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Add yourself battling agaitns slender! (HACKABLE!) remixed by max31bell

Add yourself battling agaitns slender! (HACKABLE!)


Original by @raspag
Remixed by @max31bell

I saw this game and had a look (it was ok). So I have added more things (hacks)!

Hack Instructions | Links do not excised
1. press: h
2. type: open "http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/23410658/#player/hack/
3. type: open ”http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/23410658/hack/"
4A. type: show
4B. * or: hacks-left =
5B. type:

5A. click on the button you want
type: run

you have 20 hacks but can change that (read 4B and 5B)

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