Discuss Scratch
- RedGuy7
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
The Shop Web
Perfect Pearls has an order overload! Please take some!
Detailed description: 3 Art pieces for my platform please (non-scrolling) 1st piece is in a plains area (may you also draw grass for me on a different sprite?) 2nd piece is fading from a plains to a forest (may you draw trees on a different sprite? I need the trees not to collide with the player, as a background) 3rd piece, fading over to a cave (spike like things drawn on different sprite please) Hopefully you accept this order Qualified, overdue
Link(s) (if needed): None
He/she: He
Deadline: Asap, preferred at max 5 days, If its late, please don't give strikes to anybody, this is a complicated order. Due at April 23, 2020 12:11:57
Who would you like to do it?: Anyone, preferred a good artist please
Where would you like to be notified?: Profile
Other: N/A
Detailed description: A pen intro with a black background and either my pfp or a tortoiseshell cat.Qualified, overdue
Link(s) (if needed):
He/she: it
Deadline: Before Thursday, this is for a very important project Due at April 23, 2020 00:00:00
Who would you like to do it?: No preference
Where would you like to be notified?: My profile please
Other: I couldn't find a code word so no.
Detailed description: I need some critiques on my art. I would really prefer it if someone with art experience would take this order.Qualified, not due
Link(s) (if needed): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/377757151
He/she: She
Deadline: No time limit, but the sooner, the better. Ordered at April 15, 2020 11:04:47
Who would you like to do it?: An artist of some sort, although it’s not required.
Where would you like to be notified?: On the project.
Other: To whoever takes the order, I know the qpattern on the dress is terrible. Don’t bring it up.
What do you need: MusicClaimed, overdue
Detailed description: Something tropical-sounding, for a Mario Kart game. If you could use xylophone and maybe fit in some brass, that would be awesome!
Link(s) (if needed):
He/she: He/him
Deadline: April 11th Due at April 11, 2020 00:00:00
Who would you like to do it?: No one in particular.
Where would you like to be notified?: My profile, preferably.
Other: Thank you so much!
Detailed description: I would like a music remix. Just add some new sounds, re-arrange sounds, loop sounds etc. The original song is in the links.Claimed, overdue
Link(s) (if needed): Original Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP1st5KjSpk Helpful Program for remixing: https://www.soundtrap.com/
He/she: He
Deadline: 21 April Due at April 21, 2020 00:00:00
Who would you like to do it?: Anyone who can make a soundtrap account.
Where would you like to be notified?: Put the sound in a scratch project and then give me a link.
- RedGuy7
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
The Shop Web
I've left Scratch to experience with BitsBox and stuff. More information here: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/27174841/.
- Catie623
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
The Shop Web
Hello! I'm the the PRO at Perfect Pearls 2.0, and we are currently holding a Partnership Activity Check. Please have 2 BoD members (if 2 are not available, then please have 3 workers) post on our thread, which can be found here, saying that the shop is still active and you would like to remain partners. If you don't have 2 respond within the next week, then your partnership will be removed. If you would no longer like to be partners with Perfect Pearls 2.0, then please either respond to this post or post on the Perfect Pearls 2.0 thread. Thank you! We hope to remain partners!
- RedGuy7
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
The Shop Web
here, saying that the shop is still active and you would like to remain partners. If you don't have 2 respond within the next week, then your partnership will be removed. If you would no longer like to be partners with Perfect Pearls 2.0, then please either respond to this post or post on the Perfect Pearls 2.0 thread. Thank you! We hope to remain partners!The PAC due date has been extended to the 3rd, BTW. Hello! I'm the the PRO at Perfect Pearls 2.0, and we are currently holding a Partnership Activity Check. Please have 2 BoD members (if 2 are not available, then please have 3 workers) post on our thread, which can be found
- robloxer90083
- Scratcher
100+ posts
The Shop Web
How do you use BBCode to put a rainbowRainbow text :D