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Please, Please, PLEASE Up the Clone Limit!!

I know why the clone limit is there but many projects need more than 301 clones; for instance, I used to have 25 x 25 worlds in my Smiley Creations but, due to the clone limit of 301, I will have to go for another, more complex, method

Gaza101: retired member of the Scratch 2.0 Transition Team

1000+ posts

Please, Please, PLEASE Up the Clone Limit!!

Don't know exactly what you're doing, but if not all of them are moving around all the time, it might be worth trying to stamp some of them. Stamping is quicker anyway.

Does the clone limit of 300 apply to each sprite individually? (i.e. you can create 300 of one sprite and 300 of another at the same time.)
Or does it apply globally? (i.e. you can only have a sum total of 300 clones across all sprites.)

I've never checked which of those it is, but if the former, then I guess you could maybe use multiple sprites for now, that are basically duplicates…?

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1000+ posts

Please, Please, PLEASE Up the Clone Limit!!

It would be cool if you could set the limit yourself, because my browser crashes if there are more than 200 (?) clones

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500+ posts

Please, Please, PLEASE Up the Clone Limit!!

Yeah, you can CREATE more sprites then 301! I am planning in the future making a game that requires more than 301 clones. I thought creating an infinite number was the point!

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Please, Please, PLEASE Up the Clone Limit!!

Scratch12300 wrote:

Yeah, you can CREATE more sprites then 301! I am planning in the future making a game that requires more than 301 clones. I thought creating an infinite number was the point!
An infinite number will crash the player. We've even seen browsers crashing at clone number below 300. Given the limitations, 300 is a pretty big number to cap off clone creation.

Sadly, my forum signature was eaten by an evil kumquat.
1000+ posts

Please, Please, PLEASE Up the Clone Limit!!

You just can't have more than 300 clones “alive” at one time. If you don't need a clone, delete it until you need it again.

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