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Sort lists!

Hey there, fellow Scratchers! 8BitJake here, and I want to suggest a new block for the List blocks:
The “Sort list by” block! This block would take any list and sort it by what you choose. The default is “recent.”


sort [list v] by [sort type v]

Here's how it could be used in an example script:

when I receive [Show Scores v]
sort [scores v] by [greatest to least v]
show list [scores v]

There could also be:
([list v] sort type)
<[ list v] is sorted by [sort type v] ?>

They could be used like this:

if <[ list 1 v] is sorted by ([list 2 v] sort type) ?> then
say [Yay!]
What do you think???

100+ posts

Sort lists!

Semi-support. There were sorting algorithms made by users before, this will make that process a lot easier. But I think the last two will be hard to implement, because say if you have a list which is already sorted, but not with the block. What would happen? Also, is there a-z and z-a sort types? What would happen if you did those at a numerical list, or any sorting type on a random list including words and numbers?

(note: you can make the blocks look like they are on the list category by adding ::list next to them.)

Suggestions forum is love, suggestions forum is life
100+ posts

Sort lists!

HighFlyer222 wrote:

Semi-support. There were sorting algorithms made by users before, this will make that process a lot easier. But I think the last two will be hard to implement, because say if you have a list which is already sorted, but not with the block. What would happen? Also, is there a-z and z-a sort types? What would happen if you did those at a numerical list, or any sorting type on a random list including words and numbers?

(note: you can make the blocks look like they are on the list category by adding ::list next to them.)
It would say “custom” when outputted. Here are all the sorts:

sort [list v] by [default (recent to most recent) v] ::list
sort [list v] by [a-z v] ::list
sort [list v] by [z-a v] ::list
sort [list v] by [numerical order v] ::list
sort [list v] by [custom... ] ::list
sort [list 1 v] by [sort type of...] ::list
sort [list v] by [reverse numerical order v] ::list
sort [list v] by [random sort v] ::list
sort [any list v] by [sort type v] ::list

Last edited by 8bitjake (May 12, 2020 16:20:18)

1000+ posts

Sort lists!

I think this is a duplicate. Not sure where though

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1000+ posts

Sort lists!

I think just
sort [list v] :: list
would be enough: it would sort using the
<[] < []>
<[] > []>
operators. This means that numbers would be automatically sorted in numerical order and text in alphabetical order. A
reverse [list v] :: list
block would also be useful.

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