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- Nambaseking01
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
Things to do next week
- Make a studio for our shop
- Improve our Github repository
- Advertise this shop more, plus the guides
- Make a PHP department poll
- Host an activity check
- Make a studio for our shop
- Improve our Github repository
- Advertise this shop more, plus the guides
- Make a PHP department poll
- Host an activity check
Last edited by Nambaseking01 (June 5, 2020 15:35:38)
Hey there! My name is Nammy. I'm a male Forum Helper and Scratch Wiki Editor.
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
- kitten769
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
Things to do next weekI can write a few guides and help build the studio.
- Make a studio for our shop
- Improve our Github repository
- Advertise this shop more, plus the guides
- Make a PHP department poll
- xXRedTheCoderXx
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
Yeah, you can make some, that'll be nice.Things to do next weekI can write a few guides and help build the studio.
- Make a studio for our shop
- Improve our Github repository
- Advertise this shop more, plus the guides
- Make a PHP department poll
Right now, I'm working on the motion one. You can do the looks one when I'm done with the motion one, sound good?
- kitten769
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
Just to clarify: Should I write it in a project or forum post, and should I break it down block-by-block?Yeah, you can make some, that'll be nice.Things to do next weekI can write a few guides and help build the studio.
- Make a studio for our shop
- Improve our Github repository
- Advertise this shop more, plus the guides
- Make a PHP department poll
Right now, I'm working on the motion one. You can do the looks one when I'm done with the motion one, sound good?
- xXRedTheCoderXx
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
In a forum post block by block, but anyway, don't write it right now. Wait until I'm finished with my post first, so you can see the format. Just to clarify: Should I write it in a project or forum post, and should I break it down block-by-block?
- Nambaseking01
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
Things to do next week
- Make a studio for our shop
- Improve our Github repository
- Advertise this shop more, plus the guides
- Make a PHP department poll
- Host an activity check
I'm going to do the above all step by step. Firstly, I'm creating the studio right now - everyone will be invited soon.
Hey there! My name is Nammy. I'm a male Forum Helper and Scratch Wiki Editor.
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
- kitten769
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
OK.In a forum post block by block, but anyway, don't write it right now. Wait until I'm finished with my post first, so you can see the format. Just to clarify: Should I write it in a project or forum post, and should I break it down block-by-block?
- xXRedTheCoderXx
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
All about Motion blocks
Like the name implies, the blue motion blocks move the player, whether it's by changing it's x position, y position, or direction. The motion blocks cannot be in backdrops. You can glitch in the blocks into the backdrop using your backpack or by using the drag and drop blocks into another sprite feature, but the motion blocks do nothing when inside a backdrop.
The third and fourth blocks are easy. The third simply lets you snap a sprite's direction to any point, and the fourth blocks snaps a sprite's direction to face another sprite.
X and Y are built in variables into each sprite. They represent the position of a sprite. X represents the horizontal axis of a sprite. Y is vertical. The stage is 480 steps by 360 steps, so keep that in mind. The stage is split into 4 quadrants. That means that the middle of the stage is X 0 and Y 0. When a sprite's Y axis is low, the sprite is also low. When the Y axis is up, the sprite goes up. When the X axis goes up, the sprite goes right. When the X axis goes down, the sprite goes left.
The second one is “left-right.” That means the sprite can only point in two direction, one flipped, and the other regular. If the direction of the sprite is negative, it's flipped. If the direction is positive, the sprite looks normal.
The last one is “don't rotate.” That means that no matter what the direction of the sprite is, it'll look normal.
Like the name implies, the blue motion blocks move the player, whether it's by changing it's x position, y position, or direction. The motion blocks cannot be in backdrops. You can glitch in the blocks into the backdrop using your backpack or by using the drag and drop blocks into another sprite feature, but the motion blocks do nothing when inside a backdrop.
move [#] stepsThe following block moves the player in a certain direction. To move the sprite farther, the number has to be bigger. To move the sprite backwards, the number must be negative. Your sprite move in the direction of it's direction variable. 90 degrees is the default direction and faces to the right, so when your sprite is pointing at 90 degrees and this block is used it moves right. You can change a sprite's direction manually by using the dashboard under the stage, or by using the following blocks:
turn cw [#] degreesThese blocks are quite self explanatory. The first block turns your sprite clockwise a number of times specified by what number you put. The second block is the same, except the sprite turns counter clock wise. If you put a negative number into these blocks, the direction gets reversed. For example, when you put -5 in the first block, it turns counter clock wise instead of clockwise. This could be useful when wanting to have a sprite turn randomly.
turn ccw [#] degrees
point in direction [#]
point towards [... v]
turn cw (pick random (-10) to (10)) degreesIt's important to mention that the direction of sprites can go from -180 to 180. If a sprite's direction goes above or below those numbers, then the direction of the sprite loops around, but only visually. So, if you use the following block:
(direction)and if you are above 180 or below -180, it'll still say the number that is bigger/lower.
