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  • » Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs! [RSS Feed]
1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

Banner made by @Albraa60 as a gift, at The Night Wolf shop.
We are here to help you fix your program's bugs, or just with coding.
Your program doesn't work as you would like and you cannot figure out why? We are willing to find the solution!
Know us better!

The ordering form :
What do you want done (please details if needed):
If you want a bug fixed, please explain what doesn't work and how you want it to work:
The link to the project (if one existing):
Do you follow this discussion (you're not obliged to)? :
Where shall we contact you ? :
Additional notes:
Once your order done, please rate the service (1-5) and remember to credit our work!

If you can't get your order done here, please order at our partners' shops!!!

Last edited by lolrenz12 (April 10, 2021 16:19:01)

1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

MEMBERS :: events hat
Royal family {
Queen ant {
lolrenz12 :: motion stack
} Royal ants {
vacant :: grey stack
} :: list
} :: variables
New Members [AKA Larvae] {
NILL_GAMES10 :: operators stack
recape :: operators stack
orangetheory :: operators stack
} :: variables
Great Workers Assembly: (8) worker ants {
General (1) {
Haluria_games (4.5) (2)
} Debugging - (3) {
lolrenz12 (4.66) (7)* :: operators stack
Jareddddddd (4.7) (6)* :: operators stack
kccuber (5) (1) :: operators stack
} Coding - (1) {
Smanrocks (5) (4)*
} Custom blocks (3) {
Smanrocks (5) (4)*
Jareddddddd (4.7) (6)* :: operators stack
kccuber (5) (1) :: operators stack
} DataSet (1) {
--cherrykitty-- (4.5) (1)*
} Cloud (1) {
lolrenz12 (4.6) (6)** :: operators stack
} :: list
Administration (3) {
lolrenz12 :: operators stack
kccuber :: operators stack
} :: list
} :: variables
Counselor Ants {
vacant :: grey stack
} :: variables
STATS :: events hat 
Achieved orders (21) :: sensing stack
Average services quality (4.75) /5 :: sensing stack
Scratch blocks design and idea by @Smanrocks
worker ant's username (average service quality 1 to 5) (total orders complete) :: operators stack
When a username is in red, it means that the worker is inactive or on a leave.
(q*n+x)/(n+1) Where q is the average qualification and x the new qualification.

-Tips to Effectively Debug-
((1 - Use a List :: list) :: #FFFFFF) :: hat :: list
<<1 :: list> :: #FFFFFF> | Create a ((list :: list) :: #FFFFFF) where you ((record :: list) :: #FFFFFF) what you are doing :: list
<<2 :: list> :: #FFFFFF> | When you complete a ((action :: list) :: #FFFFFF), add what you just did to your ((list :: list) :: #FFFFFF) :: list
<<3 :: list> :: #FFFFFF> | ((Read :: list) :: #FFFFFF) off this list to ((see :: list) :: #FFFFFF) where you went ((wrong :: list) :: #FFFFFF) :: list

((2 - Disassemble your Code :: control) :: #FFFFFF) :: hat :: control
Method <<1 :: control> :: #FFFFFF>{
<<1 :: control> :: #FFFFFF> | ((Take out :: control) :: #FFFFFF) pieces of your ((code :: control) :: #FFFFFF) :: control
<<2 :: control> :: #FFFFFF> | And ((click :: control) :: #FFFFFF) on them to run them ((one at a time :: control) :: #FFFFFF) :: control
}Method <<2 :: control> :: #FFFFFF>{
<<1 :: control> :: #FFFFFF> | Add ((wait :: control) :: #FFFFFF) block to your ((code :: control) :: #FFFFFF) :: control
<<2 :: control> :: #FFFFFF> | ((Run :: control) :: #FFFFFF) your code ((slowly :: control) :: #FFFFFF) and see what went ((wrong :: control) :: #FFFFFF) :: control
<<3 :: control> :: #FFFFFF> | Add ((longer :: control) :: #FFFFFF) waits if you can't find whats ((wrong :: control) :: #FFFFFF) :: control
} :: control
Design and idea by @Jareddddddd


Desorganized 3.0

Banners, Backgrounds and Beyond

Beta Bugs Shop


The Block Shop

The Math Shop

The Night Wolf

Last edited by lolrenz12 (Sept. 19, 2021 19:50:31)

1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

Do you want to be an ant too? Then you're reading the right post!

