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15 posts

What happened to the Delete Last of (List) block?

I was recently making a text engine and wanted to use the Left Arrow to delete the last item of the list like a backspace but it is gone. I went to some older projects and found out that it the part that would have had a drop down list was now just a number input.
What it used to look like:
delete (last v) of [list v]

What it now looks like: The number input is represented by a dot. (You can now not delete the last item of the list, because of the number input)
delete ((.)) of [list v] 

Scratch Team, If this is a bug, Fix it please.

1000+ posts

What happened to the Delete Last of (List) block?

There are three ways around this:

1. Use a variable and set it to “last”
2. Backpack the delete last block from another project
3. Use length of list, like show below.

set [LAST v] to [last]
delete (LAST) of [list v]

delete (last v) of [list v]

delete (length of [list v] :: list) of [list v]

Scratch to Pygame converter: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/600562/
15 posts

What happened to the Delete Last of (List) block?

I found a way to bypass, Thanks for the ideas though. Has anyone else had this or? I have reloaded the page 5 times, Restarted my PC and everything but it's still not there.

1000+ posts

What happened to the Delete Last of (List) block?

It wasn't added to 3.0. I think it's because the Scratch Team would have to make a custom drop down. It's possible they will add it in a future update.

Scratch to Pygame converter: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/600562/
1000+ posts

What happened to the Delete Last of (List) block?

imfh wrote:

delete (length of [list v] :: list) of [list v]
I agree with this workaround. Because it's not that complicated, I'm not sure if we'd be reverting the change.

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I was a Scratch Team member from May 10th 2019 to October 29th 2021. I reached 20,000 forum posts on June 24th 2024.

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1 post

What happened to the Delete Last of (List) block?

ummmm i coded a plat former and i got wekipedia to teach me but then i got this stuck the block is called lenght 0 and then i putted it in the thing and then i dont know how to get it out

Last edited by GangsterPlayz (May 7, 2020 00:23:02)

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