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- » ⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
- lovecodeabc
1000+ posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
i have python & css experienceWe have a lot of scratch employees currently and we are not looking to hire anymore. However, we would like some python css work so if you have anymore projects and such on those topics we would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! My application
100+ posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
Well, I am working on Hmm should we add a place where we can see code scripts so we don’t need to tell a person.openly, and when its finished it should allow just that.
- PopularOnScratch
100+ posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
Order Form
Username: POS_tutor_
What type of thing do you need (e.g. Scratch or Art) (you can find all of our services here): A banner for my shop
Describe what you need created: It should have 2 scratch cats on each side and should be saying ScratchCat shop with white text
Deadline (please use dd/mm/yyyy): 28/11/2020
Do you need a specialist to complete your order: Your choice
Have you read section 1 of the Terms and Conditions: Yes
Are you following the discussion: Yes
Additional notes:
Username: POS_tutor_
What type of thing do you need (e.g. Scratch or Art) (you can find all of our services here): A banner for my shop
Describe what you need created: It should have 2 scratch cats on each side and should be saying ScratchCat shop with white text
Deadline (please use dd/mm/yyyy): 28/11/2020
Do you need a specialist to complete your order: Your choice
Have you read section 1 of the Terms and Conditions: Yes
Are you following the discussion: Yes
Additional notes:
- LankyBox01
1000+ posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
Well, we do not have a banner…Welp we can't advertise because Namebaseking hasn't been on for a while so what if we partner with your website? This way the partnership last longer and get more advertising. Could be good! Snip
- WalkingNORM
71 posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
That's fine. Just scrap one together and it should be great. Buzzy Bee banners will get one to you very quickly. Snip
- LankyBox01
1000+ posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
Ok, i'll try!That's fine. Just scrap one together and it should be great. Buzzy Bee banners will get one to you very quickly. Snip
- Voxalice
1000+ posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
Yes but that was more of a sucks thing and defeats the purpose of our jobs Hmm should we add a place where we can see code scripts so we don’t need to tell a person.
- What's the purpose of our jobs? We just work in a virtual shop that you complete orders in for the sake of short-lived satisfaction, and there's plenty of other shops to work at once you get tired.
- If I understand correctly, the purpose of our job is to help people with scripts and other assets; wouldn't this be a fine replacement for the simpler scripting part of our “job?”
Also could someone run an activity check plz
- LankyBox01
1000+ posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
Ok, i'll try!That's fine. Just scrap one together and it should be great. Buzzy Bee banners will get one to you very quickly. Snip

And the link: https://scratchguides.glitch.me
- --Tom
100+ posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
Job Application Form
What type of services are you a specialist at (e.g. Scratch or Pixel Art) (can be more than one and anything you wish): BBcode, Reviewing
What type of services are you not a specialist at, but can complete in some occasions: Outros
How much time have you been on Scratch: About a year if you count me when I was 4, good mems
Are you following this discussion: Yes
Have you read section 2 of the Terms and Conditions: Oh, hippity hoppity this position is now my property
Show us examples of your creations: Check Out My Shop In My Sig! (That's an example) No. 2 No. 3 No. 4
What is your nickname (optional): –Tom
Would you like to be invited to our team member studio (optional): Yes Please
Additional notes: I LOVE BBCODE!!!
What type of services are you a specialist at (e.g. Scratch or Pixel Art) (can be more than one and anything you wish): BBcode, Reviewing
What type of services are you not a specialist at, but can complete in some occasions: Outros
How much time have you been on Scratch: About a year if you count me when I was 4, good mems
Are you following this discussion: Yes
Have you read section 2 of the Terms and Conditions: Oh, hippity hoppity this position is now my property
Show us examples of your creations: Check Out My Shop In My Sig! (That's an example) No. 2 No. 3 No. 4
What is your nickname (optional): –Tom
Would you like to be invited to our team member studio (optional): Yes Please
Additional notes: I LOVE BBCODE!!!