If you want to join the Scripter Ants Shop, you have to fill this form :
{Write here that you want to be an ant.}
What do you want to help with :
Are you or have you been in (an)other shop(s)? If yes, name it/them :
How long have you been on Scratch ? :
What your good at :
What your bad at :
Additional notes :
Then make sure to follow this discussion!
Please note that I am looking for programmers (if you make animations it's ok too).

THERE'S NOTHING HERE LALALALLALALALLALALALALALALALLALALALALALALALALALALALLALLALALLALALALLALALALALLALALALLALALALALA[big][b]Looking for a secretary![/b][/big][small]I cannot handle everything alone. ;-;[/small]/If you want to help me get all ants' qualifications and track orders, fill this form!/[quote]/{Write here that hou want to be an ant with a white desk.}/Why would you like to be a secretary?!/Have you already worked in another shop? If yes, which?/How active will you be (in hour and day count preferably)?/Additional notes or questions:/[/quote]

If you don't want the membership, but you still want a link, fill this partnership form :
Do you work alone ? :
If not, what is your shop's name ? :
Other shops you're already partnered with :
The benefits you expect (both sides) :
Do you follow this discussion? :
Additional notes :

You're welcome!!!
Oh, and please be respectful!
We take care of our clients, but of course of our workers!
If you workers need anything, please tell it, we'll do our best for you to be confortable.

Last edited by lolrenz12 (April 1, 2021 15:22:15)

1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

Unfinished and Unclaimed Orders


-mysticoder- wrote:

What do you want done (please details if needed): Fix the interactive platform at the end of the platformer. The one that just falls when you step on it.
If you want a bug fixed, please explain what doesn't work and how you want it to work: Well, gravity works, collision works, I think, however, the interaction after falling isn't that great, you will know when you try to push it.
The link to the project (if one existing): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/514180069/
Do you follow this discussion (you're not obliged to)? : no, don't see the need.
Where shall we contact you ? : my profile, I am not interested to check this every other day.
Additional notes: well, nope, but see that many people on Scratch seem to fable to enter buisness, good luck to you all! :)

Yeetoburro1 wrote:

What do you want done (please details if needed): Scratch username encoder and python decoder (So my small brain can pass a username from a scratch project to a python script)
If you want a bug fixed, please explain what doesn't work and how you want it to work: N.A
The link to the project (if one existing): nada
Do you follow this discussion (you're not obliged to)? : no
Where shall we contact you ? : profile
Additional notes:
Client: jade_orb
Taken by: wafflemuncher96_test
Hey, I was hoping you would be willing to help me debug a combat system. I will give credit!
What I want done: In Blob's Quest, there is turn based combat. The problem is that when I attack, The enemies both do not attack and do not die, meaning it cannot go back to my turn and the battle cannot end.
link: above in blobs quest or if that does not work https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/446214029/
Do I follow the disscusion? yes!
contact me in the project.
If you do not know how to do it, that is ok, you dont have to. - jade_orb
Client: hoopydoodle1029
Taken by: Jareddddddd, lolrenz12
What do you want done (please details if needed):In my game I need my person to spawn without sometimes going through the ground(it happens every once in a while)
If you want a bug fixed, please explain what doesn't work and how you want it to work:In my game I need my person to spawn without sometimes going through the ground(it happens every once in a while)
The link to the project (if one existing):https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/485859238/
Do you follow this discussion (you're not obliged to)? :yes
Where shall we contact you ? :profile
Additional notes:uhhh
Client: Kitkatz6040
Taken by: kccuber, Jareddddddd
What do you want done (please details if needed): I need a movement bug in a scrolling platformer I'm working on fixed
If you want a bug fixed, please explain what doesn't work and how you want it to work: when you jump you should go the direction of the arrow key you're holding, but this in the air you go opposite of the key you're holding
The link to the project (if one existing):
Do you follow this discussion (you're not obliged to)? : Yes I do
Where shall we contact you ? : Profile
Additional notes: If you fix this bug I will give you 5 star because other scratchers could not figure it out \_( "/)_/