The third and fourth blocks are easy. The third simply lets you snap a sprite's direction to any point, and the fourth blocks snaps a sprite's direction to face another sprite.
go to x: [#] y: [#]The first block snaps sprite to a certain place on the stage. The second block snaps a sprite to another sprite on the stage. Now let's talk about X and Y.
go to [... v]
X and Y are built in variables into each sprite. They represent the position of a sprite. X represents the horizontal axis of a sprite. Y is vertical. The stage is 480 steps by 360 steps, so keep that in mind. The stage is split into 4 quadrants. That means that the middle of the stage is X 0 and Y 0. When a sprite's Y axis is low, the sprite is also low. When the Y axis is up, the sprite goes up. When the X axis goes up, the sprite goes right. When the X axis goes down, the sprite goes left.
set x to [#]These blocks simply change or set the X and Y position of a sprite.
set y to [#]
change x by [#]
change y by [#]
if on edge, bounceThis block causes a sprite to change direction when the sprite is touching the edge of the stage.
set rotation style [all around v]There are multiple types of rotation styles. The default rotation style for a sprite is “all around.” That means the sprite can rotate all around.
set rotation style [left-right v]
set rotation style [don't rotate v]
The second one is “left-right.” That means the sprite can only point in two direction, one flipped, and the other regular. If the direction of the sprite is negative, it's flipped. If the direction is positive, the sprite looks normal.
The last one is “don't rotate.” That means that no matter what the direction of the sprite is, it'll look normal.
(x position)These blocks simply output what X and Y position of the sprite is. You'll learn more about these types of blocks, called reporters, in more guides.
(y position)
glide [#] secs to x: [#] y: [#]These blocks glide a sprite to a certain position. What this means is it smoothly moves this sprite to a certain position. This position could be coordinates as shown in the first block or another sprite as shown in the second block. The first input of the block decided how many seconds it will take the sprite to glide to the position you put in.
glide [#] secs to [... v] :: motion
- Nambaseking01
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
All about Motion blocks
Great guide! Didn't read it entirely, but the parts I did read were awesome!
We now have an official studio for SUCS workers! BoD members will get promoted (but please don't abuse), and all workers will get invited. More info may be found on the studio description - anybody who joins can enter the studio. Thumbnail submissions are welcome (details in description as well). Please only add projects related to SUCS.
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/26860708/
A new Term will be made on this.
Hey there! My name is Nammy. I'm a male Forum Helper and Scratch Wiki Editor.
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
- xXRedTheCoderXx
- Scratcher
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⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
Thanks! Also, glad we have a studio now, just remember to invite us. XD Great guide! Didn't read it entirely, but the parts I did read were awesome!
- Nambaseking01
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
Thanks! Also, glad we have a studio now, just remember to invite us. XD
I will, lol
Hey there! My name is Nammy. I'm a male Forum Helper and Scratch Wiki Editor.
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
- MossW
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⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
Can I be the second vice president?
- ContourLines
- Scratcher
500+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
elections Can I be the second vice president?
idk anymore
- Nambaseking01
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
Can I be the second vice president?
wait for the elections
Hey there! My name is Nammy. I'm a male Forum Helper and Scratch Wiki Editor.
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
- Nambaseking01
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
(please read whole post to find out how to run in the elections)Oh, you have found my little secret, haven't you? Hehe >:3
Hello! My name is Nambaseking01, and I am the owner of this shop, the Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop. Have you ever wanted to be a member of the Board of Directors of this shop? Well, now, the elections are starting for becoming the second vice president! However, you might not get accepted if you don't read through this entire post and figure out what to do to run for vice president. First of all, read this post so you have a clear idea of how this process works.
Anyways, let's see how you should enter the elections. First of all, prepare a speech with at least three paragraphs, use neat BBCode, quote this post and snip it and leave your speech. The manager/founder will collect the speeches and the manager has to give them through to the founder if he hasn't collected them yet and it follows the rules. Then, when the speeches are done with being collected, we will officially close the elections and make sure we have all the speeches for a few days.
