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SPA Voting Thread

This is the new SPA voting thread!

At this minute we have an OPEN vote. Please make sure to cast your votes.

To see if you are eligible to vote, look for your name on our voters list.

In this thread please only put your votes.

Here is the main SPA thread.

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

We are currently voting on if these laws should be added or removed

“SPA” refers to the Shop Partnership Association.
“Representative” refers to a person that represents an SPA member shop.
“Jury panel” refers to a panel of three unbiased juries tasked in resolving a certain lawsuit.
“Plaintiff” refers to the person who creates the lawsuit.
“Defendant” refers to the person who the lawsuit is created against.
Section 1: Shops and Representatives
1.1: Representatives and shops are given the right to leave at any time regardless of the situation.
1.2: Shops may appoint one representative.
1.3: 1. Representatives may vote in all elections and votes.
2. Representatives of multiple shops may vote multiple times in behalf of different shops.
1.4: Shops may join other shop unions and alliances without requiring permission.
1.5: 1. Your shop must comply with all directives issued by authorities.
2. Failure to comply will result in punishments as stated in such directive.
3. Punishments are decided in court if not detailed in such directive.
Section 2: Courts and Petitions
2.1: 1. Every court must have a jury panel.
2. Juries will decide the punishments as a result of the lawsuit.
3. The decisions are solely from the three juries; no judge.
2.2: 1. The plaintiff and/or defendant may hire a private attorney if they choose.
2. Attorneys work to defend the party they work for and attempt to bring down the other, though statements knowingly directly inaccurate by such attorney(s) are unlawful and the attorney (or another, if they had not been acting of their own will) may be prosecuted.
2.3: 1. Court decisions may be appealed at any time by the plaintiff or defendant.
2. When a court decision is appealed, it will be re-processed by the court.
3. Appealed court decisions will be resolved by a different jury panel, if possible.
4. Court decisions may be re-appealed a maximum of three times.
2.4: You may not have any involvement in the court unless you are a plaintiff, defendant, attorney, or jury.
2.5: Juries must not be affiliated with the plaintiff or defendant or any shop or shop organization that directly or indirectly collaborates with/endorses/is an affiliate of the plaintiff or defendant.
2.6: 1. Petitions will also be put through a court.
2. For petitions, the plaintiff would be everyone that signs the petition and the defendant is everyone that disagrees with the petition.
3. Petitions are propositions for a change in the SPA that are made by an SPA member that does not have any responsibility over the part of the SPA where the petition is trying to change.
2.7: Everyone involved in court must be a member of the SPA.
2.8: Statements knowingly directly inaccurate by any involved party are unlawful and the party (or another, if they had not been acting of their own will) may be prosecuted.

Section 1: Shop/Representative Powers
1.1: You can leave at any time, regardless of the situation
1.2: You can appoint a listed amount of representatives
1.3: You can vote in all elections
1.3.1: You can vote multiple times if you are a representative of multiple shops
1.4: You can list with any other federations or shop associations without our approval
1.5: You can apply for any vacant position
1.5.1: You MUST accept if you don’t receive a position and must not get angry
1.6: You can ask for a judicial review on any position
1.6.1: If you feel you have been fired unfairly you can ask for 2 judicial reviews, after which you will be banned from the shop
Section 2: Shop/Representative requirements
2.1: You must never act to ruin our reputation
2.2: We DO allow offtopic but please don’t use too many posts when doing so
2.3: You must always follow our rules. If you don’t agree with any of our rules then don’t apply and tell us what you don’t like
2.3.1: If the thing you don’t like is serious, then please tell us in a nice and polite way
2.3.2: Don’t ask or demand for a major rule change, like adding an entire section unless you are a member.
2.3.3: If you blatantly don’t comply with any of our rules then don’t complain if you lose your position(s)
2.4: You can be fired at any time
2.4.1: You must convey any disappointment due to losing positions in a dignified manner
2.5: I do allow vacation for as long as you like (I’m not going on scratch for 3 weeks due to a holiday later this year) but please let me know beforehand
2.6: You must respond to activity checks within 3 days
2.6.1: If you don’t respond you will be notified on your profile
2.6.2: If you don’t respond within a month your position will be declared vacant
2.6.3: As a shop Representative you can respond on behalf of your shop. This does not protect any of your members, but it does guarantee that your shop will stay
2.7: If your shop becomes inactive or closes then members can contact us and we can help with efforts to restore the shop in new threads, or do a deal with another shop for a merger or aquisition.
2.8: These laws are subject to change at any time and you must check them regularly for updates.
2.9: You must always try to keep your partnership updated and it must include all shops
Sction 3: Judge rules
3.1: We pride ourselves in our association, please don’t by any means try to ruin our reputation
3.2: You must complete all decisions without any bias
3.3: You must complete decision quickly and decisively
3.3.1: You must not be inactive for longer than a week without approval.
3.3.2: You must appoint an unbiased replacement if you are going to be away
3.3.3: The Illuminati law says that no excuses will be accepted for unexpected inactivity. You can regain your position later on though.
3.4: You must tell us of any affiliations with shops and/or federations to make sure we have an unbiased court
3.4.1: You can have some affiliations but must confirm them and demonstrate that you will not have a bias towards them
Section 4: Remaining unbiased decisions during lawsuits
4.1: You can not try to influence a decision made by a judge unless you are the one that has been taken to court.
4.1.1: If you are caught trying to influence them (profile comments etc.) then you will be immediately fired
4.1.2: Judges must immediately report any efforts to influence their decision that are not from people being charged
4.2: All decisions are final. They can be challenged after one week, but only if further evidence against is found.
4.2.1: Further evidence must be something that realistically has a chance of changing the decision
4.2.2: If judges are removed and/or added then all challenge waiting times are reset to 0
4.3: To make it easier during decisions new people joining will be told to wait
4.3.1: Any previous additions will be completely added beforehand
Section 8: Law Propositions
8.1: The president can propose laws at any time other than within 2 weeks of an election
8.2: Laws must be proposed in a formal manner.
8.2.1: By ‘formal’ we mean that it must be presented in a similar manner to this, with the correct sections and parts of sections.
8.2.2: Joking around may seem fun, but all propositions and parts of propositions WILL be taken literally.
8.3: It must go through all 3 stages and win.
8.3.1: The first stage is approval by the house. It must get at least 50% of the vote.
8.3.2: The second stage is approval by the Head Department The head department consists of the Owner, President, Vice President
8.3.3: The third stage is judge approval The judges will only overturn things if they are extremely unlawful
8.4: All laws will be initiated immediately after voted in
8.4.1: Any members breaking new laws as they are passed will not be acted upon
8.4.2: They have a responsibility, though, to fix themselves up as quickly as possible.

