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this should look like my logo in griffpatch's svg viever: <svg version=“1.1” width=“238” height=“300” viewBox=“5 71 238 300” xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg“ xmlns:xlink=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<!– Exported by Scratch - http://scratch.mit.edu/ –>
<g id=“ID0.19551687547937036” transform=“matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -5, -71)”>
<path id=“path7361” fill=“#333333” stroke=“none” d=“M 197.749 148.778 C 149.686 176.527 190.314 176.527 142.251 148.778 C 94.187 121.028 114.501 156.213 114.501 100.714 C 114.501 45.216 94.187 80.400 142.251 52.651 C 190.314 24.902 149.686 24.902 197.749 52.651 C 245.813 80.400 225.499 45.216 225.499 100.714 C 225.499 156.213 245.813 121.028 197.749 148.778 Z ” transform=“matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, -48.75, 40)”/>
<path id=“path7361-6-4” fill=“#4d4d4d” stroke=“none” d=“M 197.749 148.778 C 149.686 176.527 190.314 176.527 142.251 148.778 C 94.187 121.028 114.501 156.213 114.501 100.714 C 114.501 45.216 94.187 80.400 142.251 52.651 C 190.314 24.902 149.686 24.902 197.749 52.651 C 245.813 80.400 225.499 45.216 225.499 100.714 C 225.499 156.213 245.813 121.028 197.749 148.778 Z ” transform=“matrix(1.01195228099823, 0, 0, 1, -106, 128.85)”/>
<path id=“path7361-6-4-6” fill=“#666666” stroke=“none” d=“M 197.749 148.778 C 149.686 176.527 190.314 176.527 142.251 148.778 C 94.187 121.028 114.501 156.213 114.501 100.714 C 114.501 45.216 94.187 80.400 142.251 52.651 C 190.314 24.902 149.686 24.902 197.749 52.651 C 245.813 80.400 225.499 45.216 225.499 100.714 C 225.499 156.213 245.813 121.028 197.749 148.778 Z ” transform=“matrix(1.01195228099823, 0, 0, 1, 5, 129.7)”/>
<path id=“path7423” fill=“#333333” stroke=“none” d=“M 247.143 77.500 C 247.093 135.119 160.764 135.119 160.714 77.500 C 160.764 19.881 247.093 19.881 247.143 77.500 Z ” transform=“matrix(1.2809916734695435, 0, 0, 1.2809916734695435, -139.25, 42.2)”/>
1000+ posts


The Scratch forums don't use HTML, they use BBCode, which is why your image isn't working. Also, please don't make threads just to test formatting.

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