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- » ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
- joshuaho
1000+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
First off, thanks to the following who have contributed to the making of this topic: Harakou, PrincessFlowerTV, and
Lately, I have been seeing a lot of necroposting going on in the forums which led me to make this guide on when is or isn't ok to bump old topics.
First off, its important that users are aware of what necroposting is. The following information has been provided by Harakou (currently a Scratch Team member) from Scratch 1.4:
NOTE: When checking the date of the thread, it is always a good idea to not just check the date of the first post. How long the thread has gone without being replied to should also be considered. (In other words, it is possible to have a topic that's over 3 months old since its creation and still be active.)
The following questions and answers (about necroposting) have been provided by PrincessFlowerTV (see the original topic here):
Which necroposts should I report and which necropost should I NOT report?
I will present 3 cases about when there was a necropost. One of them is not a helpful necropost that should be reported, while the other 2 are allowed.
Case 1.
Case 2
How can I appropriately respond to a necropost?
As always, you should use the report button when you see a post that fits the criteria for necroposting. However, I've been seeing a lot of users responding to necroposts to tell them that they've necroposted. While I'm sure they're trying to be helpful, there are some things that one should keep in mind before responding:
Hopefully this helps clear up the problems with necroposting. If something isn't clear (or you need more clarification), then please don't hesitate to let me know.
Lately, I have been seeing a lot of necroposting going on in the forums which led me to make this guide on when is or isn't ok to bump old topics.
First off, its important that users are aware of what necroposting is. The following information has been provided by Harakou (currently a Scratch Team member) from Scratch 1.4:
First things first: What is a necropost?
A necropost is generally referred to as a reply to an old, abandoned thread that has been considered “dead” for a while. Basically, a thread that no longer serves any purpose is bumped back up to the top of the forums by someone posting in it.
How old should a thread be before it is considered “dead”?
This depends on the thread and the forum it is in. Some things to consider:
-Has the initial question been resolved?
-Is the subject no longer relevant? (For example: a thread suggesting an input box. Since Scratch 1.4 added this functionality, this thread has no real purpose.)
-Is the thread relatively old? If the original poster was asking for help, they're probably not watching it anymore if it's over a month old.
Is it ever okay to necropost?
Yes. If you believe you have something to add to the subject that no one else has mentioned, and the topic is still relevant or unresolved, you can give your input; it may spark new discussion! However, do some searching and make sure the subject hasn't been resolved or continued on somewhere else since then. In addition, some topics, such as Show and Tell threads, are never too old to post in. Since those are there for you to give feedback, rather than hold a discussion, you can always leave a comment for the maker. There's nothing like bringing a great project that has been forgotten back into the limelight.
For more information, see the Scratch Wiki article on bumping/necroposting.
NOTE: When checking the date of the thread, it is always a good idea to not just check the date of the first post. How long the thread has gone without being replied to should also be considered. (In other words, it is possible to have a topic that's over 3 months old since its creation and still be active.)
The following questions and answers (about necroposting) have been provided by PrincessFlowerTV (see the original topic here):
Q: First off, what is necroposting?
A: Necroposting is the act of bumping up topics that are “dead”.
Q: How old is a “dead” topic?
A: Generally, if the most recent post on the topic is more then a month old, it's considered necroposting if you post on that topic.
Q: Does necroposting exist in all of the sub-forums?
A: The sub-forums Suggestions, TIRAP, TIMAC, Show and tell, and the laungage forums, are fine to post on old topics. Necroposting “does not exist” because the topics will continue to be relevent. In Requests and Project Ideas, it depends on the topic.
In HWS, QAS, New Scratchers, Bugs and Glitches and Collaboration however, necroposting “exists”.
Q: What do when I see necroposts?
A: Depending on the senario, here are your options.
-If the post is constructive, and the user is just trying to be helpful, mention politly to them that although it's nice that they want to help out, they have necroposted, and tell them to refrain from posting on topics not replied on in a month or more.
-If the user is not being constructive, either saying “i'm not sure” or “I was wondering this as well” or asking their own question, let them know not to thread hijack, and to make their own topic with their question.
-And finally, if the necropost is spam of any kind, report the post.
Keep in mind, the person who brings the topic up is the “original necroposter”. If other users post on the topic after it has been necroposted on, they are not all guilty of necroposting.
Which necroposts should I report and which necropost should I NOT report?
I will present 3 cases about when there was a necropost. One of them is not a helpful necropost that should be reported, while the other 2 are allowed.
Case 1.
This first case is about a necropost that I made that was not helpful. This necropost that I made was on a thread that was 5 months old without replies and was no longer useful. Furthermore, the necropost I made did not contribute to the thread topic. Therefore, necroposts like these are NOT ok and should be reported.Yes… even I have necroposted before.
Case 2
The second case was a necropost as well. However, it is a helpful necropost. That necropost contributed to the thread, and, though it bumped a topic a year old, it added new information that had not been added. Therefore, necroposting like that in that situation is OK and should not be reported.
Case 3 - Necroposting in forums or topics where “necroposting” does not exist
There are several instances where necroposting technically doesn't “exist”, including posting on stickied topics and iTopics. Also, earlier, PrincessFlowerTV had pointed out that there are several forums where it is fine to post on old topics. However, I would like to point out that while it may be ok to bump up those topics, the post still has to relate to the thread and add value to the discussion. In other words, if I was to bump up an old thread that wasn't mine to spam it or just “for the heck of it”, then it wouldn't be ok, even if it was in a forum section where necroposting didn't “exist”.
How can I appropriately respond to a necropost?
As always, you should use the report button when you see a post that fits the criteria for necroposting. However, I've been seeing a lot of users responding to necroposts to tell them that they've necroposted. While I'm sure they're trying to be helpful, there are some things that one should keep in mind before responding:
- If the necropost was clearly spam, then don't respond to it. Just report it and move on. The post is going to be removed anyway - along with other posts associated with it. So there's no point in posting.
- Don't simply tell the user not to necropost - especially if they're new. I'm not really a fan of these posts for a few reasons: 1. It doesn't really add much value to the discussion. 2. It can be confusing and even shocking to new users - as they most likely aren't familiar with what necroposting is. I think there are better ways of approaching it - in a more constructive and helpful manner. See this for more information.
- Please be polite about it. Sometimes, I see users post along the lines of “DO NOT NECROPOST”, or “Stop necroposting”. Again, chances are that they might not know what necroposting is - and I'm sure that the last thing they'd want is for someone to jump on them (in a not so polite manner) for that. While it's fine to help users become familiar with the forum guidelines, please be respectful when doing so.
Hopefully this helps clear up the problems with necroposting. If something isn't clear (or you need more clarification), then please don't hesitate to let me know.

