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- qloakonscratch
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-227 37 -88 -89 208 212: -112 -110 -108 -111 -79 -74: 230 207 -88 -22 212 208: -112 123 114 -60 -74 124: 5 5 5 5 5 5: 35 -86 -91 -90 -89 133 84 218 223 209: -107 116 117 119 118 120 62 -81 -70 -72: 43 -27 20 43 133 84 59 125 221 196: -94 -38 -15 9 121 62 53 -100 -81 -63: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5:-17 -93 18 88 FL-false qloakonscratch:
Name: Slippery Slope
Difficulty: Very Hard (Hardest Possibly)
- gdpr70f61245d597c25631fbb669
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199 -187 -232 -232 -186 -185 -124 -167 -165 145 183 184 143 143 92 93 130 129 95 -105 -105 -74 -72 -105 45 83 82 37 4 3 -33 -54 -40 -1 -23 -174 -172 -228 -111 -113 -8 -34 -6 58 17 13 116 75 74 74 73 150 153: -129 132 91 92 91 49 133 132 50 134 133 94 95 60 137 136 135 97 98 133 131 133 95 93 136 136 97 137 136 58 57 133 90 133 133 12 11 -48 12 -80 14 13 -76 13 15 -30 13 12 -36 -35 -73 22 -70: 199 -234 -233 -187 -185 -231 -167 -166 -121 184 184 143 143 184 91 129 130 96 128 -107 -74 -72 -105 -73 45 81 47 5 4 37 -53 -76 -68 -45 -22 -226 -174 -174 -113 -60 -57 -34 -56 19 13 52 76 75 116 75 123 151 153: 140 132 131 91 49 49 133 50 50 133 94 94 58 60 52 136 97 97 56 51 133 95 93 49 55 55 98 137 56 56 133 52 88 135 52 -48 -96 -47 -81 -81 13 -79 -75 16 -77 -31 12 -39 -34 -73 -74 -50 -72: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5: : : : : :220 126 224 -96 FL-true Naleksuh:
- 6543ozne
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Last edited by 6543ozne (March 8, 2022 04:02:14)
- Epsilon_3
500+ posts
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-180 -152 -150 -151 -138 -128 -135 -105 -113 -90 -86 -83 -94 -56 -45 -44 -57 -18 -38 -12 -14 5 30 21 32 48 -157 -159 -126 -141 -145 -129 -129 -45 -84 -81 -10 -7 33 29 50 49 94 97 120 121 185 181 -137 208 181 220 186 -189: 86 88 93 128 93 111 88 79 94 73 136 135 99 78 137 140 105 105 89 87 107 129 110 93 76 94 19 35 27 30 17 14 0 47 43 -8 50 -4 -7 55 58 -4 -7 56 57 -12 54 -16 -92 -54 -20 27 77 -108: -162 -164 -153 -178 -116 -139 -120 -121 -126 -97 -98 -67 -76 -59 -58 -20 -44 -39 -26 -32 -6 4 20 32 48 30 -156 -159 -140 -145 -129 -129 -147 -84 -81 -39 -7 32 29 -12 49 94 97 53 121 165 184 181 153 236 189 238 202 -180: 76 75 130 130 95 90 72 73 113 117 118 138 104 120 121 142 111 92 76 77 82 81 95 76 94 110 -1 37 29 17 14 0 -2 45 -8 -5 -4 -4 55 49 -4 -7 56 58 -12 -16 15 -16 -88 -27 -25 44 69 -117: 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 8: -129 -124: -123 -107: 158 148: -123 -107: 6 6:206 -119 -188 -56 FL-false Epsilon_3:
10 posts
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-185 -229 -104 -209: 58 41 11 -74: 62 -160 -155 -86: 89 -21 -104 -123: 5 19 19 19: 138 30: 109 -42: 39 -80: -11 -37: 5 19:0 105 16 -59 FL-true D0MBOM:
- dkennebeck30
21 posts
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-225 -153 -31 49 166: 65 24 4 58 70: -189 -77 33 94 210: 63 25 4 58 72: 5 5 5 5 5: : : : : :-209 88 189 112 FL-true dkennebeck30:
- _Cookie_The_Wolf_
7 posts
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done itName: Good Luck197 126 31 -53 -114 -172: -37 -10 -6 -5 -3 1: 239 125 31 -53 -114 -172: -36 -10 -6 -5 -3 1: 5 5 5 5 5 5: 200: -37: -239: -29: 5:223 -9 -220 14 FL-true 224615:
Dificulty: Hard - IMPOSSIBLE
Notes: Good Luck
