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Replying/posing a comment on a taken down project?

I'm not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but I managed to get replies and posting comments working on a project taken down by ST (why do I keep finding bugs when this happens?!). I was mashing the “Share” button before it was overlapped, trying to see if I could re-create the reshare glitch, and then comments were available. Not that I could post or reply to anything, but I managed to make that happen and recreate it several times. Here is a photo:

If the photo doesn't show up I'll try to fix it.

My browser / operating system: Ubuntu Linux, Firefox 79.0, No Flash version detected

Update on Paddle2See's Asian Spring Rolls are in this link. Also, here's a lonely MAP. Scroll down to see the rest of my siggy.

B7_ Wrote:

Say you get a banana. BUT the person who gave you the banana says you can't take a picture of it and use a 3D printer to get another one. You do anyway, and so the person takes away your banana and also the copy of your banana. Then, later, they feel sorry for you and give your banana back, but they forget to give the copy of your banana back. Is it then logical to presume that since they only gave you one banana back, you may not use that banana? No. It's not.

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