100+ posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
Yes, true. That’s a valid argumentYes but that was more of a sucks thing and defeats the purpose of our jobs Hmm should we add a place where we can see code scripts so we don’t need to tell a person.
- What's the purpose of our jobs? We just work in a virtual shop that you complete orders in for the sake of short-lived satisfaction, and there's plenty of other shops to work at once you get tired.
- If I understand correctly, the purpose of our job is to help people with scripts and other assets; wouldn't this be a fine replacement for the simpler scripting part of our “job?”
Also could someone run an activity check plz
- Starstriker3000
1000+ posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
Username: Starstriker3000
What type of thing do you need: Art
Describe what you need created: I need ten backgrounds. The first five should be different parts of a dark forest. The second five should be different parts of a canyon, from the bottom. All ten backgrounds should be done with the Scratch editor and should be easily recolorable.
Deadline: 06/12/2020
Do you need a specialist to complete your order: Preferably, yes.
Have you read section 1 of the Terms and Conditions: Yes, and coronavirus should leave this earth.
Are you following the discussion: Yes
Additional notes: N/A
- ipaddude
100+ posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
if a specialist is not available then taken i thinkUsername: Starstriker3000
What type of thing do you need: Art
Describe what you need created: I need ten backgrounds. The first five should be different parts of a dark forest. The second five should be different parts of a canyon, from the bottom. All ten backgrounds should be done with the Scratch editor and should be easily recolorable.
Deadline: 06/12/2020
Do you need a specialist to complete your order: Preferably, yes.
Have you read section 1 of the Terms and Conditions: Yes, and coronavirus should leave this earth.
Are you following the discussion: Yes
Additional notes: N/A
- Dat_Random_Boi
17 posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
wow how do i not have a strike yet
Last edited by Dat_Random_Boi (Nov. 30, 2020 15:23:54)
- mtech22
1000+ posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
active? wow how do i not have a strike yet
anyways activity check
- notAlpha
21 posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
Uh guys? is my order done yet?snip
Yeah, I'm gonna agree here, considering the fact that there would need to be a lot of encoding/decoding involved here, considering you're not allowed to put letters in cloud variables. I'm not a codery person, but I know for a fact that that would take forever to work, and I would consider it an impossible order
Encoding and Decoding is usually never an issue.
The reason why it is considered impossible is because of this:
Let's say we have this list:
1 - 100
2 - 200
3 - 300
4 - 400
5 - 500
Now player 1 deletes item 3.
1 - 100
2 - 200
3 - 400
4 - 500
But wait! Let's say that player 2 at the same time, deletes item 4. Item 4 contained 400, but instead
1 - 100
2 - 200
3 - 400
Now even though player 2 wanted to delete 400, they deleted 500 instead.
Did that make sense?
Yeah, that made sense. However, the staff most likely doesn't know what he/she needed. This would work, say, a highscore/save your place kinda thing, but if he needs it for a multiplayer game, I'm not sure that it will work.
- Dat_Random_Boi
17 posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
if i'm understanding this correctly, then snip
we could use github, which is pretty good because you can upload not only text things but assets and music, etc
pastebin is cool
we could use @touchcreator's thing
or whatever else you want
also what is a “sucks” thing
edit: i probably didn't help anyone but who cares
Last edited by Dat_Random_Boi (Nov. 30, 2020 15:38:51)
- Dat_Random_Boi
17 posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
whoops sorryactive? wow how do i not have a strike yet
anyways activity check
- mtech22
1000+ posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
??whoops sorryactive? wow how do i not have a strike yet
anyways activity check
- MapleTails
1000+ posts
⭐ Longarms Creations ⭐ We complete anything you need with the longest and strongest hands! ⭐ NOW HIRING AND OPEN TO ORDERS ⭐
Is it fine if I real quick just host an activity check? (I can't fire people but I can note who would be fired afterwards for WalkingNorm)