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- Emeraldore12
100+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
It says that an AI helper is NOT restricted. This may be harmful to people who use scratch on a school computer, and even more harmful to people who use scratch on a school computer full time, because website blockers on the device may block scratch for its use of AI content.
- AlejandrixKing245
100+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
thats very true It says that an AI helper is NOT restricted. This may be harmful to people who use scratch on a school computer, and even more harmful to people who use scratch on a school computer full time, because website blockers on the device may block scratch for its use of AI content.
- Za-Chary
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
Done for the “pointing towards sprite” block. But since the “message received” block is about receiving messages, it makes sense to make this consistent with the usual “when I receive message” block. could the “pointing towards sprite” and “broadcast received” block be changed to use insertable dropdown:<(message v) received? :: events><pointing towards (sprite v)? :: sensing>
Clickable external links was rejected. I’ve seen it a couple times but too lazyThanks; I'm tempted not to add it to the list at the moment, unless someone can show that this is a popular suggestion.
(long unnecessary quote removed by moderator - please don't spam)Nice work! I'll add a link to the main list.
I made a Portuguese Version but there are some topics missing because I haven't finished doing it yet.
topic is rejected.This appears to be a joke suggestion and so I don't need to add it to the list. I think this
That would be a good thing to bring up in the topic dedicated to that suggestion: It says that an AI helper is NOT restricted. This may be harmful to people who use scratch on a school computer, and even more harmful to people who use scratch on a school computer full time, because website blockers on the device may block scratch for its use of AI content.https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/740793/
- teamsonic2011
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
When will the next version of TOLORS come?
- UserBlockedYou
46 posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
never When will the next version of TOLORS come?
- ThisIsTemp1
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
Here are some more Thanks; I'm tempted not to add it to the list at the moment, unless someone can show that this is a popular suggestion.
from 2021
March of 2024
- nikky10000000
500+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
1.4 Social action reporter blocksis
This block could be used, for example, to obtain the current number of loves of the project. However, project creators can easily use these blocks to prevent Scratchers from playing unless the project is given enough loves. If a user presses the love button on a project, it should be because they enjoyed the project, not because they are trying to reach some sort of goal. Social actions are not intended to be a way to interact with a Scratch project.
This suggestion extends to all social actions, including views, loves, favorites, remixes, comments, and followers.(number of [loves v] :: sensing)
<loved?::sensing>rejected too?
- BigNate469
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
Yes- under the same logic.is snip<loved?::sensing>rejected too?
However, project creators can easily use these blocks to prevent Scratchers from playing unless the project is given enough loves. If a user presses the love button on a project, it should be because they enjoyed the project, not because they are trying to reach some sort of goal. Social actions are not intended to be a way to interact with a Scratch project.
This suggestion extends to all social actions, including views, loves, favorites (…)
<loved?::sensing>allows project creators to do things like
when green flag clickedwhich violates Be Honest, and is using the loves feature as payment- something that is strictly not allowed.
wait until <loved? ::sensing>
broadcast [play game v]
Last edited by BigNate469 (Dec. 8, 2024 00:32:51)
- alpha_ape_13
500+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
Clickable external links was rejected. I’ve seen it a couple times but too lazyThanks; I'm tempted not to add it to the list at the moment, unless someone can show that this is a popular suggestion.
https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/744777/ (Somehow this isn't closed)
May tell you this is a popluar suggestion
- UserBlockedYou
46 posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
yeah and also this happensYes- under the same logic.is snip<loved?::sensing>rejected too?However, project creators can easily use these blocks to prevent Scratchers from playing unless the project is given enough loves. If a user presses the love button on a project, it should be because they enjoyed the project, not because they are trying to reach some sort of goal. Social actions are not intended to be a way to interact with a Scratch project.
This suggestion extends to all social actions, including views, loves, favorites (…)
Having<loved?::sensing>allows project creators to do things likewhen green flag clickedwhich violates Be Honest, and is using the loves feature as payment- something that is strictly not allowed.
wait until <loved? ::sensing>
broadcast [play game v]
when [timer v] > (0)
reset timer
when [timer v] > (0)
wait until <loved?::sensing>
change [cloud variable v] by (1)
- gohomegetdestroyed
1 post
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
What if they just changed it into an ONLINE app? and the ui had reactions when you clicked on certain things?
also the clone limit should probably be higher, not to like crash your pc but to 1,000 clones
also the clone limit should probably be higher, not to like crash your pc but to 1,000 clones
when green flag clicked
create clone of [ v]
Last edited by gohomegetdestroyed (Dec. 8, 2024 08:05:45)
- 8to16
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
(#9331)Don't make suggestions on this topic, your 2nd idea is rejected (it is implemented in an unofficial scratch mod called turbowarp if you need it for a project). Create a new topic for any other suggestions
What if they just changed it into an ONLINE app? and the ui had reactions when you clicked on certain things?
also the clone limit should probably be higher, not to like crash your pc but to 1,000 cloneswhen green flag clickedforever
create clone of [ v]
- crazyfrogcat
500+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
(#9331)the scratch team can't make an online app because you can't block people even if it was all in one
What if they just changed it into an ONLINE app? and the ui had reactions when you clicked on certain things?
- nikky10000000
500+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
Makes sense Yes- under the same logic.However, project creators can easily use these blocks to prevent Scratchers from playing unless the project is given enough loves. If a user presses the love button on a project, it should be because they enjoyed the project, not because they are trying to reach some sort of goal. Social actions are not intended to be a way to interact with a Scratch project.
This suggestion extends to all social actions, including views, loves, favorites (…)
Having<loved?::sensing>allows project creators to do things likewhen green flag clickedwhich violates Be Honest, and is using the loves feature as payment- something that is strictly not allowed.
wait until <loved? ::sensing>
broadcast [play game v]
Last edited by nikky10000000 (Dec. 8, 2024 14:53:11)
- Catscratcher07
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
rejectedThat was closed since it was not a specific suggestion, it was not rejected (there was no specific suggestion to reject) Pretty sure this is
https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/793839/That was rejected with a quote from TOLoRS, we do not need to be notified of rejections already on the list. this
- endyourenite
100+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/744777/ (Somehow this isn't closed)Now its closed
- MagicCoder330
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
I think you should clarify in the social action block section that
are rejected. not particularly neccasary but may be nice.
<loved? :: sensing>
<favorited? :: sensing>
are rejected. not particularly neccasary but may be nice.
Last edited by MagicCoder330 (Dec. 10, 2024 19:30:42)
- hotcrystal
100+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
What about this? https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/794067/