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2 posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

When I wanted to make an account so I can follow random people, It said it is not allowed. Please update it ST! And also, I am the one following. I never ask for followers.
when green flag clicked
say [IM NOT THE ONE ASKING FOR FOLLOWERS] for (1000000000) secs

Last edited by HarryPotterSTUFF123 (July 30, 2020 06:27:44)

1000+ posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

This is to prevent follow all accounts, which are not allowed as accounts with the sole purpose of following people falls under Manipulating site statistics I believe spam, and thats against the guidelines,

Last edited by ThatOneWeirdDude (July 30, 2020 13:27:52)

2 posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

ThatOneWeirdDude wrote:

This is to prevent follow all accounts, which are not allowed as accounts with the sole purpose of following people falls under Manipulating site statistics I believe, and thats against the ToS
Ohhh. Thanks!
1000+ posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

They are NOT manipulating the site statistics, but they are spam. I report each one of follow all accounts

“Everything in the universe is either an apple or not an apple”
-a smart guy
1000+ posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

to prevent manipulative follow-me schemes.

psst! Hit ctrl + shift + down to see the rest!

Anyways hi, I'm SK

I've been on this site since I was 10 years old. I am currently 15

I have a major addiction to sweet tea and draw a crap ton of stuff in my free time (not all of which is scratch appropriate). I post whatever I want to on the main site and mostly manage the collaborations directory and answer questions in QaS on the forums

I have over 2000 posts lol, a huge chunk of them being from when I was 11-12 during the height of COVID

If by any chance the post you''re reading is from early 2021 or before, please forget that post exists since it is cringey

This is Kimikat.
She protecc my siggy, and has been since 2020
500+ posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

Scratch doesn't allow follow accounts. It must think that “follow account” may mean that you go and get 999999999999999 followers, not it's an account.


when a member of the scratch team :: events :: hat
if <sees "follow account" :: looks > then
think [that's an account to get a bunch of followers]

The Question Mark Glitch
Sometimes in the editor, your costumes become gray question marks. If this happens, reload. If this happens, X-out the tab and DO NOT SAVE, EDIT, OR SEE INSIDE or the question mark will be permanent.
14 posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

Scratch isn't for fame, but when a username has the word follow in it, it's normally for fame. I think that's why the word follow isn't allowed in usernames.

Za-Chary wrote:

singing is amazing, but no one is confident enough to do it, and that is a shame
1000+ posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

to prevent some certain types of scamming.

[Removed - please keep it all-ages]

Last edited by Harakou (Sept. 21, 2020 02:08:07)

psst! Hit ctrl + shift + down to see the rest!

Anyways hi, I'm SK

I've been on this site since I was 10 years old. I am currently 15

I have a major addiction to sweet tea and draw a crap ton of stuff in my free time (not all of which is scratch appropriate). I post whatever I want to on the main site and mostly manage the collaborations directory and answer questions in QaS on the forums

I have over 2000 posts lol, a huge chunk of them being from when I was 11-12 during the height of COVID

If by any chance the post you''re reading is from early 2021 or before, please forget that post exists since it is cringey

This is Kimikat.
She protecc my siggy, and has been since 2020
1000+ posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

This is to prevent “follow all” accounts, which can manipulate Scratch's statistics. It is said in the Term Of Use, which everyone agreed when one made accounts.

Term Of Use 3.5.5 wrote:

You agree not to use Scratch in any way intended to disrupt the service, gain unauthorized access to the service, or interfere with any other user's ability to use the service. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:
Using alternate accounts or organizing voting groups to manipulate site statistics, such as purposely trying to get on the “What the Community is Loving/Remixing” rows of the front page.

Planning on coming back soon.
1000+ posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

Byron_Inc wrote:

This is to prevent “follow all” accounts, which can manipulate Scratch's statistics. It is said in the Term Of Use, which everyone agreed when one made accounts.

Term Of Use 3.5.5 wrote:

You agree not to use Scratch in any way intended to disrupt the service, gain unauthorized access to the service, or interfere with any other user's ability to use the service. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:
Using alternate accounts or organizing voting groups to manipulate site statistics, such as purposely trying to get on the “What the Community is Loving/Remixing” rows of the front page.
They're not banned because of Manipulating Site Statistics, they're banned because they're considered spam.
They're still banned though, nonetheless.

Last edited by Bluebatstar (Sept. 21, 2020 15:38:00)

500+ posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

Wait I'm confused about how this is manipulating the site statistics… There isn't any section for “most followed” so follows don't actually affect the stats!

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
- Psalm 46:1 <3
New Scratcher
5 posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

willowmint- wrote:

Wait I'm confused about how this is manipulating the site statistics… There isn't any section for “most followed” so follows don't actually affect the stats!
Much agree. I doesn't think it many manipulate site statistics, but rather just really spam. also annoying.

I am -Exphire-
1000+ posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

willowmint- wrote:

Wait I'm confused about how this is manipulating the site statistics… There isn't any section for “most followed” so follows don't actually affect the stats!
That's correct. The “free follow” accounts are banned because they're just plain spam. We don't really want to encourage that Scratch and followers are all about the numbers.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

my notebook | scratch team essay | accessibility essay
500+ posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

Za-Chary wrote:

willowmint- wrote:

Wait I'm confused about how this is manipulating the site statistics… There isn't any section for “most followed” so follows don't actually affect the stats!
That's correct. The “free follow” accounts are banned because they're just plain spam. We don't really want to encourage that Scratch and followers are all about the numbers.
Oh okay, thank you!

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
- Psalm 46:1 <3
100+ posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

It is not allowed for multiple reasons:
  • To stop free follow accounts
  • So that people cannot ask others to follow their main through their username
  • To prevent people from using a username that asks others to unfollow someone else (also why new usernames cannot contain ‘hate’)
1 post

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

well i think its cause you can just put f4f pleez
1000+ posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

CodeLearnerSai wrote:

It is not allowed for multiple reasons:
  • To stop free follow accounts
  • So that people cannot ask others to follow their main through their username
  • To prevent people from using a username that asks others to unfollow someone else (also why new usernames cannot contain ‘hate’)

dragoanimator111 wrote:

well i think its cause you can just put f4f pleez
Don't necropost, necroposting is posting on old, abandoned topics. As you can see this topic is from 2020.

Ask yourself, if you were hacked and lost hours, upon hours of work, would you regret not having a strong password that only takes 5 minutes to make?

Is it time to update your password? Here are some tips to make a strong password:

Length: The longer the password, the stronger it is. A password that is at least 12 characters long.
Complexity: Combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols to make it harder to crack.
Uniqueness: Don't use easily guessable information like your name, address, or date of birth. Also, avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.
Passphrases: A phrase made up of random words, numbers, and symbols, as these can be easier to remember but still secure.
Randomness: Use a random password generator to create a unique and unpredictable password.
Regular updates: Regularly change your passwords to stay ahead of potential security threats.

Remember, the goal is to create a password that is strong, unique, and difficult for others to guess.

I would estimate more than 40% of scratchers have passwords that are hard to guess by a human, but easy to guess by a computer. You never know if today would be the day you lose everything.

Even if just one person was saved from losing hours and hours of work, my mission is accomplished.
1000+ posts

Why is the username's with the word follow are not allowed?

CodeLearnerSai wrote:

It is not allowed for multiple reasons:
  • To stop free follow accounts
  • So that people cannot ask others to follow their main through their username
  • To prevent people from using a username that asks others to unfollow someone else (also why new usernames cannot contain ‘hate’)
Please don't necropost! Thank in advance!

*Everyone is an alien somewhere*

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