I have beaten it
- Pipe1637
79 posts
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-38 -66 -67 73 -12: -13 -76 -109 -4 31: -121 28 13 39 6: -34 -74 -88 -61 -48: 5 5 5 5 5: 6 -150 -87 -4 -12: -8 -87 -74 -117 27: 170 170 -96 204 18: 6 -75 -99 -83 -48: 5 5 5 5 5:-45 -58 104 53 FL-true Pipe1637:
@greenFlag ::hat events
- WojtekGame
1000+ posts
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-19 -66: 38 -98: -17 30: -99 -98: 5 5: -81 30 46 -35: 38 -98 34 108: -67 46 -38 -83: -97 35 110 38: 5 5 5 5:-45 -58 16 -59 FL-false WojtekGame:
- -abstracted-
100+ posts
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beat it first tryBeat ittrick man -69 49 97 32 -85 -93: -30 49 85 62 -82 -77: 69 110 32 -1 77 94: 48 108 -48 18 -85 -73: 5 5 5 5 5 5: -64 -2 -84 40: -27 15 -82 -38: 83 30 80 82: 49 58 -85 37: 5 5 5 5:0 105 16 -59 FL-true DaMightyMegazord:when green flag clicked
repeat ()
repeat ()
repeat ()
repeat ()
say [83]
difficulty is impossible
- -abstracted-
100+ posts
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-1 -224 -120 0 64 26 199 123 -1 -164 -235 -225 -215 -205 -224 -218 -199 -191 -219 -231 -93 132 142: 43 -10 96 44 46 -107 -69 -125 -31 60 71 70 66 58 -10 34 33 11 -8 1 96 57 97: 1 -194 -95 63 65 48 232 146 -39 -121 -227 -216 -206 -192 -238 -217 -168 -169 -230 -231 -2 141 160: -30 -8 96 46 -26 -107 -71 -125 -133 95 70 65 60 -4 -17 33 19 18 -1 10 46 95 63: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5: -75 -75 -103 -147 -179 -75 -125 -128 -113 -110 -171 -161 -159 -145 -143 -115 -102 -75 -75 -70 -72 -87 -183 -186 -182 -174 -204 -176 -158 -90 -159 -157 69 116 174 189 185 134 152 138 155 164 186 158 158 157 135 144 165 174 190 199 114 135 141 154 70 101 -6 -23 1 17 31 44: -92 -52 -4 4 -42 -94 -22 -43 -52 -34 -33 -55 -14 -30 8 10 -3 -25 -52 -72 -92 -131 -43 -95 -41 -8 141 102 -121 -130 -123 -134 8 47 58 34 2 -24 37 25 23 32 17 8 8 9 51 87 -134 -98 -137 -96 -28 -69 -21 -51 -28 -65 -49 -97 42 29 41 28: -78 -101 -145 -179 -159 -88 -128 -113 -110 -123 -161 -144 -146 -143 -115 -102 -75 -78 -69 -72 -73 -75 -186 -160 -174 -144 -179 -156 -145 -92 -157 -145 116 174 189 185 133 67 137 155 164 152 185 158 186 184 142 158 174 189 199 210 135 140 154 154 98 112 -2 -2 17 31 46 62: -53 -3 7 -42 -121 -129 -43 -52 -34 -23 -55 -66 -33 -64 10 -3 -25 -49 -72 -92 -120 -119 -95 -121 -8 7 102 142 -135 -137 -134 -137 47 58 34 2 -24 -26 25 23 32 37 17 8 19 3 85 58 -96 -132 -97 -132 -70 -25 -50 -16 -67 -25 -79 -79 29 40 29 46: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5:-30 7 39 13 FL-false -abstracted-:
Level name: Sharks vs. Narwhals
Level difficulty: Medium/Hard
- -abstracted-
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beat it! -230: -63: -95: -78: 5: -95 -32 27: -77 14 31: -31 27 46: 16 30 10: 5 5 5:-209 -47 16 -59 FL-true TheGoodGuy8000:
- DifferentDance8
1000+ posts
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Name: Insanity^2
Difficulty: Hard
23/04/24 EDIT: Holy * this level is too easy to warrant a Hard rating. Not even a Easy rating. Maybe an Easier than Easy rating? And the name is just bad.
Difficulty: Hard
-68 133 -121 42: -82 74 -22 -7: 8 206 -131 158: -81 77 99 -37: 5 5 5 5: -5 143: -80 -29: -6 171: -1 71: 5 5:-45 -58 177 112 FL-false DifferentDance8:
23/04/24 EDIT: Holy * this level is too easy to warrant a Hard rating. Not even a Easy rating. Maybe an Easier than Easy rating? And the name is just bad.
