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Dystopian Cabin Scavenger Hunt

For Dystopian Cabin of July SWC 2019

Anyone is welcome to attempt to solve the clues, though only those in Dystopian this month are eligible for the prize.

the system is corrupt. it is time to escape. find the identities of the key holders and you will be liberated. (but not really )
clues will be given for every 25,000 words in total written by the cabin
whoever correctly guesses the identities of the 5 key holders at the end of camp will win a prize from candy
key holders will either be a camp leader, co leader, or camper not in dystopian (that's around 100+ people to look through, though the clues will usually point to a certain cabin)
good luck, may the odds be ever in your favor

Key Holder #1 Clue1: Bonjour! I hope this message finds you well. It’s so boring up in this tower, though I’m sure many of you would have a grand old time climbing it. You could make an expedition out of the trip. As for me, I prefer a quieter life. Adventure is for the birds. Or should I say bugs? Oh- it’s 5:00. I better get going. Au revoir!

Key holder #2 Clue1: There are many words without rhymes. Orange, silver, purple, month. Barely anything rhymes with me. Maybe “a custom twin?” Nah.

Key holder #3 Clue1: You walk inside the tiny shop. The aromas of baked goods float toward you. “Can I have something filled with spices?” You ask the girl at the front counter. It’s your favorite. She nods. “Pinch of magic? It’s a usual with the spices.” “Okay.” The girl hands you a sticky pastry and you take a bite. Light and fluffy, as usual.

Key holder #4 Clue1: You look down at your watch. Dang, too early. You wanted 1800 AD, not 1800 BC. “Oh well, this is okay I guess,” you say. Hey, maybe you could go meet Hammurabi. You can’t remember if he was the guy who made a law about only using your left hand to write, or if he did something with the Rosetta Stone. Or maybe not either one…

Key holder #5 Clue1: Waltzing through the forest is fun. There are so many animals here! I’ve always been mesmerized by plants and animals- everything except snakes. That terrible sound they make…”ssssss…” oh, it makes me shudder to even think about it! I’m absolutely terrified of snakes.

Key Holder #1 Clue2: The battle raged on between the red and black vs the purple and silver. You still didn’t know how they could stand to do this every single day. It seemed so repetitive. No one ever did anything different. They never had more than twenty-minute long battles, and even then everything went back to normal.

Key holder #2 Clue2: I like to play songs, On my very big cello. And my violin.

Key holder #3 Clue 2: “Let’s raise our glass to freedom- something they can never take away. Have you ever felt like nobody was there? You will be found. No matter what they tell you, tomorrow there’ll be more of us.” Ah, the magic of music. How it brings us together. Even when the lyrics aren’t exactly for the right song…

Key holder #4 Clue2: One of my favorite cartoons is Phineas and Ferb. I especially like the Lake Nose Monster episode. Remember that weird lifeguard guy who kept saying that one phrase? What was it…”alright!” No….”right on!” Nah…I’ll get it eventually.

Key holder #5 Clue2: Dark blue mist curls at your feet. It’s been too long since the last encounter with the great serpent. You wonder if she’ll take your offering of a walrus tusk. You enter the cave and pray to no one, knowing your fate is in your own hands.

Key holder #1 Clue3: Five…four…three…two…one. It’s adventure time! No, not that cartoon. A different one. This one’s not even American…it’s European. Really popular worldwide though.

Key holder #2 Clue3: The curtain rises. You take a deep breath and step forward into the spotlight, hoping you’ll win the big prize tonight. $5,000 to the best musician- “I know I can,” you say, “I’ve practiced for months.” You just hope your performance wows the judges. It’s an original piece- inspired by the poems of Edgar Allen Poe.

Key holder #3 Clue3: Working at Pixar studios seems like a fun job. I’ve always wanted to be a professional animator, though I’d like to animate a movie with more fantasy, not just talking food or toys or whatnot. Even animating for a short music clip would be fun- as long as there’s a magic element to it.

Last edited by smartcutecandy (July 22, 2019 17:12:11)

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