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- chockiklocki
12 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
when green flag clicked
if <[scratching] = [true]> then
repeat until <not <[scratching] = [true]>>
repeat (100)
add block to script
say [i programmed new script!] for (2) secs
play sound [YAY!!1]
- chockiklocki
12 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
repeat <mouse down?>
move [etgr] steps
say [it's a bug!]
- huntali000
28 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
when green flag clicked
when green flag clicked
when green flag clicked
when green flag clicked
when green flag clicked
when green flag clicked
when green flag clicked
when green flag clicked
when green flag clicked
when green flag clicked
when green flag clicked
wait (43) secs
wait until <><key [ v] pressed?>
- sombodyformanytown
5 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
hope what we get this week is new sound effects, or not, its fine if we dont it would just be cool, but anyway happy birthday (even if it is kinda late)
- shy-cat
12 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
when green flag clicked
say [Scratch] for (2) secs
wait (5) secs
say [month] for (2) secs
wait (5) secs
say [week 4] for (2) secs
play sound [thats what’s up v] until done
say [thats what’s up!<touching color [#ff2ba5] ?>]
- huntali000
28 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iii


- chockiklocki
12 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
when this sprite clickedit means last letter of
say (letter (length of [text]) of [text])
- shy-cat
12 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!

when green flag clicked
play sound [omg I love scratch so much![scratchblocks]
say [scratch is like so epic] for (2) secs
- chockiklocki
12 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
when I receive [98585998 v]XD next bug
set pen color to (when green flag clicked)
- eviexfubburage
43 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!

when green flag clicked
say [its the 4th week!] for (3) secs
when I receive [Follow v]
say [thank you!] for (1.5) secs
- wjh10
38 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
when green flag clicked
say [Happy Scratch Month!] for (2) secs
- chockiklocki
12 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
when green flag clicked
if <((1) + (1))=(2)> then
say [scratch is AWESOME!]
Last edited by chockiklocki (May 25, 2020 15:14:12)
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» Scratch Month Week 4!