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Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

This is a discussion page for my game Diamond Miner.

The link for the game is here:-


Diamond Miner is a problem solving game, based on blocks and characters from Minecraft. You have to guide Steve around each cave, collecting the diamonds as you go and unlocking the hidden cake. You need plan your route carefully and use various tools along the way. Tools can only be used a limited number of times, as displayed in the status bar at the bottom. Also, each type of tool can only break certain types of block. You'll get the hang of that pretty quickly…

There are some more tricks you'll have to discover for yourself… Any questions please comment and I'll be happy to help!

You can use passwords to jump straight to the level you got to previously. The password for the current level you are on is displayed if you quit. If you die you have to restart the current level.

Arrow Keys/WASD to move.
Mouse click a block to use a tool on it.
R - Reset level (if you mess it up!)
Q - Quit game.
Space toggles control between Steve and Alex (if Alex is there!)

There are 25 caves to complete.
There is also a walkthrough video available, unfortunately I made a few mistakes so it's 37 minutes long…

Walkthrough Video

This is not a Platformer! Also it is not Minecraft! But I hope at least some of you enjoy it…

More hints and tips:
  • Cobwebs, lava, creepers and spiders are deadly.
  • Some objects can be pushed around.
  • Gravity only acts on sand, water and lava.
  • Some diamonds must be mined from diamond ore.
  • Alex can collect diamonds and tools, but not the cake.
  • It's OK if Alex dies!
  • Sand will not fall if Steve or Alex is supporting it.
  • Flowing water will carry you along with it.
  • You cannot swim against the flow.
  • Bedrock cannot be broken.

I'm sure I can make more challenging levels, or maybe they're too difficult as it is! You decide…

Finally, there is a built in level editor. Press Z+P at the same time to activate it when playing the game. This opens the editor on the current level. To go to the next level, press “N”. To go to the previous level, press “B”.

Pass button - Enter new password
Alex button - Click tile to position Alex. Click button again to remove Alex.
Cake - Click tile to position cake.
Steve - Click tile to position steve
Tiles/Item toggle between tiles and items.
Click in the square to change the current Tile/Item. Then just click the screen to place the required tile.

IMPORTANT: Press Z+P again to save your level to the lists, and remember to remix and save your project if you want to save the updated game including your level.

Last edited by colinmacc (Jan. 22, 2021 14:04:42)

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Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

The game has been out a while now, so here is a full list of passwords:-
  1. welcome
  2. ignite
  3. wriggle
  4. choices
  5. sentinel
  6. catacombs
  7. spidercave
  8. conundrum
  9. flow
  10. dynamite
  11. medusa
  12. reaction
  13. bedrock
  14. quicksand
  15. waterfall
  16. slipstream
  17. alex
  18. hourglass
  19. quicken
  20. sandbox
  21. magma
  22. trap
  23. catastrophe
  24. stronghold
  25. finale

Last edited by colinmacc (April 3, 2019 10:58:25)

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Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

If there are any fans of this game out there, you should really check out @D-ScratchNinja 's remixes, they are great!

Diamond Miner hacked!
Diamond Miner (hard mode)
Diamond Miner with a timer!
Diamond Miner with fog!
Diamond Miner (touchscreen version)
Diamond Miner but Steve is invisible

Last edited by colinmacc (March 21, 2020 23:23:54)

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24 posts

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

26 posts

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

i didnt get any further than level 3!
3 posts

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

cool game dud
1000+ posts

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

Some outstanding new level designs in this stunning remix by @FireHorse27


I mean, REALLY challenging levels. They make mine look like a picnic quite honestly!

Last edited by colinmacc (May 5, 2020 14:54:08)

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Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

colinmacc wrote:

Some outstanding new level designs in this stunning remix by @FireHorse27


I mean, REALLY challenging levels. They make mine look like a picnic quite honestly!

OK I'm so impressed by these levels from @FireHorse27 I'm going to review all of them!

