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DigAssembler - Currently Under Development

DigAssembler: The Minecraft Copy that isnt a Minecraft Copy

View what the world will (kinda) look like when the game comes out here

DigAssembler is going to be a game in which you bounce in between different worlds to get new materials for your home base. A player can only have up to 3 worlds, but each world can be generated and regenerated an infinite amount of times, though has restrictions. A player starts out with 1000 coins. You gain scrap metal in which you can craft other things by a random drop from stone. The player will have to make a decision to sell the object, or use it. Why? World generation will take 50 coins per generation (on hard mode. Crafty mode won't cost anything)

So, what do I need from you?

I need ideas for drops, prices for the drops, and items you can make with those drops. They dont need to be in that order, just some ideas for new things to the game.

Planned Features
-Artifact (more to come as the game develops)
-Scrap metal
-Metal Rods
-Metal blocks
-Machine block
-Reinforced stone
-Rebar (for when concrete comes)

Thanks so much. Any ideas will be helpful. Development starts Tomorrow!

Last edited by MicroMacro (March 24, 2014 02:02:47)

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