Last edited by DifferentDance8 (April 23, 2024 02:59:21)
- Rhythm_HeavenFan
39 posts
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-33 134 144 -4: 42 51 -65 -92: 104
Difficulty: Easy
Notes: have fun!!!!!
- pythonicKI
100+ posts
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(#301)I beat it in 3 attempts…-227 37 -88 -89 208 212: -112 -110 -108 -111 -79 -74: 230 207 -88 -22 212 208: -112 123 114 -60 -74 124: 5 5 5 5 5 5: 35 -86 -91 -90 -89 133 84 218 223 209: -107 116 117 119 118 120 62 -81 -70 -72: 43 -27 20 43 133 84 59 125 221 196: -94 -38 -15 9 121 62 53 -100 -81 -63: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5:-17 -93 18 88 FL-false qloakonscratch:
- Rhythm_HeavenFan
39 posts
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Name: The Walk Up
Difficulty: 7/12
Author: Rhythm_HeavenFan
Difficulty: 7/12
Author: Rhythm_HeavenFan
-238: -137: 238: 141: 5: -169 -45 83: -92 -21 52: -113 25 120: -61 21 75: 5 5 5:-217 -103 183 150 FL-true Rhythm_HeavenFan:
- Rhythm_HeavenFan
39 posts
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Easy Does It
-29 -137 -218 -170 -218 -172 16: -69 -106 -93 -54 -3 33 -56: -87 -209 -219 -172 -219 10 8: -107 -109 -3 34 77 42 41: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5: -152 -218: -125 109: 63 19: -123 112: 5 5:-45 -58 -5 78 FL-false player4929:
- Rhythm_HeavenFan
39 posts
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Play(ke)list (playlist)
Difficulty: 8/12
Difficulty: 8/12
-87 -85 70 73: -119 111 111 10: -85 70 73 -86: 111 111 10 8: 5 5 5 5: 43 46 45 45 42: 108 102 79 57 36: 41 66 67 68 67: 13 87 65 43 19: 5 5 5 5 5:-63 29 23 44 FL-false player4929:; -142: -86: 6: -97: 5: -133 -91: 124 -88: -142 -29: -86 -92: 5 5:-113 -71 -1 -63 FL-true player4929:; -15 -9 79 175 -12: -118 70 120 52 -20: -9 79 175 171 175: 70 120 52 -121 -27: 5 5 5 5 5: 83: -24: 83: 11: 5:11 -3 153 7 FL-true player4929:; -151 -168 -169: -120 89 87: -174 137 150: 137 82 -73: 5 5 5: 150 -52: -72 31: 184 3: -74 3: 5 5:-138 105 -73 71 FL-true player4929:; 96 -46 -41 -44: 93 86 -123 -8: -46 -41 112 105: 87 -123 -124 -13: 5 5 5 5: 87: -9: 77: 89: 5:-28 104 -2 -88 FL-true player4929:;
- windows11_fan300
19 posts
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here's one: -218 151 219 142 -221 -160 111 -184 -104 -104 -160 -114 -15: -105 62 32 68 -107 24 136 89 42 40 19 59 140: 149 239 202 -214 -239 -35 177 -186 37 38 -185 -16 49: 60 -51 55 -133 -99 -48 99 -6 123 123 -63 138 134: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5: -162 -89 19 96 81 38 114 105 88 64 137 99 194 97 102 32 123 54 96 64 102 -33 73 70 -35 100 35 152 132 195 193 95 204 62 12 -123 66 128 163 221 13 36 94 211 -103 -80: -116 -86 -73 -45 -43 -86 -87 -93 -58 -68 -67 -44 -103 -51 -61 -80 -55 -97 -105 -103 -32 -109 -73 -41 -76 -20 -31 -23 -87 -99 -76 -1 -98 -123 -118 -131 -114 25 -1 -91 -32 -25 15 -45 45 -77: 73 -54 -24 124 81 93 78 101 86 140 138 130 146 144 84 81 67 117 16 11 20 -12 33 31 110 -194 114 156 230 158 169 190 117 35 -121 45 115 138 205 8 -15 81 176 155 36 -48: -85 -110 -115 -63 -68 -65 -58 -82 -68 -46 -38 -42 -74 -39 -43 -55 -56 -118 -97 -103 -84 -70 -64 -58 -77 -128 -34 -76 -132 -49 -42 -61 -135 -124 -126 -130 -96 -6 -62 -61 -50 8 6 -50 126 -69: 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5:-221 -91 234 -7 FL-false windows11_fan300:
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