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- » Wiki Wednesday, July 31, 2019
- LiFaytheGoblin
1000+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Today is the 39th Wiki Wednesday! With this Wiki Wednesday we will be trying something new: The section “Participate!” - find it after the articles of the month.
The great articles you just saw have been written by your fellow Scratchers. Some things are not documented on the Scratch Wikis yet. This is where you come in. This month's “Participate!” is…
In the comments, post a question about Scratch, the Scratch ecosystem or programming with Scratch that you could not answer with help of the Wiki (use your native language if you like). If you see a question that can be answered using the Wiki, feel free to post a link. If you see a question that can not be answered using the Wiki but you know the answer to, feel free to post an answer! The most interesting questions and answers will be added to the Wiki and highlighted in the next Wiki Wednesday in the “Did you know” section.
What is the Scratch Wiki?
The Scratch Wiki is a collaboratively-written wiki available for free that provides information about the Scratch programming language and its website, history, and phenomena surrounding it. The wiki is supported by the Scratch Team, but is primarily written by Scratchers. The Scratch Wiki is a popular source of information for scripts and tutorials, and it continues to grow as Scratchers use it as their primary source of information. This could also include advanced articles for Scratchers around the world to build, share, and see.
(Source: Scratch Wiki)
There are many languages which do not have a Scratch Wiki! If you know a language without a Wiki, then you can help create one. Learn more here! We are looking for native speakers in a certain language and do not require any applicants to have a perfect grasp on the English language.
Did you know?
A big thank you goes to MakeTheBrainHappy for organizing this Wiki Wednesday and writing the post. Credit to Yummygum on iconfinder.com for the flag icons!
Here are the Wiki Articles of the Month:
English: Studio
A studio is a place where users can put multiple projects into an accessible group. Prior to Scratch 2.0, they were called galleries, and had some different features. Most studios have a specific theme of projects.
French (français): Créer un projet de bienvenue
Le studio de bienvenue permet de mettre en avant des projets destinés à souhaiter la bienvenue aux nouveaux utilisateurs de Scratch. Découvrez comment en faire un en lisant l'article de ce mois.
Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian): Scratch Team
Scratch Team (atau terkadang Tim Scratch) adalah sekolompok orang yang mengerjakan Scratch di bawah Lifelong Kindergarten Group di MIT Media Lab. Peran mereka antara lain adalah mengembangkan program Scratch dan memantau situsweb Scratch.
Japanese (日本語): ドット絵エディタを作る
The great articles you just saw have been written by your fellow Scratchers. Some things are not documented on the Scratch Wikis yet. This is where you come in. This month's “Participate!” is…
In the comments, post a question about Scratch, the Scratch ecosystem or programming with Scratch that you could not answer with help of the Wiki (use your native language if you like). If you see a question that can be answered using the Wiki, feel free to post a link. If you see a question that can not be answered using the Wiki but you know the answer to, feel free to post an answer! The most interesting questions and answers will be added to the Wiki and highlighted in the next Wiki Wednesday in the “Did you know” section.
What is the Scratch Wiki?
The Scratch Wiki is a collaboratively-written wiki available for free that provides information about the Scratch programming language and its website, history, and phenomena surrounding it. The wiki is supported by the Scratch Team, but is primarily written by Scratchers. The Scratch Wiki is a popular source of information for scripts and tutorials, and it continues to grow as Scratchers use it as their primary source of information. This could also include advanced articles for Scratchers around the world to build, share, and see.
(Source: Scratch Wiki)
The Current Scratch Wikis
Dutch (Nederlands) |
English |
French (français) |
German (deutsch) |
Hungarian (Magyar) |
Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) |
Japanese (日本語) |
Russian (Русский) |


Missing Languages
There are many languages which do not have a Scratch Wiki! If you know a language without a Wiki, then you can help create one. Learn more here! We are looking for native speakers in a certain language and do not require any applicants to have a perfect grasp on the English language.
Did you know?
- …単語組合せ制クラウドチャットが禁止されました。定型文は許可されています。
- … kamu bisa memesan sprite, kostum, dan bahan-bahan lainnya di forum Requests (Permintaan)?
- …Studios used to be called “galleries”. The name was changed when the website switched to Scratch 2.0 because more was being done with studios than just showing off projects.
- Le saviez-vous ? Plus de 370 projets ont été acceptés dans le studio de bienvenue aux Scratcheurs ! Vous-voulez en faire partie ? Allez lire l'article sur le wiki !
A big thank you goes to MakeTheBrainHappy for organizing this Wiki Wednesday and writing the post. Credit to Yummygum on iconfinder.com for the flag icons!
- AFNNetworkK12
1000+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Its wiki time!
Last edited by AFNNetworkK12 (July 31, 2019 20:50:07)
- cs458468
100+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, July 31, 2019
What happened to the websit? I'm on a MacBook and scratch has been acting strange (by not showing some of the pictures)
- bluemarker177
18 posts
Wiki Wednesday, July 31, 2019
What happened to the websit? I'm on a MacBook and scratch has been acting strange (by not showing some of the pictures)
say [maybe you should switch browsers] for (2) secs. say [if you tried every browser,]then maybe relog, and if you already did that, then try reinstalling the browser. if this dosent work, then sorry, but i dont know.]
Last edited by bluemarker177 (Aug. 1, 2019 00:21:36)
2 posts
Wiki Wednesday, July 31, 2019
That happend to me. Maybe it's ur network cuz that was the problem for me..
- B0o0lean
1000+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, July 31, 2019
I love Wiki Wednesdays and I'm happy to finally see it happen this month!

- SadieOrr
44 posts
Wiki Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Hi! How do you change an icon on tablet???

- makethebrainhappy
1000+ posts
Wiki Wednesday, July 31, 2019
What are the best branding tips?
What are the best branding tips?
- Sparkleunicorn_44
5 posts
Wiki Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Hi I have a question.
How many studios can each person create!
How many studios can each person create!
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» Wiki Wednesday, July 31, 2019