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13 posts

Messages glitch

@LittleWildHeart found comments from tomorrow, a few days ago.
1000+ posts

Messages glitch

rdgscratch wrote:

@LittleWildHeart found comments from tomorrow, a few days ago.
That’s because their time is off probably and not the correct date

But I think should be closed do reporting

Do you like dogs?
I'm a 12 year old girl who spends most of her time on scratch on the forums.I like Warrior Cats, Percy Jackson, and WW2 books.I love music and I like AJR, BoyWithUke, And Hamilton.

you'll mostly see me in Suggestions, Questions About Scratch, and a little in Bugs And Glitches.I'm also in Things I'm Reading And Playing a little bit.i might be in Warrior Cats and School Computers

remix this with what color you think would be good for scratch’s dark mode!/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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