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option to make it so you click a script twice to start it, not once

Semi Support, this could be useful, but I think it should be a project setting, so that way, projects requiring you to spam that flag in order to use it will make you spam the flag. That would be useful to prevent projects being broken.


Proud owner of 3 letter account @7lq!

Going back into the forums…… Here we go again.

1000+ posts

option to make it so you click a script twice to start it, not once

han614698 wrote:

Mr_PenguinAlex wrote:

You realize that not everyone is identical to you, and can have problems with something while you don't, right?
Uh-yes, I do. This is all opinion, your SUPPOSED to state your opinion on this. Not what other people think. They can post themselves.
Let's say there was a suggestion for a colorblind mode.

You can't just say “No support, I'm not colorblind”. That's just turning down a suggestion because you personally don't have an issue with the way Scratch is currently.

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