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100+ posts

How Do You Become A Scratch Team Member?

I've been wondering how to become a scratch team member. I want to help scratch's community.

Sorry if this is counted as spam.

hi im roz
i dont like this username either but i cant change it
1000+ posts

How Do You Become A Scratch Team Member?

This topic is not spam because it is a question about Scratch — and hence you have posted in the correct forum.

To join the Scratch Team, you must first be 18 years old or older, and you must also be legally able to work in the United States. If you fit both those criteria, check out the Jobs link (found at the bottom of every webpage) to see what positions are available, and instructions on how to apply.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

my notebook | scratch team essay | accessibility essay
100+ posts

How Do You Become A Scratch Team Member?

Za-Chary wrote:

This topic is not spam because it is a question about Scratch — and hence you have posted in the correct forum.

To join the Scratch Team, you must first be 18 years old or older, and you must also be legally able to work in the United States. If you fit both those criteria, check out the Jobs link (found at the bottom of every webpage) to see what positions are available, and instructions on how to apply.

Too young oof ;-;

hi im roz
i dont like this username either but i cant change it
85 posts

How Do You Become A Scratch Team Member?

I will tell you. To be a scratch team you must follow 40 users, have 70 users that is following you, have more than 500 posts, be 7, 10 or 18 years old, be the world's patient user ever, share 100 projects and favorite 500 projects. Watch the story

Hello! I am homerdistancer_games. So, why not try any of these?

Triple click, then CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN to view my project tags!

Road to 100 posts! Let's go!
83/100 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Try any of my tagged projects!

Popular ones: Math time You cannot escape windows tales 10 Step on the enemy Language maze
Top viewed ones: Windows 1 simulator Cat-vice killscreen
1000+ posts

How Do You Become A Scratch Team Member?

homerdistancer_games wrote:

I will tell you. To be a scratch team you must follow 40 users, have 70 users that is following you, have more than 500 posts, be 7, 10 or 18 years old, be the world's patient user ever, share 100 projects and favorite 500 projects. Watch the story
Please don't necropost.

What necroposting means: Necropost

Also, those aren't the requirements. Some of the ST barely ever went into the forums (from my knowledge, correct me on this). You have to be over 18, be respectful, and must be responsible for the commands you are getting, plus a bunch of other job things, like background information, and more.

Last edited by Nezon (Dec. 6, 2020 17:10:24)

This is my signature (it goes automatically under every post I make)! Here is a bit of advice on foruming, by the way. Don't do SAND. SAND means four words.
SAND means Spam, Advertising, Necroposting, and Derailing.
Spam is when a irrelevant message is sent to many places. Wiki Article: Spam
Advertising is when you promote your studios and projects. Wiki Article: Advertising
Necroposting is when you post on a old topic. It distracts other helpers! Wiki Article: Necroposting
Derailing is when you post something that is irrelevant to the topic, like minimodding. It is called thread hijacking. Wiki Article: Derailing(Derailing idea comes from this guy),
in the process of leaving scratch.
bob has been hidden again :(

1000+ posts

How Do You Become A Scratch Team Member?

homerdistancer_games wrote:

I will tell you. To be a scratch team you must follow 40 users, have 70 users that is following you, have more than 500 posts, be 7, 10 or 18 years old, be the world's patient user ever, share 100 projects and favorite 500 projects. Watch the story
That's… Not true at all
You have to be 18+, as this is a paying job, and to have a decent resume. Followers, projects and posts do not matter at all. Don't advertise your YouTube video as well, please.

1000+ posts

How Do You Become A Scratch Team Member?

homerdistancer_games wrote:

I will tell you. To be a scratch team you must follow 40 users, have 70 users that is following you, have more than 500 posts, be 7, 10 or 18 years old, be the world's patient user ever, share 100 projects and favorite 500 projects. Watch the story
This is not correct. Please review my post above for the correct requirements.

In particular, I am not 18, have not shared 100 projects, and have not favorited 500 projects.

This is my forum signature! On a forum post, it is okay for Scratchers to advertise in their forum signature. The signature is the stuff that shows up below the horizontal line on the post. It will show up on every post I make.

I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

my notebook | scratch team essay | accessibility essay

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