Please reply with a or b
- A. Reject proposal
- B. Approve of proposal

A: 3
B: 4

People who voted:


Last edited by FollowCherryBlossom (Jan. 25, 2019 16:36:01)

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

Voting as Owner and for Buzzy Bee:

A- Reject Proposal

It’s fine as it is (I think).

My Profile || Contact me if you need any help or have any questions! || Buzzy Bee Banners ||

1000+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

LotusLavender wrote:

Voting as Owner and for Buzzy Bee:

A- Reject Proposal

It’s fine as it is (I think).
Okay btw is there anything you want me to change

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

I think all these laws and judges and things are way too complicated- that's why I made ShopCard. And that's why I only applied for Head of Shop Support- I wouldn't have to know what a judge does.

Anyways, I vote A- there are already like a million laws, we don't need more, it's fine as it is.

by @athenenocturna
1000+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

Riddle_Man wrote:

I think all these laws and judges and things are way too complicated- that's why I made ShopCard. And that's why I only applied for Head of Shop Support- I wouldn't have to know what a judge does.

Anyways, I vote A- there are already like a million laws, we don't need more, it's fine as it is.

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

Voting for honeybreeze's Art and Animation Shop
A - Reject proposal

1000+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

honeybreeze wrote:

Voting for honeybreeze's Art and Animation Shop
A - Reject proposal

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

B - I approve of proposal.

Just to clarify - you would be removing the current laws and replacing them with the new laws (the ones that are just 2 sections long)?

former owner of buzzy bee banners and host of bbbb & src
soon-to-be college student in pennsylvania (studying math, education, & politics)
photography & ceramics enthusiast

pro-choice, pro-queer rights. always.


updated as of june 6, 2024.
1000+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

clove- wrote:

B - I approve of proposal.

Just to clarify - you would be removing the current laws and replacing them with the new laws (the ones that are just 2 sections long)?

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

Voting ends in 36 hours as of now!

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
500+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

B - Approve of proposal.

13 | INFP-A | Ravenclaw | Introvert | Violist | Pianist | bookworm | writer | straight-A student | artist | nerd | science lover |
This shop is advertised courtesy of the Scratch Shop Support Union. Join today to get your shop featured!
1000+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

Just clarifying - what are the presidential powers as they appear to have been removed with no replacement?

1000+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

XCat wrote:

Just clarifying - what are the presidential powers as they appear to have been removed with no replacement?
Ah - hadn't cleared this up properly. Law 1.5 mentions directives, and the President would be able to create and repeal them.

Oh, and I vote B since it wasn't clear what the court is supposed to look like with the old laws. Sorry, I'm late, SPA notifications didn't show up in my messages.

Last edited by sti_scratch (Jan. 25, 2019 07:00:15)

1000+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

Voting is CLOSED

| Jess | 17 | Audiobook Maker | Artist | Coder | Questioning Biromantic | Writer | BROKEN + THE CYCLIST | #FINLAFOREVER

(((Finn the [Evil Kumquat Protector v]::#B22222)::#ffb6c1)::#9370DB)
1000+ posts

SPA Voting Thread

Sorry I didn't get to vote! I haven't had Internet for the last four days

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