Last edited by lolrenz12 (June 12, 2021 08:08:15)

1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

1. Member different status
When you are a member, your status can change with time.
When you just joined (you're new), you are a larva.
If you finally achieved one order with a qualification of 3 or more (see 2.), you can become a worker ant. The difference with the larvae, is that worker ants get specialized and contribuate to the shop's direction (see 4.).
If you achieved at least 10 orders, with a total average qualification of 4 or more (see 2.), you can get the Counselor ant title (while you're still a worker ant). Counselor ants can teach to other ants with their same specialization, and can create working groups to optimize services. They specialize in a special domain. During an Assambly (see. 4), Counselor ants have double-valued votes.
Counselor ant, Queen ant and Royal ant aren't status. They are just attributes. You can only have one of them at the time.

2. Services qualification
When an order is presented, any worker or larva can answer “taken” and then accomplish the order.
An order musn't be taken more than once. However, it can be taken by various ants working together, or if the order couldn't be achieved by the ant who took it, he/she can ask for help, and another ant can take it.
When a service is achieved, its client is demanded to give a qualification from 1 to 5. 1 means “horrible”, 2 “bad”, 3 “ok”, 4 “good” and 5 “excellent”. The qualification is attribuated the worker ant or the larva (see 1.) who achieved the order ; if several workers / larvae worked on the order, they all get the same qualification. All workers and larvae have an average of all the qualifications they received, which is indicated next to their name (the first number is the average qualification, and the last number is the amount of orders achieved).
A worker / larva making an order can complete it as he / she wishes if it respects the specifities of the order. The worker / larva hasn't the blame if the order isn't achieved as the customer wanted it if the client didn't specified how to make the part of the order that causes the problem.
This rules apply for any orders taken by the Scriptor Ants Shop, even if they were formulated in other shops.

If a debbuging order can't be achieved because there is no bug, it is not considered as if there was an order.
If no one takes an order, the order will stay in the UOC until the customer wishes, 5 days by default.

Larvae keep taking orders!

3. Shop's direction
It is, partially, a democratic system.
When you finally are a worker ant (see 1.), you can participate to Assemblies. An Assembly is an event for deciding anything (for example : Do we close the shop temporarly? or for changing or adding any rule). It's similar to a referendum, but workers can first present arguments to defend their votes. The Queen ant and Royal ants participate to Assamblies as Counselor ants (see 1.). Counselor ants have double-valued votes.
Larvae cannot participate to Assamblies.
To get a decision done, 2/3 of the workers have to vote “yes”. Otherwise, we keep all as it was.
To get a rule added or changed, 2/3 of the workers have to vote “yes”, and the Queen Ant has to approve it.
An Assembly calls worker ants to vote before a limit date given by the Queen ant.
Assemblies only happen if there are at least 6 active worker ants. If not, the Queen ant is the only dictator of the shop's direction. However the other ants are invited to freely say what they think (if its relevant and respects the Community Guidelines of Scratch).
The Queen ant can suddenly take total control of the shop's direction, if she thinks its necessary. If a Royal ant is replacing the Queen ant, he/she needs the approbation of the whole Royal family to take the total control.

The Queen ant and Royal ants are who hire and fire. We only fire you if you have three strikes (see 5.).
Only the Queen ant can promote an ant to the Royal family.
If the Queen ant is in a leave (see 5.), its first active subordinate takes the job (there is a first royal ant, a second royal ant, and so long).

4. Leaves and activity checks
Worker ants can temporarly or definitively leave the shop.
If you take a leave during a ranking, you are taken away from it (see 3.). During a leave you can't participate to rankings or take orders. If you come back from a leave before than you expected, wait the Queen ant or a Royal ant (see 1.) to give you permission to start working again.
If you don't respond to activity checks within a week, you will be indicated inactive (your name will be in red) until you respond. When you don't respond to an activity check in time, you get a strike. If you get three strikes, you are fired. You don't get strikes if you are on a leave.
You can get rid of one strike by responding in time to two consecutive activity checks.
If the Queen ant is in a leave, its subordinate takes the Queen ant's place (see 4.).
Fill this form to take a leave :
When it starts :
When it ends :
Will you still be on Scratch during the leave? :
If you definitely, why (do you want to report any problem?)? :
Additional notes :
This form will not be required. It's just a way to let you know what I want to know about your leave.
If I don't know you are on a leave, then you're not on a leave.

