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1000+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

So, I've seen a lot of posts here asking why Scratch is having server trouble, so I thought I'd answer it before you make a topic. The answer is:

Because of quarantine, people have more time, and a lot of people quit Scratch before because they didn't have time. So, now that those people do have time, they are coming back to Scratch. A lot of people are doing this, look at the statistics where there is a huge jump in new comments, not new users. So, because of this spike in activity, Scratch is running slower. That's why there is now a Load Comments button on profiles.

However, this may not apply to everything. Here is what all has been updated to combat the server slowness:
-Studio comment number being 100+ once it gets to 100
-If someone has over 100 shared projects it just says 100+
-No more favorite project count
-No more Studios I'm Following count
-No more Studios I'm Curating count
-Please tell me if I've missed any!

Thanks for reading and stay safe!

I can't believe this got stickied! Thank ST and Strajox!

Last edited by BearSlothCoding (April 10, 2021 15:52:27)

1000+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

Thank you. I hope this stops repeats

#SaveCubeupload | Kumquat Attack | Game in which you can submit your avatar

Be Moist | Forum Helpers


Press CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN after highlighting a bit of my signature to see the rest of my signature (and keep doing it)

Whats a stick?

If you suggest that the days since 2000 block is removed, you are going to feel the wrath of my TNT recklessness

My kumquat protectors: (~˘▾˘)~ ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) (◕‿◕✿) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ( ಠ ͜ʖರೃ) ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Total Power: 35

Ok this is the end of my signature, but scroll down some more if you want some nice color hex codes.

Turquoise ish green: #17e67b
Epic nice blue: #0090c0
Cool light blue: #c4ffec, #a3ffe1, #85ffd7

Bippity Boppity Boo wow you found me congrats
1000+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

oof i thought the load comments button showed cus of my adblocker. thanks for clarifying.
100+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

Welp, I guess I'll report to be stickied because a lot of posts about this rose up.

do not
1000+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

Strajox wrote:

Welp, I guess I'll report to be stickied because a lot of posts about this rose up.
Thank you so much!
1000+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

So that's why there's a Load Comments button…

Highlight this text and press Ctrl-Shift-Down to view more of my signature. There's a lot in there.
Brainteaser: What comes next? Answer on my profile. First correct answer gets a follow.

[ ]
[ [ ] ]
[ [ [ ] ] [ ] ]
Good projects ⬇️

100+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

coder2045 wrote:

So that's why there's a Load Comments button…
Indeed… makes sense now.

Hi, nice to meet you! I am Alex.
*Disclaimer - my real name is not Alex
500+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

Scratch is having server troubles allot now!

Advanced coder ll Helper ll Platformer Expert ll
Bug Expert ll My stats ll Profile ll My Projects ll

28 posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

say [This is an ebic signature]
38 posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

There's a problem with the load comments button because it removes the ability to archive comments on profiles in internet archive.

create a Netflix account on jan 30, BOOM free netflix forever. Official carlos caterpillar enthusiast
1000+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

PillyMaster wrote:

There's a problem with the load comments button because it removes the ability to archive comments on profiles in internet archive.
It does? Can't you just click the button then archive it?
500+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

BearSlothCoding wrote:

PillyMaster wrote:

There's a problem with the load comments button because it removes the ability to archive comments on profiles in internet archive.
It does? Can't you just click the button then archive it?
I guess I could try

500+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

oof. Just tried it, and the archiver did not load them. probably because it does not archive the server contents but who really needs to archive that anyway?

(Im apparently the first person to archive my profile lol)

1000+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

JackK211424 wrote:

oof. Just tried it, and the archiver did not load them. probably because it does not archive the server contents but who really needs to archive that anyway?

(Im apparently the first person to archive my profile lol)
Ah. I guess you'll have to wait until quarantine is over and the button disappears.
100+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

Ok so, I have a problem. I was making a scratch show, and I finally had the timing perfect, then I went to watch it the next day, but all the timing was messed up. And the code is getting deactived. I dont know where to put this, so I finnally decided on this one.

ꜱ ʜ ᴜ ɴ ʙ ᴀ ʙ ʏ

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain.
-Vivian Greene

1000+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

StellaTheSphinx wrote:

Ok so, I have a problem. I was making a scratch show, and I finally had the timing perfect, then I went to watch it the next day, but all the timing was messed up. And the code is getting deactived. I dont know where to put this, so I finnally decided on this one.
Please make your own topic.
100+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

(looks a statistics page)

(looks at comments increase)

(thinks about how much I would NOT like to be stabbed, shanked, etc. with that)

Hey. This is a signature.
I'm semi-active ig

I don't know what to put here.
1000+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

StellaTheSphinx wrote:

BearSlothCoding wrote:

StellaTheSphinx wrote:

Ok so, I have a problem. I was making a scratch show, and I finally had the timing perfect, then I went to watch it the next day, but all the timing was messed up. And the code is getting deactived. I dont know where to put this, so I finnally decided on this one.
Please make your own topic.

Um the title is dont make a topic
No, the title is read BEFORE making a topic in case this could be the answer. Your problem seems like something with code so there is no reason increased website traffic would cause this.
1000+ posts

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

Makes sense, thanks!

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)
Forum helper | boy | platformers | 14yrs | guitar | website

New Scratcher
1 post

Scratch having server trouble? Read this before making a topic!

hae alll am new

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