Discuss Scratch

10 posts

Paint Editor Update: Costume Centering Tool

set pen color to [define pick random 0 to 100]
stop you
10 posts

Paint Editor Update: Costume Centering Tool

ceebee wrote:

Hi folks,

We’re excited to share with you an update to the Scratch Paint Editor!

So, what’s new?

You can now align your artwork to the canvas center more precisely. You can do this by clicking your artwork and dragging it towards the center crosshair symbol:

The paint editor will automatically align your artwork when your artwork gets close to the canvas center.

Thanks for all your continued feedback and stay tuned for more updates in the future!

Scratch On!
1 post

Paint Editor Update: Costume Centering Tool

Okie Dokie CeeBee!
when green flag clicked
say [] for (2) secs
pen up
pen down
6 posts

Paint Editor Update: Costume Centering Tool

when green flag clicked
when green flag clicked
when this sprite clicked
when this sprite clicked
when this sprite clicked
when this sprite clicked
when backdrop switches to [ v]
when backdrop switches to [ v]
when backdrop switches to [ v]
when backdrop switches to [ v]
when backdrop switches to [ v]My browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 79.0.3945.130, No Flash version detectedMy browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 79.0.3945.130, No Flash version detectedMy browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 79.0.3945.130, No Flash version detectedMy browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 79.0.3945.130, No Flash version detectedMy browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 79.0.3945.130, No Flash version detectedMy browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 79.0.3945.130, No Flash version detectedMy browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 79.0.3945.130, No Flash version detectedMy browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 79.0.3945.130, No Flash version detectedMy browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 79.0.3945.130, No Flash version detected[quote][list]
[url=]Your text to link here...[/url]
1 post

Paint Editor Update: Costume Centering Tool

7 posts

Paint Editor Update: Costume Centering Tool

if on edge, bounce[scratchblocks]

when green flag clicked
move (10
) steps
1 post

Paint Editor Update: Costume Centering Tool

This update is siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 post

Paint Editor Update: Costume Centering Tool

I think this is a really cool update! I can't wait to see what is next on my scratch adventure ! (Just checking that wasnt cringy…. lol)
12 posts

Paint Editor Update: Costume Centering Tool

ceebee wrote:

Hi folks,

We’re excited to share with you an update to the Scratch Paint Editor!

So, what’s new?

You can now align your artwork to the canvas centre more precisely. You can do this by clicking your artwork and dragging it towards the centre crosshair symbol:

The paint editor will automatically align your artwork when your artwork gets close to the canvas centre.

Thanks for all your continued feedback and stay tuned for more updates in the future!

Scratch On!

thank you, scratch team!
17 posts

Paint Editor Update: Costume Centering Tool

ceebee wrote:

Hi folks,

We’re excited to share with you an update to the Scratch Paint Editor!

So, what’s new?

You can now align your artwork to the canvas center more precisely. You can do this by clicking your artwork and dragging it towards the center crosshair symbol:

The paint editor will automatically align your artwork when your artwork gets close to the canvas center.

Thanks for all your continued feedback and stay tuned for more updates in the future!

Scratch On!

when [up down left right v] pressed in order :: hat pen
BE HAPPY :: cap operators
New Scratcher
1 post

Paint Editor Update: Costume Centering Tool

i dont really get what this is could you please explain

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