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43 posts

Clones not appearing?

So in one of my projects (a clicker) I have clones that appear above a sprite, but they randomly just don't appear. Can anyone help me?
You can replicate the glitch by opening and closing the “Action” tab.
The error sprites are “Copper_Coin_(old)2” and “Copper_Coin_(old)3” in this project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/315317592/
Anyone who can help me fix this will get credit.

when green flag clicked
delete this clone
100+ posts

Clones not appearing?

clear graphic effects
with the show. The problem is that it has a ghost effect of 100

when green flag clicked
Be awesome!
43 posts

Clones not appearing?

drchubbington wrote:

clear graphic effects
with the show. The problem is that it has a ghost effect of 100
ahh that makes sense, idk how i didnt see that. credit for u in the Notes & Credits section

when green flag clicked
delete this clone
43 posts

Clones not appearing?

FireballOraiste wrote:

drchubbington wrote:

clear graphic effects
with the show. The problem is that it has a ghost effect of 100
ahh that makes sense, idk how i didnt see that. credit for u in the Notes & Credits section
wait it doesnt work completely even after changing it

when green flag clicked
delete this clone
1000+ posts

Clones not appearing?

The clones are there until you click 10 times, and then they disappear. The sprites limit in a project is 300, and you delete the clones so it is almost as if nothing changed. This has not happened before, you might want to tell it to the ST.

EDIT: Or the “clear graphic effects” block is glitched.

Last edited by Nambaseking01 (June 6, 2019 20:18:03)

Hey there! My name is Nammy. I'm a male Forum Helper and Scratch Wiki Editor.
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
100+ posts

Clones not appearing?

I took sime time to figure out exactly how many clones are beinging created. I made a variable that increases by one when a new clone is made and decreases by one when it is deleted. I eventually realized that the variable would increase expontentially when the were more clones on the screen.

If you didn't know this already, clones recieve broadcasts along with the parent sprite. This means that each clone will recieve the message to make more clones of itself. The result is an exponential increase of clones. That being said, I don't know if the clone limit is the issue. My guess is that you are somehow overloading the project with clones so it wont create any more. Try to make only the parent coin sprite recieve broadcasts. You can do this by making two identical costumes, one for the parent and the other for clones. If the costume is the parent sprite's, then continue with the broadcasting process. Otherwise, no clones will be created.

when I receive [ v]
if <(costume #) = [1]> then // assume that costume one is the parent sprite
create clone of [myself v]

when I start as a clone
switch costume to [costume 2 v] // clones switch to costume two

Edit + Working Solution:
I took another look at your project an I saw that the merchant was also cloning itself but never getting deleted. Using the same logic as before, it created exponential amounts of clones. This definitely passed the clone limit. Either add the script above or prevent the merchant from cloning.

Last edited by Skill_Games (June 6, 2019 20:35:26)

1000+ posts

Clones not appearing?

Skill_Games wrote:

I took sime time to figure out exactly how many clones are beinging created. I made a variable that increases by one when a new clone is made and decreases by one when it is deleted. I eventually realized that the variable would increase expontentially when the were more clones on the screen.

If you didn't know this already, clones recieve broadcasts along with the parent sprite. This means that each clone will recieve the message to make more clones of itself. The result is an exponential increase of clones. That being said, I don't know if the clone limit is the issue. My guess is that you are somehow overloading the project with clones so it wont create any more. Try to make only the parent coin sprite recieve broadcasts. You can do this by making two identical costumes, one for the parent and the other for clones. If the costume is the parent sprite's, then continue with the broadcasting process. Otherwise, no clones will be created.

when I receive [ v]
if <(costume #) = [1]> then // assume that costume one is the parent sprite
create clone of [myself v]

when I start as a clone
switch costume to [costume 2 v] // clones switch to costume two

Edit + Working Solution:
I took another look at your project an I saw that the merchant was also cloning itself but never getting deleted. Using the same logic as before, it created exponential amounts of clones. This definitely passed the clone limit. Either add the script above or prevent the merchant from cloning.

You bet my explanation, you programing genie!

Hey there! My name is Nammy. I'm a male Forum Helper and Scratch Wiki Editor.
Profile | Test Account | Talk with me here! | Griffpatch is quitting Scratch?!
43 posts

Clones not appearing?