Last edited by joshuaho (Aug. 1, 2020 16:17:37)
- Braeden5454
500+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
Thanks for clarifying this for some people. Sometimes on year old suggestion threads I see something like “I agree with you”. This annoys me because it is clogging up recent forum space.
- Asjali
100+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
I've been reporting quite a bit of necroposts since I started frequenting these forums not too long ago and needed some clarification on what was actually a necropost. This definitely saves me a world of impending trouble (not that I'll stop reporting, but that I'll take care to report more carefully). Thank you, joshuaho!
- davidkt
1000+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
Necropost Bump
- joshuaho
1000+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
Necropost BumpPlease do not necropost if the post does not contribute to the topic.
Oh… wait. I also “necroposted” too.
LOL, just joking!! There is no such thing as necroposting on ITopics….

Last edited by joshuaho (May 29, 2014 04:54:53)
- Zacshap21
100+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
So true, I noticed a couple times a forum topic from almost a year ago, but there was one recent post that said ‘yup, you’re right.'
- davidkt
1000+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
joshuaho 4 mod
Last edited by davidkt (May 29, 2014 19:53:08)
- joshuaho
1000+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
joshuaho 4 modWow… thanks!

- davidkt
1000+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
Welcome.joshuaho 4 modWow… thanks!

- weatherman115
500+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
Wuts an itopic
- joshuaho
1000+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
^^^That would be considered a necropost, but there is no such thing as necroposting on Itopics. Wuts an itopic

- Tramcrazy
100+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
Good topic. I reported it to be stickeyed as I think it has enough importance.
- joshuaho
1000+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
No need for that. This topic is already in the Good topic. I reported it to be stickeyed as I think it has enough importance. list of ITopics, which is a sticky containing the list of helpful topics for Scratch.

- Kal_Kal_Kal
100+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
What about “Bumping” and “Bump”
- joshuaho
1000+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
It is just a phrase used for a new reply for bringing a topic back to the top of the forum. What about “Bumping” and “Bump”

- goldfish678
1000+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
joshuaho 4 modAgreed!
- derpmeup
1000+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
joshuaho 4 mod
4 mod

- joshuaho
1000+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
LOL thanks guys!joshuaho 4 modjoshuaho4 mod

- derpmeup
1000+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
LOL thanks guys!joshuaho 4 modjoshuaho4 mod

- Langdon35
500+ posts
ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]
I've been banned for necroposting before 

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» ITopic - What is Necroposting and when should it be reported? [Guide]