Discuss Scratch

15 posts

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

The easy level
8 posts

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

ToadfanSchool wrote:

Made something cool with Super Mike Maker? Share your level codes here!


Your level code should have “code brackets” around it. ([code]…[/code]) Please do not remove them! They make the forum topic easier to navigate and avoid spam.

Also, please only use this thread for sharing level codes. This is not a general discussion about Super Mike Maker, so please don't ask questions, report glitches, give advice, chat, etc. You can do that in the comments section of the project.


This thread is for people who have made levels using my Super Mike Maker project and want to share them with the community.

How do I get my level code?
  • From the level editor, press the data button on the right side of the screen, just below the eraser.
  • The data menu will open. Press the save button.
  • Triple-click the string of random symbols at the bottom of the screen to ensure it's fully highlighted.
  • Press Control+C (on Windows) or Command+C (on Mac) to copy the level code.
  • You've now got your level code! Paste it somewhere safe (e.g. notepad file) or into this topic.

To post your level, simply leave a reply in this topic with your level code! Feel free to write a short description about your level or to give it a name, as that way people will have a rough idea of what to expect before playing your level and they'll more likely want to play it.

If you want to post multiple levels, it's recommended that you remix the level list template, add your own level codes and post a link to it here.

How do I play/load a level code?
  • Double-click a level code within a box to fully highlight it.
  • Press Control+C (on Windows) or Command+C (on Mac) to copy it.
  • Head over to Super Mike Maker. Once you've passed the title screen, click “play” then “load a level code”.
  • Paste in the level code then press enter on your keyboard or the tick icon.
  • If the code wasn't damaged or modified, then it should load!
Is there a way I can make my own game containing all my Super Mike Maker levels?

Yes! If you look inside the code of Super Mike World 2, you'll find that I've written a dev guide on how to replace the levels of that game with your own, making your own custom Super Mike World game!

Super Mike World 2 is based of Super Mike Maker rather than the original Super Mike World, so you can port over your existing level codes to the game. You may need to make minimal changes to your level since Super Mike World 2 handles things slightly differently to Super Mike Maker, but overall the process is easy and you can learn more by reading the dev guide inside Super Mike World 2's code.

Useful links
Dzień dobry

Cześć co to ma być za list tu wygule zamiast polskiego jest inny jezyk postaraj się lepiej tylko mi odpisz żebym wiedział czy będziesz umialbwymawiac językiem polskim czy nie teraz czytałem twoja opinie i naprawdę nie mogłem się odczytać spróbuj chcę żeby Ci dobrze poszło odpisz ok?

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5 posts

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic


i call it spikey castle
5 posts

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

5 posts

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

5 posts

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

i call it short hoping palace
1 post

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

ToadfanSchool wrote:

Made something cool with Super Mike Maker? Share your level codes here!


Your level code should have “code brackets” around it. ([code]…[/code]) Please do not remove them! They make the forum topic easier to navigate and avoid spam.

Also, please only use this thread for sharing level codes. This is not a general discussion about Super Mike Maker, so please don't ask questions, report glitches, give advi

How do I get my level code?
  • From the level editor, press the data button on the right side of the screen, just below the eraser.
  • The data menu will open. Press the save button.
  • Triple-click the string of random symbols at the bottom of the screen to ensure it's fully highlighted.
  • Press Control+C (on Windows) or Command+C (on Mac) to copy the level code.
  • You've now got your level code! Paste it
  • Double-click a level code within a box to fully highlight it.
  • Press Control+C (on Windows) or Command+C (on Mac) to copy it.
  • Head over to Super Mike Maker. Once you've passed the title screen, click “play” then “load a level code”.
  • Paste in the level code then press enter on your keyboard or the tick icon.
  • If the code wasn't damaged or modified, then it should load!
Is there a way I can make my own game containing all my Super Mike Maker levels?

Yes! If you look inside the code of Super Mike World 2, you'll find that I've written a dev guide on how to replace the levels of that game with your own, making your own custom Super Mike World game!

