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Can we address the April fool's day issue? (Serious)

scratchykit5743 wrote:

support. now i'll get to see serious suggestions here for once.
Thanks for supporting…

Could you please elaborate? Then I can add to my OP. Thank you!

I will be temporarily participating on this site on April 1 2021 then leaving again
100+ posts

Can we address the April fool's day issue? (Serious)

BearSlothCoding wrote:

ElmoTeachesTheABCS wrote:

If they need help they can simply bump their topic, its not that hard. Worst case scenario you have tp use contact us.

fdreerf wrote:

It's not even close to April Fools'. And this won't be fair as the entire site gets to celebrate AF, but forumers have to do it in a stormdrain forum.
I agree with the above. Plus, there's really not that many serious topics on April Fools Day, definitely not enough to warrant an entire separate forum. Most people can wait a day before suggesting something, before asking that one question that they've been wondering about. The people who do need help can just bump it, say it's serious and then people will stop joking around for a minute and write their response before continuing their fun.

scratchykit5743 wrote:

support. now i'll get to see serious suggestions here for once.
You didn't before? I agree with the “remove this block and make Scratch harder” suggestions that it's annoying and not serious, but before all that started you could see serious suggestions. You can also go a day without them.

qrcool wrote:

Support! Tired of “let's remove the most important blocks” topics crowding Suggestions.
But it's not April Fools day, so that forum would be closed and we would still have them here.
I'll edit the OP to include some of the stuff you mentioned.

I will be temporarily participating on this site on April 1 2021 then leaving again
1000+ posts

Can we address the April fool's day issue? (Serious)

An April Fools Day forum takes the fun out of April Fools.

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1000+ posts

Can we address the April fool's day issue? (Serious)

Basic88 wrote:

An April Fools Day forum takes the fun out of April Fools.
Couldn't say it better. Would be boring and I guess that's the last thing you want on the April Fools Day.

Joke of the century: Just made a good remix of this with Scratch's music extension.
                      BE MOIST B) AND CHECK OUT
_____ ______ _ _
|_ _| | _ (_) (_)
| |_ _____ | | | |_ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ ___ _ __ ___ #RoadToMoist100
| \ \ /\ / / _ \ | | | | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
| |\ V V / (_) | | |/ /| | | | | | | __/ | | \__ \ | (_) | | | \__ \
\_/ \_/\_/ \___/ |___/ |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|___/_|\___/|_| |_|___/
1000+ posts

Can we address the April fool's day issue? (Serious)

If there was a forum only accessible on April Fools, I feel as though there would be tons of website traffic and tons of users complaining the next day about how they missed April Fools and now have to wait an entire 365-366 days for the next one. Plus, most of the users participating in it will complain about not being able to use it for very long.

Last edited by Super_Scratch_Bros20 (July 22, 2020 16:46:56)

100+ posts

Can we address the April fool's day issue? (Serious)

Super_Scratch_Bros20 wrote:

If there was a forum only accessible on April Fools, I feel as though there would be tons of website traffic and tons of users complaining the next day about how they missed April Fools and now have to wait an entire 365-366 days for the next one. Plus, most of the users participating in it will complain about not being able to use it for very long.
To add to your point (and to bump the topic), I think it would be open for all of three days, March 31 to April 2 for all locations. Besides you can still do April Fool's in comments, that isn't going to change.

I will be temporarily participating on this site on April 1 2021 then leaving again
100+ posts

Can we address the April fool's day issue? (Serious)


I will be temporarily participating on this site on April 1 2021 then leaving again
61 posts

Can we address the April fool's day issue? (Serious)

I think it's a good idea.

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100+ posts

Can we address the April fool's day issue? (Serious)

Little-Finger wrote:

I think it's a good idea.
Could you please elaborate?

Please remember to justify your posts. It is not 2013 it is 2020.

I will be temporarily participating on this site on April 1 2021 then leaving again
500+ posts

Can we address the April fool's day issue? (Serious)

scratch978654 wrote:

Notice. I am going to stay on scratch but only the forums. Will update signature later.

I have nothing against April Fool's Day. I think it is great to have a day where you can post whatever you want and have humorous projects, topics or comments.

But people do post legitimately on April 1st, such as if they are teaching something the next day, or scratch crashed or whatever else. Nevertheless their posts are drowned out by the April Fool's day posts. Too many times do I scroll through forums to see mounds of April Fool's posts.

I am not asking to remove these posts completely. Instead I propose the April fools day forum (AFD). Open from 31 March to 2 April ( so all locations can enjoy the entirety of AFD. Closed otherwise, however we can still view their topics, just not post on them.

All existing AFD topics will be moved there.

This will allow the regular forums (HWS, QAS, BAG) to concentrate on legitimate posts. If the ST identifies an AFD topic, they will move it to AFD.

What do you think?

UPDATE. Some people are saying that it could be unfair for forumers to have to use this special way. Now I understand completely, but I guess this suggestion could now also apply to other things like comments.

UPDATE 2. I am not asking for the “let's remove this and that ” suggestions to be moved here, nor is it relevant to the topic. Yes, this issue needs to be addressed, but there is already a topic about this AND I am not requesting it. Maybe this would also only be allowed on April Fool's, if you disagree feel free to give yohr input.

I will regularly update this post based on your feedback

a forum for Aprils fools defeats the whole purpose if APF its the one day that people can have fun on le forums without their post being reported I don't even celebrate Aorils fools or do anything for it, so I would still post legitmate stuff on there, even the ST gets involved in APF.


check out these delicious Asian Spring Rolls approved by paddle2see
AllLives can't matter until one “race” matters as much as the others
500+ posts

Can we address the April fool's day issue? (Serious)

Basic88 wrote:

An April Fools Day forum takes the fun out of April Fools.


check out these delicious Asian Spring Rolls approved by paddle2see
AllLives can't matter until one “race” matters as much as the others
100+ posts

Can we address the April fool's day issue? (Serious)

Daily bump

I will be temporarily participating on this site on April 1 2021 then leaving again
Scratch Team
1000+ posts

Can we address the April fool's day issue? (Serious)

Interesting idea! However we're going to pass at this time. We've been having AFD chaos for over a decade now - and only received a handful of complaints about real problems being drowned out in the flood. We don't see it to be enough of an issue to justify the added complexity and moderation efforts.

Scratch Team Member, kayak and pickleball enthusiast, cat caregiver.

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