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Lila || The ideal sister

My entry for the SWC writing contest, written in 3 hours.

Ashley Wilson
897 Willow Court
Glenwood Springs
14th October 2020

Dear Ms. Adoption lady at the orphanage,

I think we should adopt Lila Ramsey because she would make a great sister.
She is kind and loving, not to mention funny, poetic, sportsy, and friendly. Lila would be a great addition to our family. And since John left, we have an extra of everything. Everything would be better with a sister! I wouldn’t have to bug my parents so much, she could help me when I’m feeling sad, and be my friend. Besides, since she’s 3 years older than me, she could teach me about life, and the world. This is why I think Lila would be the ideal sister. Please reply soon!
-Ashley Wilson

Lila Ramsey
The Orphanage
Glenwood Springs
15th October 2020
Dear Ashley,

I do not want to be adopted, thank you very much. I’m quite happy at the orphanage. So please stop messing with my life. I’ve been at the orphanage since I was two, and I’m not leaving because of a little seven-year-old wanting a big sister. AND I AM NOT TEN, I’M 12!!!
Increasingly mad,

Ashley Wilson
897 Willow Court
Glenwood Springs
16th October 2020
Dear Lila,

I think that was kinda rude. Do you? I think you would be happier at my house. You could have John’s room! He was a nice guy until he left with that girl. Also, I will be very sad if you don’t come. Also have you ever seen a SEAL!? They are the most amazing animals on the planet!!! I promise John’s room is nice. Other than the stinky boy smell, and the socks everywhere, and the pizza crusts, and- oops. I shouldn’t have told you that, should I?
Yours in seals,

Lila Ramsey
The Orphanage
Glenwood Springs
18th October 2020
Dear Ashley,

I have never seen a seal. I have seen an octopus! I love octopuses… What about you? Hey… I’m supposed to be grumpy!!! I’m always grumpy! Unless It’s pasta night… AAA how am I not grumpy anymore!!!
Increasingly frustratedly yours,

Ashley Wilson
897 Willow Court
Glenwood Springs
19th October 2020
Dear Lila,

We should go to the zoo together! I’m free on Friday! Please please, please? If you come you can have pasta when we go home… And there are octopuses…

Pleadingly yours,

Lila Ramsey
The Orphanage
Glenwood Springs
21st October 2020

Dear Ashley,
FINE. I’ll come. But only for the noodles. See you at 3!
Noodily yours,

Ashley Wilson
897 Willow Court
Glenwood Springs
31st October 2020

Dear future sister,
EEEEEE!! We’re gonna be sisters!!! I’m so excited!!! We’re gonna adopt you in 2 weeks! Happy Halloween also! I dresseded up as a SEAL!!! What about you?

Dear actual adoptive sister,
We’re sisters! Yay! I dressed up as Frankenstein's bride. Also, I’m writing to you from John’s bedroom.

Dear lazypants,
Just walk the 5 feet to my door!!! Now you’re just wasting paper!!!

Dear artsy-fartsy,
Look who’s talking! You draw like 14 seals a day! Not to mention you’re writing notes too.

Dear Lila and Ashley,

Dear Mom,
Okay, okay, we get it,

Dear Lila,

December 20, 2022

Dear Ashley,
I’m sorry that you had to leave this earth before you were ready. I’m sorry that I didn’t look both ways before crossing the street. This is all my fault. I hope the afterlife is better than you imagined, and your grandma and grandpa are there to greet you. I miss you so much. You didn’t deserve to die. It’s not your fault you wanted to save the turtle.
Love times a billion,

September 24, 2023
Dear Ashley,
Today was my first day of high school. I still miss you. I wish you could come with me. Some girls bullied me about crying when the teacher said we’d be studying the adoption process. I know I should let go, but I miss you so much. Mom didn’t speak to anyone for a month after you died, and Dad talked endlessly, mostly about you. Now we take the long way to the zoo, so we don’t have to cross that street. The school is so big. It takes 15 minutes to walk from one end to the other. I need to go now.

December 24, 2023
Dear Ashley,
We decorated the Christmas tree without you. I tried to put up your seal ornament, but mom said to take it down. I put it in my room, next to all of our photos together. I miss you so much. Ninth grade is getting better. I made a friend! Her name is Shona, and she loves seals almost as much as you do. She also likes octopuses, like me.

The End

1000+ posts

Lila || The ideal sister

i- this is so good- i hope you win!

eevee for the thing B)

83 posts

Lila || The ideal sister

Mydoggiedaisy wrote:

i- this is so good- i hope you win!
Awwww, thanks! Your story was really good too!

3 posts

Lila || The ideal sister

This is so good! I'm not doing SWC rn, but I love this!
83 posts

Lila || The ideal sister

pens-and-papers wrote:

This is so good! I'm not doing SWC rn, but I love this!
Thanks! It means a lot to me!

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