Then, the voting will start. The voting should normally end around the last days of June. Customers, workers, random people seeing this forum thread, everyone can vote. It's suggested that you advertise your speech in a lot of places and motivate people to vote for you. The voting will be on Strawpoll. In the end, whoever gets the most votes wins, and they will be appointed as vice president. (More info on voting will release when all speeches have been collecting and official voting starts)
> @ContourLines may not run for the elections as they won the last one and they are in a higher position.
> Speech collection will end on 15/06/2020 so make sure to do it fast!
> You may run for the elections if you are a lower position than the second vice president and you are willing to abandon it when entering the elections (which mean you will be a normal worker even if you lose the elections - it's not recommended as it's very risky)
That's it, folks! Make sure you run for it, and you might win! You will have to be patient as the process may take up whole June. The elections are more serious than you expect. You can ask candidates from the last election (unless you are one) for tips if you're not sure how to form your speech ;)
Last edited by Nambaseking01 (June 5, 2020 17:20:52)
Hey there! My name is Nammy. I'm a male Forum Helper and Scratch Wiki Editor.
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
- XxDusk_LlamaxX08
- Scratcher
100+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
okay cool! If I can have your shop link and name, as well as your banner, Here are my things: Shop|Banner|Shop name!I'm good at animations, but am HORRIBLE at scrolling platformers. i also made a just danceI can partner with you Also, how well can you code?It's code_nammy, not code_nanny. Anyways, declined - I don't wanna be partnering with you if you aren't even offering us anything yet.
oops my mistake i meant nammy. and also i understand why you dont want to partner w/ me. maybe i will ask you later on when i have more buissness.
also here are some of my animations!
Thank you for your time
Last edited by XxDusk_LlamaxX08 (June 5, 2020 17:27:52)
• ゚ 。 . . . 。 。 . . 。 ඞ 。 .
• •XxDusk_LlamaxX08 was not the imposter. 2 imposters remaining 。 . 。 ゚ . . , . . .
- Nambaseking01
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
Shop|Banner|Shop nameokay cool! If I can have your shop link and name, as well as your banner, Here are my things:
Thank you for your time
Please do this discussion somewhere else - it's irrelevant to this shop. Thank you!
Hey there! My name is Nammy. I'm a male Forum Helper and Scratch Wiki Editor.
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
- MossW
- Scratcher
100+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
Okay! If it's elections, I'll run for vice president, not second vice president!Can I be the second vice president?
wait for the elections
- ContourLines
- Scratcher
500+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
but second vice president is on offer, I'm pretty sure until I resign, there'll be no vp elections right? (lol, sry if I got this wrong ) ~snip~
Okay! If it's elections, I'll run for vice president, not second vice president!
Last edited by ContourLines (June 5, 2020 17:33:07)
idk anymore
- MapleTails
- Scratcher
1000+ posts
⭐ Scratch Ultimate Coding Shop! ⭐ Get quality codes for Scratch, HTML, Roblox, and much more! ⭐ WE FINISHED 10+ ORDERS IN THE LAST MONTH ⭐
Welp here's go nothing.
Hello, I'm MapleTails or Maple as called on Scratch. I am currently a normal worker and I'll be saying why you should vote for me to become second vice president!
~I've worked at this shop for a while so I know what rules need to followed/how this shop works. If there's an issue, I would know how to handle it But I also know what rules can be slightly broken and how to keep order. I mean, I say I can. Not sure what other people think.
~Second, I'm a good leader. I actually run my own shop, Writer for the World, and I run quite a few other things that are not shops. Every single one runs very smoothly. And I hope I can be a good backup when nessacary. If this shop goes inactive, I will try my absolute best to try to keep it running. And I hope I can successfully do it. However, my shop hasn't gotten too many customers (record:1) but I hope to gain experience of helping this shop out when Nammy's inactive.
~Third, I have some ideas, more from my speech for vice president the first time! . -Random Orders to Practice. -Monthly meeting of BOD and advertising plan. I hope we can use at least one of these to get the shop a little more noticed.
~Last but not least: I am a reliable/truthful worker, not afraid to give up an order if I couldn't complete it. I'm active as well, almost never missing a check.
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. ~William James
I hope you will vote for me for VP!
Last edited by MapleTails (June 5, 2020 17:56:41)
Hey there. I'm an animator and artist