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- » Scratch Month Week 4!
- EmmaHT
3 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
say []
say []
say []
say []
say []
say [] for (2) secs
play sound [ v] until done
play sound [ v] until done
play sound [ v] until done
play sound [ v] until done
play sound [ v] until done
play sound [ v] until done
play sound [ v] until done
play sound [ v] until done
play sound [ v] until done
hide variable [ v]
hide variable [ v]
hide variable [ v]
hide variable [ v]
hide variable [ v]
hide variable [ v]
hide variable [ v]
- pigstarrocks
10 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
This is Pigstarrocks, and i am just here to say that the official registering for the first annual NintEGA Scratch contest will start tomorrow at 12:00 pm.
Please go to my profile to find it and register for it.
This is Pigstarrocks, and i am just here to say that the official registering for the first annual NintEGA Scratch contest will start tomorrow at 12:00 pm.
Please go to my profile to find it and register for it.
- MimiBot2000
31 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
when green flag clicked
if <end of scratch month> then
broadcast [sad]
- foxythepiretefox
31 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
hi are any of you a moderator or employee for scratch cus somthing happend with my account lukebey
- MimiBot2000
31 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
How to make a good scratch project
when green flag clicked(do stuff)
- willowthedeeragon
7 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
when green flag clicked
play sound [hello v]
- SonicHegdhog285
1 post
Scratch Month Week 4!
i'm sad since the pen blocks aren't completely gone I WANT THE PEN BLOCK BACK
pen down
pen up[scratchblocks]
set pen color to [#50ff30][scratchblocks]
change pen color by ()
set pen color to ()
change pen shade by ()
set pen shade to ()
change pen size by ()
set pen size to ()
Last edited by SonicHegdhog285 (May 29, 2020 14:04:40)
- ibopro2929
1 post
Scratch Month Week 4!
English / İngilizce :Think a little bit about the Turks, let's understand the translation
Turkish / Türkçe : ulan biraz da Türkleri düşünün çeviri yapında biz de anlayalım
- -benja-
31 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
(does anyone know anything about cloud data?
because I like to make a multiplayer Game * chat and so on)
thank you yet and stay healthy
(does anyone know anything about cloud data?
because I like to make a multiplayer Game * chat and so on)
thank you yet and stay healthy
- SugarPizza
4 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
Cool, But How Come I CAN't Comment on some other discussions

say []HAPPY B DAY YOOOO for (2) secs
- nascarfans
11 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
when green flag clicked
if <[scratch month] = [yes]> then
broadcast [ party]
broadcast [ :C]
- Ninja9895
7 posts
Scratch Month Week 4!
scratch is now a teenager 

define (teenager)
say [teen] for (2) secs
add [teen] to [list v]
set [teen v] to [teen scratchcat]
broadcast [happy birthmonth scratch!
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» Scratch Month Week 4!