Skill_Games wrote:

I took sime time to figure out exactly how many clones are beinging created. I made a variable that increases by one when a new clone is made and decreases by one when it is deleted. I eventually realized that the variable would increase expontentially when the were more clones on the screen.

If you didn't know this already, clones recieve broadcasts along with the parent sprite. This means that each clone will recieve the message to make more clones of itself. The result is an exponential increase of clones. That being said, I don't know if the clone limit is the issue. My guess is that you are somehow overloading the project with clones so it wont create any more. Try to make only the parent coin sprite recieve broadcasts. You can do this by making two identical costumes, one for the parent and the other for clones. If the costume is the parent sprite's, then continue with the broadcasting process. Otherwise, no clones will be created.

when I receive [ v]
if <(costume #) = [1]> then // assume that costume one is the parent sprite
create clone of [myself v]

when I start as a clone
switch costume to [costume 2 v] // clones switch to costume two

Edit + Working Solution:
I took another look at your project an I saw that the merchant was also cloning itself but never getting deleted. Using the same logic as before, it created exponential amounts of clones. This definitely passed the clone limit. Either add the script above or prevent the merchant from cloning.
Oh, that cloning script isn't even meant to be there

when green flag clicked
delete this clone
43 posts

Clones not appearing?

Well, it works perfectly now. Thanks guys!

when green flag clicked
delete this clone
4 posts

Clones not appearing?

my clones aren't appearing in my space invader game
its only the planet sprite clones that aren't showing

the clones are there i tested this by putting a sound block on the clones when they spawn but they just not showing
1000+ posts

Clones not appearing?

GOZZbro wrote:

my clones aren't appearing in my space invader game
its only the planet sprite clones that aren't showing

the clones are there i tested this by putting a sound block on the clones when they spawn but they just not showing
Please create your own new topic rather than necroposting.
100+ posts

Clones not appearing?

Skill_Games wrote:

I took sime time to figure out exactly how many clones are beinging created. I made a variable that increases by one when a new clone is made and decreases by one when it is deleted. I eventually realized that the variable would increase expontentially when the were more clones on the screen.

If you didn't know this already, clones recieve broadcasts along with the parent sprite. This means that each clone will recieve the message to make more clones of itself. The result is an exponential increase of clones. That being said, I don't know if the clone limit is the issue. My guess is that you are somehow overloading the project with clones so it wont create any more. Try to make only the parent coin sprite recieve broadcasts. You can do this by making two identical costumes, one for the parent and the other for clones. If the costume is the parent sprite's, then continue with the broadcasting process. Otherwise, no clones will be created.

when I receive [ v]
if <(costume #) = [1]> then // assume that costume one is the parent sprite
create clone of [myself v]

when I start as a clone
switch costume to [costume 2 v] // clones switch to costume two

Edit + Working Solution:
I took another look at your project an I saw that the merchant was also cloning itself but never getting deleted. Using the same logic as before, it created exponential amounts of clones. This definitely passed the clone limit. Either add the script above or prevent the merchant from cloning.
u can also use a local variable called something like isclone i think

27 posts

Clones not appearing?

I just figured this out! Ok ok listen up! If you have 2 “if (something)” blocks and both have a delete this clone block in them, you can't see them, use a wait until block with one of them
100+ posts

Clones not appearing?

Please don't necropost. This topic is a year old.

when green flag clicked
Be awesome!
15 posts

Clones not appearing?

this should fix it:
when I start as a clone
27 posts

Clones not appearing?

Sorry for necroposting
15 posts

Clones not appearing?

I can't get rid of this post

Last edited by mcpuffs (Feb. 1, 2021 20:42:24)

16 posts

Clones not appearing?

drchubbington wrote:

clear graphic effects
with the show. The problem is that it has a ghost effect of 100

i does not work
23 posts

Clones not appearing?

when [awesomeness v] key pressed
be perfect
be cool [forever v]
set [sadness v] to [smile]

Last edited by AminHensem (Sept. 22, 2021 05:53:48)

Anyone can collab! just ask me. btw my profile is dying
23 posts

Clones not appearing?

I need help! How to remove
move (11) steps
from my message?!

Anyone can collab! just ask me. btw my profile is dying

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