  1. A real baptism of fire. Straight away you can see this is different. Rather than the controlled considered approach, you have to attack this at speed.
  2. The next level continues where the first level leaves off. No time to waste, you need to be quick in this game! There's a sense of being out of control as you're trying to stay one step ahead of the explosions!
  3. In cave 3 things really start to heat up! But this is a bit more measured, you need to be quick, but you need to be precise.
  4. Cave 4 is more of the same, but a little bit more intense!
  5. Cave 5 is the calm before the storm. Who would make a house of TNT? That's crazy! There's going to be a chain reaction, so once you light the ‘fuse’, you need to be quick! (Nice cake placement by the way!)
  6. Back to speed-running in cave 6, or things are going to get messy!
  7. Help arrives in cave 7! But all too briefly, before Alex has to sacrifice herself. It's another out of control level with explosions all around you! This is very stressful! Just when you think it can't get any worse, sand starts falling!
  8. This looks dangerous… This looks like a trap! It is! OK we're playing chicken with creepers I guess!
  9. This is a quite brilliant cave that exposes a really weird bug in the game - sand won't fall until you stop running. Oh well, no harm done. What makes this hard, is the position of the cake! (Bottom middle), sand is annoying!
  10. More sand, and Alex is back! This looks easy, until you see where the cake appears! OK Alex, you can do this one…
  11. MY FAVOURITE CAVE! This is superbly designed. It looks impossible to get through the lava until you realise with a bit of work you can go over it, but don't waste those shovel digs… Oh and you really have to be clever with the water!
  12. Cave 12 is daunting - there isn't an obvious route through. It's another very well designed level though. Alex and Steve are separate, but they need to work together, especially when the TNT is set off… Oh, and the hardest bit is getting past the spider! (There is a way through the water, but it's a bit hit and miss!)
  13. Cave 13 is quite relaxing, mostly just drifting around, but the extra water source near the bottom means you need some nimble fingers! Are we only half way through? Ooof!
  14. Cobweb maze! I love this cave! There's one spider that's really hard to get past. And of course you have to get past it twice… Ouch!
  15. Cave 15 is another one of my favourites! You need to “complete the circuit” to make sure the chain reaction frees up the diamond. But don't use too many pick-axe digs… Another superbly designed cave! This is the closest thing to Redstone you'll find in Diamond Miner!
  16. Cave 16 is a brilliant TNT maze. There's nothing more to say, it's just brilliant!
  17. Cave 17 is busy! Very busy! This cave rewards patience… Hide top-right before setting off the TNT with the lava. When the dust settles, run through the water to the diamond, and again for the cake!
  18. Cave 18 looks remarkably familiar! But here's a big hint. DON'T set off the TNT! Timing is everything here too, and be smart around the water! Actually for me, this felt like it was the hardest cave, but maybe that's just me (!)
  19. Cave 19 is amazing! It looks impenetrable. It looks impossible! Again it's superbly designed, a real work of art. Hint - try and blow up as many spiders on the right as possible, if they split up you can't get past them!
  20. Water and sand? Water and sand together? Who knows what's going to happen - certainly not me!!! This is a great level, you need to think on your feet with this one, and try and work out where the flow will take you… Try and vaguely work from the top down, and end at the bottom right.
  21. Cave 21 is another great design and one of the hardest caves. There's so much water!! But at least there's no sand. Hint, you don't need the bucket…
  22. Cave 22 looks harder than it is! Alex can do all the work again, but be quick because the lava is out of control!
  23. In cave 23 the laws of physics have completely broken down. Chaos reigns. Lava and water flowing together, in a twisting maze. You need to be nimble and precise to get through, and erase all doubts… GREAT LEVEL! I had no idea lava and water together would work like that
  24. Cave 24 is a bit more relaxed. Things feel more under control. Even the creepers are no threat. Nice and easy
  25. Cave 25 is like a frozen wasteland. I like this kind of puzzle - you have time to think and plan your route…
  26. YOU DID IT! This is great, just push the TNT and stand back, and watch the cave dissolve before your eyes! Very smart way to end the game

All these levels are great, and a lot of fun, and really push my game to the limits! Great job by @FireHorse27

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Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

colinmacc wrote:

Cave 24 is a bit more relaxed. Things feel more under control. Even the creepers are no threat. Nice and easy
The creepers were only there to keep Steve and Alex from switching roles.

Last edited by FireHorse27 (May 6, 2020 02:58:22)

100+ posts

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

colinmacc wrote:

OK I'm so impressed by these levels from @FireHorse27 I'm going to review all of them!

Big List

All these levels are great, and a lot of fun, and really push my game to the limits! Great job by @FireHorse27
I like these so much, I've read through them six times in a row. XD

Last edited by FireHorse27 (Sept. 27, 2020 02:22:00)

26 posts

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

very hard!
100+ posts

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

superbearblue wrote:

very hard!
Mine or the original?
1 post

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

1000+ posts

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

jaguar_coder wrote:


Yeah, it's very challenging, but nothing worth doing is easy

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3 posts

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

This is one of the best puzzle games on scratch, in my opinion, and the level editor makes it even better!
100+ posts

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

Dr_Coding_Master wrote:

This is one of the best puzzle games on scratch, in my opinion, and the level editor makes it even better!
I agree. In fact, I just played it again yesterday!
1000+ posts

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

Dr_Coding_Master wrote:

This is one of the best puzzle games on scratch, in my opinion, and the level editor makes it even better!

Thanks! I just saw your remixes, they look promising, so I'll keep my eye on them. Feel free to let me know when you make more levels

Sample Projects

1000+ posts

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

Brilliant single-level remix by @Dr_Coding_Master : “Pac-Man Diamond Miner Level”


I can confirm it can be done (usually!)