Super Mike World 2 is based of Super Mike Maker rather than the original Super Mike World, so you can port over your existing level codes to the game. You may need to make minimal changes to your level since Super Mike World 2 handles things slightly differently to uper Mike Maker, but overall the process is easy and you can learn more by reading the dev guide inside Super Mike World 2's code.

Useful links
my level name is “into the sky”
1 post

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

I call it 'Into the Skys"

Starting at ground and gradually start to go up in the sky

Last edited by starterprogrammer5 (June 1, 2024 06:41:35)

5 posts

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

1 post

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

ToadfanSchool wrote:

Made something cool with ?(^&?!(!)!!(!!!!!(!(!!!!!!!!(!*!!)!!!!)^!)!!)!!))!(!)!!*!!!!!(!(!!&!!!!!(!)!!^!!!!!(!*!!%!!!!)!!)!!^!!()!)!)!!%!!*!!%!)!!“!!!)!(!%!)!!!!!!(!)!)!!!)!!(!)!)*!!!!!(!)!)*!!(!!(!)!)^!!!!!&!)!)^!!(!!(!%!)%!!!!!(!*!)%!!)!!(!%!)%!!*!!(!(!)%!!&!!&!&!)%!!^)!*!)!)$!!^)!*!)!!£!!^)!*!)!!”!!^)!*!)!)%!!()!*!)!)$!!)!!*!)!)£!!)!!*!)!)$!!&!!*!)!)£!!&!)!!)!)“!!^)!%!)!)”!!!)!%!)!(!!!!)!*!)!)£!!!!!*!)!((!!(!!*!)!(*!!(!!$!)!)^!!*)!(!*!()!!(!!(!^!()!!)!!(!&!()!!!!!(!(!(&!!(!!(!^!(&!!)!!(!%!(&!!!!!*!)!(^!!&)!*!)!(%!!^)!*!)!($!!^)!*!)!(£!!&)!%!(!(^!!))!%!)!(%!!!)!%!)!($!!!)!(!*!(“!!)!!(!%!(”!!!!!(!(!*!!!(!!(!&!*!!!)!!(!%!*!!!!!!(!&!!$!!!!!*!)!!^!!*!!&!(!*!!!*)!&!(!*!!!&)!&!(!*!!!^)!(!)!((!!*))!!)!(^!!!))!!)!(£!!!))%!$!*$!!)))%!$!&)!!)))%!$!**!!))!$!)!(“!!()!(!^!&&!!)!!(!&!&&!!!!!(!)!&&!!(!)£!)!&%!!*))£!)!&%!!())£!)!&$!!())£!)!&$!!*))£!)!&£!!*))£!)!&£!!())£!)!&”!!())£!)!&“!!*))£!)!^!!!*))£!)!^!!!())£!)!^)!!())£!)!^(!!())£!)!^*!!())£!)!^&!!())£!)!^&!!*))£!)!^*!!*))£!)!^(!!*))£!)!^)!!*)!%!)!&^!!!)!%!)!&%!!!)!%!)!&$!!!)!%!)!&£!!!)!%!)!&”!!!)!%!)!^!!!!)!%!)!^)!!!)!%!)!^(!!!)!%!)!^*!!!)!%!)!^&!!!)!%!)!^^!!!)!%!*!&^!!^)!%!*!&£!!^)!%!*!^)!!^)!%!*!^&!!^)!%!*!^^!!^))£!)!^^!!*))£!)!^^!!()!)!*!&&!!^!!(!%!^%!!!!!(!(!^%!!)!!(!)!^$!!)!!(!^!^$!!!!!(!)!^£!!(!!(!^!^£!!)!!(!^!^£!!!!!(!)!^£!!*)!(!)!%)!!)!!(!*!%&!!(!!(!(!%£!!)!!(!)!$)!!*!!^!)!$)!!&)!$!)!!&!!))!*!)!!&!!^)!(!(!)&!!!!)!!)!)“!!%))!!)!)”!!$)!%!)!**!!%)!%!)!*$!!%)!%!)!&)!!%)!(!^!%&!!)!!(!%!%&!!!!!(!&!%£!!!!!(!(!$)!!!!!*!)!**!!^!!*!)!*$!!^!!*!)!&)!!^!!$!(!)£!!^))!!)!)$!!$))!!)!)$!!“))!!)!)”!!£))!!)!)“!!”))!!)!)$!)!))!!)!)“!)!)!$!(!**!!!)!$!(!*$!!!)!$!(!&)!!!)!*!)!^^!!%!!*!)!^&!!%!!*!)!^*!!%!!*!)!^(!!%!!*!)