Please ask any questions if you have!

Last edited by lolrenz12 (March 7, 2021 17:15:46)

100+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

I want to help with programming and fixing bugs.
I am helping with other collabs.
A lot!

Bad at design!

Hi! I`m -CodeandProgram-. I help out in the forums. You can contact me at my profile.
I also am hosting an OS here.

define bump
Bumping one`s topic up.::operators
1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

-CodeandProgram- wrote:

I want to help with programming and fixing bugs.
I am helping with other collabs.
A lot!

Bad at design!
Wait… you want to be a member or a partner?

Edit : Sorry for the confusion! ACCEPTED!

Last edited by lolrenz12 (July 12, 2020 18:58:51)

1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!


1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

1. Say hello! UH hi
2. Explain clearly what you expect/want to do. Help people fix bugs in their code!
3. Precise which part of it doesn't work. UH wut
4. Leave a link to the project. ?

Welcome to my siggy! CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN to see more of it
But more importantly, stay safe and wear a mask *enter mask here*

My Siggy Protectors: (o_o :: #ff0000) (0w0 :: #00aaff) ($ o $ :: #adadad) (q-q :: #00abbb) (uwu :: #aaffba) (:3 :: #FFA500) (l - l :: #0FBD8C):: custom
1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

DabDatBass wrote:

1. Say hello! UH hi
2. Explain clearly what you expect/want to do. Help people fix bugs in their code!
3. Precise which part of it doesn't work. UH wut
4. Leave a link to the project. ?

This is the form to make an order! If you want to be a partner (or a member), go here.

Last edited by lolrenz12 (July 7, 2020 20:00:27)

1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

What do you want to help with : Fixing code of course
Are you already in another shop(s)? If yes, name it/them : yes and I think you know
How many time have you been on Scratch ? : 8 months
What your good at : uh
What your bad at : uh
Additional notes : I am great at coding

Welcome to my siggy! CTRL + SHIFT + DOWN to see more of it
But more importantly, stay safe and wear a mask *enter mask here*

My Siggy Protectors: (o_o :: #ff0000) (0w0 :: #00aaff) ($ o $ :: #adadad) (q-q :: #00abbb) (uwu :: #aaffba) (:3 :: #FFA500) (l - l :: #0FBD8C):: custom
1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

DabDatBass wrote:

What do you want to help with : Fixing code of course
Are you already in another shop(s)? If yes, name it/them : yes and I think you know
How many time have you been on Scratch ? : 8 months
What your good at : uh
What your bad at : uh
Additional notes : I am great at coding
Oh what a surprise.
You're a larva!

100+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

Royal ant
What do you want to help with : Coding
Are you already in another shop(s)? If yes, name it/them : No but I own a shopping mall
How many time have you been on Scratch ? : 2 months
What your good at : Intros, platformers, parallaxes, clickers.
What your bad at : Aniamtions
Additional notes : None
1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

ItsYoBoyHybrid wrote:

Royal ant
What do you want to help with : Coding
Are you already in another shop(s)? If yes, name it/them : No but I own a shopping mall
How many time have you been on Scratch ? : 2 months
What your good at : Intros, platformers, parallaxes, clickers.
What your bad at : Aniamtions
Additional notes : None
Great! Accepted!
You're a larva!

1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

Here's a better title:

Do you have trouble with scratch slang? Check this awesome site out!

I'm a red panda btw
1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

LankyBox01 wrote:

Here's a better title:
What do you mean?

100+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!

lolrenz12 wrote:

ItsYoBoyHybrid wrote:

Royal ant
What do you want to help with : Coding
Are you already in another shop(s)? If yes, name it/them : No but I own a shopping mall
How many time have you been on Scratch ? : 2 months
What your good at : Intros, platformers, parallaxes, clickers.
What your bad at : Aniamtions
Additional notes : None
Great! Accepted!
You're a larva!
1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!


1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!


1000+ posts

Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs!


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  • » Debugging - SCRIPTOR ANTS SHOP - Your program has bugs, and you cannot find them? We kill your program's bugs! [RSS Feed]

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