like? shop setup
Give a description on what the product is about. i need help setting up my shop
Any links, if any? https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/28200403/
Any deadlines, if any? nah, but the sooner the better

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