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Makey Makey Recorder

I have been working all day to program a Makey Makey “recorder” to operate like a real instrument. I've successfully coded 4 notes, but am running into trouble with getting the next level note to play, which requires that 3 keys be pressed to play the note. Is there a limit on the number of AND operators you can use?

I have 8 keys I want to program that will, according to the various metal brads touched, play the actual note.

It seems like I can't get more than 2 keys to work as conditions for a sound to play. This surprises me, but I've tried so many different avenues…

IF key (up arrow) is pressed AND Key (down arrow) is pressed I can get a note to play
This doesn't work: IF key (up arrow) is pressed AND Key (down arrow) is pressed AND space key pressed

I'm coaching a student on this, so any help is appreciated!

Here is the work in progress:

Thanks so much!!

Last edited by MrsFog (Dec. 30, 2019 23:10:03)

1000+ posts

Makey Makey Recorder

Interesting, I don't think that to many and statements can be defective, however, some keys cannot be sensed as pressed at the same time, (I'll give you a link later) due ti a scratch bug…

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)
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