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HyperTech OS User Forum

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Review Us

Do you want to review our OS? Fill out the form below! You can place your review on the HyperTech OS comment section if you'd like!

1. From 1-10, how much do you like it?

2. If your answer wasn't 10, how can we improve?

3. Is there any general feedback to give us?

4. Any more comments?

Support Center

Do you have an issue with our OS? Contact us here. You can place your form on the HyperTech OS comment section if you'd like!

1. Do you want a specific developer to reply to this? If so, who?

2. What issues are you having?

3. Do you believe another user caused this problem?

4. Do you have any other comments or information on the matter?


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HyperTech OS User Forum

This belongs in Show and Tell, I'll ask a Scratch Team member to move it there for you.

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