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4 posts

False Reporting

Edit: I do realize that this does sound like me trying to ban evade… I did not mean for it to look like that…

I am also sorry for using another account to get past the ban; I could've done some stuff better… and if anything i deserve a longer ban for doing that. I will put the same restrictions on my alts as my main (besides editing my about me, or following, or looking at my mains comments)

Unedited False Reporting Suggestion Down

Hello! I'm spocite, and recently I have gotten banned from using scratch (until October 26)

(currently I am getting around the ban with alternate accounts)

I am suggesting that you be able mark a ban as a false report, as my ban was a bunch of false reports, such as these:

The new BFMPP thing is here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/439899774/ (just tell me if you don't want me to keep updating you…….)

Yes, an outsider may see that as an advert, but I was simply notifying them about my BFMPP was out and that they could now vote on it. (I only sent the link to the contestants competing, I see the confusion)

I also have other false reports, such as

my credit card is XXX-XXX-XXXX

Which isn't even the correct format of a credit card; I was just trying to play around

Most of my reports are actually false reports such as this; so a way to mark them as false would be incredibly useful!

It is also really easy to tell the ban is automatically performed (mostly) when you reach a certain number of reports (how long depending on how bad the bot thinks it is) as I still have access to my secondary accounts

Thanks, spocite.

Last edited by spocite2 (Oct. 24, 2020 18:38:45)

1000+ posts

False Reporting

Please don't ban evade, I think it can get you banned longer
How can you mark a ban as a false report, if the mods knew it was a false report, why would they mark it as that and then ban you
If it;'s the users that get banned get to mark it as a false report, everyone would do that to get away with breaking the CGs

Did the ban-thing say you were automatically banned
If a mod physically banned you the it wasn't false
1000+ posts

False Reporting

Please do not go around bans as that is ban evading. Leave this account immediately or your account will be banned longer. Use Contact Us.
1000+ posts

False Reporting

spocite2 wrote:

…(until October 26)
It's two days. Clearly you can wait.

Last edited by sportfan999 (Oct. 24, 2020 18:29:07)

4 posts

False Reporting

Ok I kinda wish I could delete posts now…
1000+ posts

False Reporting

spocite2 wrote:

Ok I kinda wish I could delete posts now…
Click “edit” and delete everything, then write “deleted” and submit the edit.
1000+ posts

False Reporting

1. that is advertising, it's advertising your contest
2.ST doesn't want to risk letting out personal information
3.the only way to mark things as false is to review them and ST does that
4. working around a ban with a second account will just extend your ban

edit: oh wow I spent so long typing that there were already 5 posts lol

Last edited by portalpower (Oct. 24, 2020 18:32:50)

4 posts

False Reporting

sportfan999 wrote:

spocite2 wrote:

…(until October 26)
It's two days. Clearly you can wait.

I know that. A lot of people have commented “don't ban evade” and as I see there point, I am not trying to get out of my ban. I probably could've made some better choices with wording and links and stuff…

I just would like a feature so other scratchers don't have to deal with fake reports
4 posts

False Reporting

portalpower wrote:

1. that is advertising
2.ST doesn't want to risk letting out personal information
3.the only way to mark things as false is to review them and ST does that
4. working around a ban with a second account will just extend your ban

edit: oh wow I spent so long typing that there were already 5 posts lol

Oh yeah i could've worded that better I sent the links of the Profile Picture Battle only to the contestants;
1000+ posts

False Reporting

spocite2 wrote:

Edit: I do realize that this does sound like me trying to ban evade… I did not mean for it to look like that…
Just being on the account you're on is ban evasion, which is a permanent-ban-able offense.
1000+ posts

False Reporting

ST receives millions of reports a day (I think) so they just skim over the things reported, you can use contact us if you think that something was false reported
1000+ posts

False Reporting

portalpower wrote:

ST receives millions of reports a day (I think) so they just skim over the things reported, you can use contact us if you think that something was false reported
I don't think millions, but definitely thousands.
edit: ninja'd by fdreerf

Last edited by sportfan999 (Oct. 24, 2020 19:12:34)

1000+ posts

False Reporting

portalpower wrote:

ST receives millions of reports a day (I think) so they just skim over the things reported, you can use contact us if you think that something was false reported
There's only a little over one million monthly active users. Millions of reports is completely unfeasible to manage, I'd say there's only around 1000-5000 reports a day.
1000+ posts

False Reporting

fdreerf wrote:

portalpower wrote:

ST receives millions of reports a day (I think) so they just skim over the things reported, you can use contact us if you think that something was false reported
There's only a little over one million monthly active users. Millions of reports is completely unfeasible to manage, I'd say there's only around 1000-5000 reports a day.
6 posts

False Reporting

portalpower wrote:

1. that is advertising, it's advertising your contest -snip-
it is and isn't.
It is if the person didn't ask to be notified.
It isn't if the person did ask to be notified.

That is usually mistaken for a not allowed ad.

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