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⭑NEW⭑ ☁︎Pears to Pairs 6-Player Cloud Multiplayer Card Game!☁︎

I've been working hard for months perfecting my latest Cloud game.

May I present to you:

This is a port of the classic Pears to Pairs card game that was made on Roblox by user “alexnewtron”. This game was also later developed into an IOS/Android game as well. Unfortunately this game was discontinued during 2018 as a Roblox update broke it and the code was beyond repair.

At the start of each round, a random adjective is chosen. Each player is given 6 random cards when they join the game, these cards are either places, people, or random things. At the start of the round, a random player is chosen to be the judge, the judge doesn't get any cards. The objective of the player, is to choose the card that best matches the adjective. After that happens, everyone's chosen card is revealed to the judge, the judge's job is to choose which card best matches the adjective. The player that chose the best card wins!

My version of Pears to Pairs supports up to 6 players playing at the same time, it also features original graphics and audio from the original game, it's almost a perfect port!

Check it out:

Take a look at my projects: Click Them To Play!

95 posts

⭑NEW⭑ ☁︎Pears to Pairs 6-Player Cloud Multiplayer Card Game!☁︎


Take a look at my projects: Click Them To Play!

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