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  • » Ore OS|| The First "True" Operating System On Scratch|| We are hiring ||Experienced Scratchers and Designers Needed|| [RSS Feed]
18 posts

Ore OS|| The First "True" Operating System On Scratch|| We are hiring ||Experienced Scratchers and Designers Needed||

Lmao, cool project but I'm wondering about my os

(with 5 programming languages, programmable applications, moveable and overlapping windows, the entire internet with the ability to send files and requests to other users, a relatively robust application language and hopefully 3d support soon. I might have to say that this isn't the first since I started this in the early pandemic but this project sounds epic)

is there a way to run wav files from a length of text? or have some kind of proprietary sound file type? Since you are likely going to run into this problem too I thought I might as well ask…

I wanted to add a now-playing API like apple's devices since my long-time goal for this is to watch a full-length movie completely contained within the os with my own file types and everything, NO CHEATING. Considering the whole thing is now completely pen including the text (all but the background) I think I'm about halfway there.

By the way, proof: https://burning-scale-studios.itch.io/origin-os
Yes, I made it using scratch but it runs through the turbo warp packager

Thanks!, Mist
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  • » Ore OS|| The First "True" Operating System On Scratch|| We are hiring ||Experienced Scratchers and Designers Needed|| [RSS Feed]

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