Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

these are gary and bob
gary will protect me from the evil kumqauts
and bob will help reform the evil kumqauts

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100+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

Employee Application Form
Username: @Lasted10
prefered pronouns (so we know how to reference you): Him/he
How active are you (1-10): 9/10
Your work examples: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/447928456/
Experience on other shops: None
Are you following our topic: Yes
Why you should be chosen: I should be chosen because I am a creative Scratcher.
have you read the rules: Yes
100+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

these are gary and bob
gary will protect me from the evil kumqauts
and bob will help reform the evil kumqauts

project showcase:
100+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

Lasted10 wrote:

Employee Application Form
Username: @Lasted10
prefered pronouns (so we know how to reference you): Him/he
How active are you (1-10): 9/10
Your work examples: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/447928456/
Experience on other shops: None
Are you following our topic: Yes
Why you should be chosen: I should be chosen because I am a creative Scratcher.
have you read the rules: Yes

these are gary and bob
gary will protect me from the evil kumqauts
and bob will help reform the evil kumqauts

project showcase:
100+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

Chewyblockguy wrote:

Lasted10 wrote:

Employee Application Form
Username: @Lasted10
prefered pronouns (so we know how to reference you): Him/he
How active are you (1-10): 9/10
Your work examples: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/447928456/
Experience on other shops: None
Are you following our topic: Yes
Why you should be chosen: I should be chosen because I am a creative Scratcher.
have you read the rules: Yes
Do we have any forms yet?
100+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

these are gary and bob
gary will protect me from the evil kumqauts
and bob will help reform the evil kumqauts

project showcase:
100+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

Lasted10 wrote:

Chewyblockguy wrote:

Lasted10 wrote:

Employee Application Form
Username: @Lasted10
prefered pronouns (so we know how to reference you): Him/he
How active are you (1-10): 9/10
Your work examples: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/447928456/
Experience on other shops: None
Are you following our topic: Yes
Why you should be chosen: I should be chosen because I am a creative Scratcher.
have you read the rules: Yes
Do we have any forms yet?
yeah we do

these are gary and bob
gary will protect me from the evil kumqauts
and bob will help reform the evil kumqauts

project showcase:
1000+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

prefered pronouns (so we know how to reference you):him/he
How active are you (1-10):8
Your work examples : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/466430399/
Experience on other shops:Yes , In Retro 2.0 Shop and from (8.5)
Are you following our topic:Yes
Why you should be chosen:I Love Making Art For Games…And think some of the art i make is pretty good…and sometimes good And i Like
Helping others with their code , art , and everything!
have you read the rules:Yes
Other: scratchy scratch

Last edited by Albraa60 (Dec. 24, 2020 08:09:59)

Albraa60 is not here for you; he left the forums.

100+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

Albraa60 wrote:

prefered pronouns (so we know how to reference you):A60
How active are you (1-10):8
Your work examples : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/466430399/
Experience on other shops:Yes , In Retro 2.0 Shop and from (8.5)
Are you following our topic:Yes
Why you should be chosen:I Love Making Art For Games…And think some of the art i make is pretty good…and sometimes good And i Like
Helping others with their code , art , and everything!
have you read the rules:Yes

sorry you need the codeword please re-read the rules

these are gary and bob
gary will protect me from the evil kumqauts
and bob will help reform the evil kumqauts

project showcase:
500+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

500+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

100+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

Username: legendscroll
What do you need? (Thumbnail, profile, banner, sprite, backdrop, or help with scripts): music
Description (colours, images etc.): horror piano music
Due date: whenever u can
Who do you want to do your order? (optional): someone who knows what they're doing
Are you following this thread? (optional): yes
would you like to sign up for our weekly newsletter (recieve updates and notices via weekly comments on your profile): yes
timezone (optional): EST

Mind Mansion! My new up and coming horror game!

1000+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}


Last edited by Albraa60 (Dec. 25, 2020 08:21:05)

Albraa60 is not here for you; he left the forums.

500+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

500+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

500+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

500+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

500+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

1000+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

Username: redguy7
What do you need? (Thumbnail, profile, banner, sprite, backdrop, or help with scripts): review
Description (colours, images etc.): review my shop, perfect pearls, link in siggy
Due date: asap
Who do you want to do your order? (optional): idc
Are you following this thread? (optional):no
would you like to sign up for our weekly newsletter (recieve updates and notices via weekly comments on your profile):sure
timezone (optional):us ct

see me here where I make nono word and other junk

Please set a status at Ocular by clicking the below image, to make @Jeffalo happy! #OcularStatusesTo1k

left scratch

found me!
100+ posts

the scratch inside us now open and ready for orders shop now {open again}

RedGuy7 wrote:

Username: redguy7
What do you need? (Thumbnail, profile, banner, sprite, backdrop, or help with scripts): review
Description (colours, images etc.): review my shop, perfect pearls, link in siggy
Due date: asap
Who do you want to do your order? (optional): idc
Are you following this thread? (optional):no
would you like to sign up for our weekly newsletter (recieve updates and notices via weekly comments on your profile):sure
timezone (optional):us ct

these are gary and bob
gary will protect me from the evil kumqauts
and bob will help reform the evil kumqauts

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