Last edited by colinmacc (Sept. 22, 2020 22:58:06)

Sample Projects

100+ posts

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

Hi everybody! I made another set of 26 levels here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/428607303/
For the longest time, I thought I was out of ideas but then @Dr_Coding_Master started making levels too and that game me some more ideas. This time around, the levels are more about planning out your moves, although speed is still sometimes needed! I had a lot of fun creating these so I decided to share my thought process for each level. Also, a lot of the levels were inspired by @colinmacc and @Dr_Coding_Master, and there was no way to document which ideas I took from in the Notes and Credits. I highly advise looking at the levels as I talk about each one so you know what I mean. Here they are! NOTE: SOME LEVELS HAVE BEEN CHANGED OR MOVED POSITIONS SINCE THIS LIST WAS POSTED
  1. For the first level, I wanted to start out a lot quieter than my first remix. No TNT, no Lava, no Spiders. But as I made the level, they all crept back in. For this level, I was inspired by level 18 of my first remix where, if you grab the 1 diamond at the right time, you can trap the spiders. In this level though, you have to grab the diamond at a time when the cake won't get destroyed but also while you can still reach the cake.
  2. For this one, I was inspired by @Dr_Coding_Master's cave three where lava gets dumped on a bunch of creepers and spiders. I thought, why not kill a bunch more? Also, why not set it in an abandoned mineshaft?
  3. Level three of my first remix was too easy. HARDER!
  4. Is this possible to do without a pickaxe? Also, the player now has to stop partway through the lava to collect the diamonds. MWAHAHAHAH!
  5. Okay, first, I'll shorten the TNT house. Ug, still too much time before the explosions reach the other side. Hmm, how about a diamond in danger on the other side? LAVA CURTAIN! Fill in the empty space, delete unneeded blocks. Drat! I need to shift everything down a block for more room. A few minutes later… Wait a second, where did the TNT house go?!
  6. It was supposed to be a lock and key system where Steve drops the sand which allows the water to flow further which killed a spider which allowed Alex to grab the next diamond. Unfortunately, it didn't work out the way I hoped. Oh, well!
  7. I made six 3x3 squares and then connected them together so that each one had its own challenge.
  8. Avoiding one line of creepers was too easy. Let's do TWO!
  9. Hmm, I need another level with sand in it. Let's play squish the bugs! (Creepers are kind of like bugs, right?)
  10. Why not have lava chase the player? Okay, now what can I use to slow Steve down?
  11. This level was inspired by one spot in one of @colinmacc's levels. In it, the player uses an ax to destroy the planks underneath a stack of sand so the player can get through. I took the three-block gate and turned it into a level of its own.
  12. Oh man, I'm running out of ideas. How about a creeper face! That's it!
  13. In cave 13 in my first remix, the player slowly drifts down a long water slide. I decided I should make something similar but a lot less relaxing.
  14. The spiderweb maze was fun to make so I decided to cross it with the last level in @colinmacc's Scrapton's Christmas Cracker game. You should check it out!
  15. Cave 15 was one of my favorite levels in my first remix. It was originally supposed to have the player complete most of the TNT chain. Unfortunately, I could not get it to work. I think I got it to work though in this one so have at it!
  16. Cave 16 was a TNT maze in my first remix. Amazingly, there was not a single thing to cause an explosion in it. Looking back, I don't know how I managed! I couldn't resist adding some explosive causing items in for this one. Additionally, I force the player to light the maze on fire. He He He.
  17. My brain has no ideas…How about a 2x2 compartment? And another! And another! Compartments everywhere!
  18. Again! No ideas! *Searching Brain For Ideas* *Beep* *Boop* *Idea Found* *You Haven't Made A Creeper Level Before…* But this time, Steve is stuck inside.
  19. This level was inspired by the fact that TNT destroys Lava. Also, the diamond boat sunk at the bottom of a lava lake.
  20. Let's use every single item and tile in the game! Except for bedrock…and stone brick… and a diamond a- Oh never mind. Also, let's throw in another abandoned mineshaft as well as a lake.
  21. My brain was dead by the time I did this level as it was the last level I worked on. Let's just throw diamonds and lava everywhere!
  22. This level was inspired by @Dr_Coding_Master when they found a way to beat one of @colinmacc's levels by shuffling in flowing lava with a two-block gap. I made it into the theme for this level.
  23. If the last lava and water maze was hard, try this one! This time, the maze uses up every block on the screen!
  24. This cave was inspired by @Dr_Coding_Master's Cave 2 where Alex looks like she should try to dig through a sand and shovel tunnel to save Steve before the lava reaches him. This time, you actually have to do it!
  25. This level was inspired by Cave 25 in my first remix which in turn was inspired by @colinmacc's cave where the player has to find their way through a coal ore and diamond maze. This time, the level doesn't show you where to dig!
  26. I wanted something similar to the last level of my first remix. This time, all the sand will dissolve into a heap as you win the game!
I hope you enjoyed reading this! Have a Great Game!

Last edited by FireHorse27 (Sept. 27, 2020 02:20:06)

100+ posts

Diamond Miner Discussion Thread (with walk-through video)

I made 100 caves with the pixel art of each of the mobs from the Java Edition of Minecraft! Enjoy!

Last edited by FireHorse27 (Oct. 17, 2020 02:15:02)

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