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New Scratcher
6 posts

Chinese Scratchers Can not Visit the scratch.mit.edu!!!

Hello,I'm a Chinese Scratcher. I love scratch very much.
But these days, a news media says the scratch.mit.edu has Anti-Chinese contents!!
and later,This video is playing more and more
then,The official website was walled.
we can not visit it!!!
Before, we could access directly, but now we must open vpn to access!!
That's too bad!!!
Please delete the bad content and contact the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China.
then,we can visit it again.
Please!!!!!!!!That's very important!!!!
that video:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Gf4y19773
may be my English isn't well , but plaese help us!
1000+ posts

Chinese Scratchers Can not Visit the scratch.mit.edu!!!

Anti-China content is not “bad content”. Everyone should have rights to politely criticize any country.
That said, downloadable version can still be used, and I am sure Scratch Team cares free speech more than 3 million users.

署名は、ディスカッションフォーラムの機能である。署名は、その人のすべての投稿の下部に追加される。署名は、BBCodeで記述できる。 署名を追加/変更/削除したい場合は、ディスカッションフォーラムのホームの一番下に行き、「Change your signature」を押す。署名の大きさは150pxまでである。これには、改行、画像を含む。- Japanese Scratch-Wiki 「署名
New Scratcher
6 posts

Chinese Scratchers Can not Visit the scratch.mit.edu!!!

apple502j wrote:

Anti-China content is not “bad content”. Everyone should have rights to politely criticize any country.
That said, downloadable version can still be used, and I am sure Scratch Team cares free speech more than 3 million users.
yes,but i think free speech isn't good
1000+ posts

Chinese Scratchers Can not Visit the scratch.mit.edu!!!

Duplicate: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/431287/

I've moved on to Snap!. Click here to learn more. No, it's not a joke.
1000+ posts

Chinese Scratchers Can not Visit the scratch.mit.edu!!!

By Using Scratch, you agree to the Terms of Use, which says:

Terms of Use wrote:

3.1 The Scratch Team supports freedom of expression.

署名は、ディスカッションフォーラムの機能である。署名は、その人のすべての投稿の下部に追加される。署名は、BBCodeで記述できる。 署名を追加/変更/削除したい場合は、ディスカッションフォーラムのホームの一番下に行き、「Change your signature」を押す。署名の大きさは150pxまでである。これには、改行、画像を含む。- Japanese Scratch-Wiki 「署名
New Scratcher
6 posts

Chinese Scratchers Can not Visit the scratch.mit.edu!!!

apple502j wrote:

By Using Scratch, you agree to the Terms of Use, which says:

Terms of Use wrote:

3.1 The Scratch Team supports freedom of expression.
ok Sorry i was wrong
100+ posts

Chinese Scratchers Can not Visit the scratch.mit.edu!!!


Last edited by Anoosh_ (Aug. 15, 2020 04:47:06)

rule #1: the beatles are better than any band you can imagine

rule #2: i do f4f
rule #3: grammar/proper english isnt my thing tbh
New Scratcher
2 posts

Chinese Scratchers Can not Visit the scratch.mit.edu!!!

apple502j wrote:

Anti-China content is not “bad content”. Everyone should have rights to politely criticize any country.
That said, downloadable version can still be used, and I am sure Scratch Team cares free speech more than 3 million users.
Are you sure it's polite criticism? Please know what politeness is first.
100+ posts

Chinese Scratchers Can not Visit the scratch.mit.edu!!!

VPNs can hack into other countries servers and its not legal i think

shift down
you are looking at my siggy
Scratch <– Click if you dont know the link to scratch.mit.edu
My profile <– Useful portal! Don't need to type in my personal page.
Come to the Chill shop! <– My shop. Only text sadly.
this took a long time for the rainbow colours and stuff
Join the Woah army

r ::list
a ::variables
r ::control
e ::operators
s ::sensing
c ::motion
r ::looks
a ::sound
t ::none BOII
c ::list
h ::variables
2 ::control
! ::operators
1000+ posts

Chinese Scratchers Can not Visit the scratch.mit.edu!!!

_RareScratch2_ wrote:

VPNs can hack into other countries servers and its not legal i think
It's legal, but all the VPN providers that work (except for some) in China are banned.
And they don't hack into servers, they just use some servers that are owned by the VPN providers to do it.
I don't use an VPN, I use something else, and it's better than an VPN.

its been a while
1000+ posts

Chinese Scratchers Can not Visit the scratch.mit.edu!!!

flypeople wrote:

apple502j wrote:

Anti-China content is not “bad content”. Everyone should have rights to politely criticize any country.
That said, downloadable version can still be used, and I am sure Scratch Team cares free speech more than 3 million users.
Are you sure it's polite criticism? Please know what politeness is first.
I don't think you know what polite/constructive criticism is.
Constructive criticism is helpful, especially on projects, something like:

Scratcher A wrote:

I think this can be improved on. I can see that you have the potential to make this a really good project, but I think more effort can be put in to it. Overall, good, but there's more room for improvement.
But what's NOT constructive criticism is this:

Scratcher B wrote:

Which would you feel like would help you, Scratcher A or Scratcher B?
That's what constructive criticism is.

I've moved on to Snap!. Click here to learn more. No, it's not a joke.
100+ posts

Chinese Scratchers Can not Visit the scratch.mit.edu!!!

We are not gonna give into a country those government is highly totalitarian, civilians are fine, government sucks

] onene dayy i was lke PLAYING SUPER MRIO 64! and then i went up to get a CAN OF MT NDEW BAJA BLAST!!! after i startded 2 play garry mod and then i relaized THE CANADIAN FLAG I ORDERED FROM AMAZON ARRIVED OMG!! i waas soo happy but there wasz a peter ggriffifin dol in it? (UM LEL?) I THREW THE DOLL INTO GARBAG AND WALKED INTSO MY HOUS WITH COOL FLAG ( aftder datt i went 2 my bed to listen 2 82nd All the Way BY sabaooton but IT WAS LOWER PITCHED i said “o wow funny!!” and then all of a sudden… PETER GRIFFIN IS AT MY WINDOW?!??! peter griffin go int omy hous and then thrw MY FRIDGE INTO THE BLENDER =AAA hi lanaa AND THEN HE TOOK MY TABLE BRAWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

suddenlly CONDUCTO from a HAT IN TIME BLEW peter tru the window and the end?? wow??
1000+ posts

Chinese Scratchers Can not Visit the scratch.mit.edu!!!

I proposed regional censorship, in which if the site detects the user to be in China, they block content in accordance with policy, but they said it wasn't possible.

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