!^)!!%!!*!)!^!!!%!!*!)!&”!!%!!*!)!&£!!%!!*!)!&$!!%!!*!)!&%!!%!!*!)!&^!!%!)!!)!)$!))))!!)!)$!)())!!)!)“!)())!!)!)”!)))!*!)!)£!)!)!*!)!)£!!“)!*!)!)£!!£)!*!)!)£!!$)!*!)!)£!!%)!*!)!)£!)))!)!)!)£!)())!!)!)$!)*))!!)!)£!)*))!!)!)”!)*)!&!&!)%!!%)!&!&!)%!!$)!%!)!!$!!*)!(!*!!$!!(!!(!^!!$!!)!!%!)!!£!!!)!(!)!&*!!)!!(!%!&*!!!!)*!)!*)!!^))*!)!*^!!^))*!)!*“!!^)!%!)!))!!!)!(!)!)(!!!!!(!)!)(!!(!!%!)!)(!!*)!%!*!)(!!&)!%!)!)(!!^))!!)!)$!!£)!)!)!((!!^!!(!)!&*!!())£!)!&^!!*))£!)!&^!!()!%!*!^*!!^)!%!*!^(!!^)!%!*!&”!!^)!%!*!^!!!^)!%!*!&$!!^)!%!*!&%!!^)!&!&!^(!!$)!&!&!^(!!£)!&!&!^(!!“)!)!)!^&!!£)!(!^!^^!!$!!(!&!^^!!£!!(!*!^^!!”!!(!^!$)!!(!!$!)!%£!!()!%!)!^“!!!)!%!)!%!!!!)!(!^!%)!!!!!%!)!%(!!!)!%!)!%*!!!)!%!)!%^!!!)!%!)!%%!!!)!%!)!%$!!!)!%!)!%”!!!))!!)!%“!!()!(!(!$(!!!!!(!*!$*!!!!!(!*!$&!!!!!(!*!$^!!!!!(!*!$%!!!!!(!*!$$!!!!!(!)!$£!!!!!(!)!$”!!!!!(!)!£!!!!!!(!)!£)!!!!!(!*!£(!!!!!(!)!£*!!!!!(!(!£&!!!!!(!(!£^!!!!!(!*!£%!!!!!(!)!£$!!!!!(!)!££!!!!!(!)!£“!!!!!(!(!”!!!!!!(!(!“)!!!!!(!*!”(!!!!!(!*!“*!!!!!(!)!”&!!!!!(!&!“^!!!!!(!(!”%!!!!!(!)!“$!!!!!)!)!”&!!()!)!)!“^!!()!)!)!”%!!()!)!)!“%!!*)!)!)!”%!!&)!)!)!“^!!&)!)!)!”&!!&)!)!)!“&!!*)!)!)!”^!!*)!(!)!"^!!)!!$!)!$!!!!)?#£)?#£!?$?!?)?
94 posts

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic


I call it {Stereo Nessusness}
Difficulty: Easy in a extreme demon

This level has been connected two lewels from geometry dash: Stereo Madness and a Nessus.
1 post

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic


Please play my level!It's a parkour course!
1 post

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic


name:the long hall
pls try this on the remixed thing that adds new theams ty
4 posts

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

Prosto_Scrather wrote:


Black hole time 8
Difficulty: Impossible

so much for impossible my time was 95 secconds
4 posts

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

LeonDayDiggle wrote:


Please play my level!It's a parkour course!

does not work
10 posts

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

Mission impossible difficulty Impossible length normal

Last edited by inkrod (June 8, 2024 17:58:41)

10 posts

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

Mission impossible
1 post

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

3 posts

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic

really really hard
3 posts

Super Mike Maker - Level Sharing Topic



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