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3 posts

The saving bug

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Chrome 86.0.4240.75, No Flash version detected

Dear scratchers,
whenever I am trying to save my project It's just loading and loading I have tried many ways like refreshing my page, decreasing my sound file, removing the default pop sound from all the sprites, restarting my laptop and decreasing some scripts but still it's not saving and I just want to add coins in my game called “The Snow - A Platformer Game” and whenever I tried to add coins it's not saving and when I tried to remove the coins sprite and changed the sound then it saved so can anyone explain me what's the problem when I am adding the coins sprite and there is no limit of sprites in scratch please help me.

thanks and regards.

by @Alex_legends

500+ posts

The saving bug

you can do 2 things

1. download the project

2. click the see project page button and it should force it to save

if neither work, I don't know what to tell you.

maneksha0583 wrote:

Thank you guys!!! much appreciated, Also, you should try Taco Bell @latin_gamerX
3 posts

The saving bug

I tried it but it didn't saved but when I created the coins sprite in the original game it saved(I create another copy of my games so I can do updates in it and upload to the original game) now it saved but I still not understand what was the problem in it because i just uploaded the save game with coins in my original project then it was not saving but when I create the coins sprite in the original project it saved

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