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1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

The Fractal Shop


Welcome to The Fractal Shop! Current easter egg(s): Treasure Hunt
The employees in this shop will vote on decisions, and there will be meetings monthly. If you miss a meeting (don't respond for three days during wich you are active on scratch), you get a *. When you have three *s, you will be temporarily fired.
While so far, there are only two people, we will try to complete orders as soon as possible.
The three categories that this shop deals with are Art/Graphics, Audio/Music, and Coding.

Music: Music, audio/sound effects, noteblocks, etc.
Art: Any art, graphics, or design. Bitmap and vector.
Coding: Coding and debugging.
Mobile design/porting: We will port your projects into mobile.

We now have another banner!

We now have an amazing new banner made by @redglitter!

Find the easter eggs!

Employees are now payed with one follow sesquimonthly. No, I'm joking. Monthly. You get paid more if you figure out what “sesquimonthly” means.

We now offer mobile porting

We are now part of the ShopCard Organization

Employee of the week: @Rubpix

Advertising System beta test is underway (this is not a guaranteed permanent feature, but ads from the beta will be permanent.)
If you want to advertise on this forum than reply to an “advertise here” comment with your username and “advertise” (Make sure nobody had responded yet). I will respond to you with a secret account (do not mention this account anywhere, and do not follow it) and inviting you to a studio that says “link”. Create a studio that says your thing's link in the title. Invite @1132262, and delete the studio shortly after. Edit your comment that said advertise, and replace it with “by (your username)”. If all goes well, within three days, your project will be advertised where the “advertise here” comment was.

Indroducing the Supporter title
As a supporter, you will be called upon incase of drawed or undecided votes, you will need to put a link to this forum on your signature, and your requests will be prioritized! (Supporters are not employees)

Application Forms:
Supporter Application:
Alt accounts (if any):
Comments (if any):

Request form:
Category your request falls into:
Detailed description of request:
Due date (if any):
Comments (if any):
Preffered user (if any):

Application Form:
Category(s) you would like to work in:
Title (Vice President, Leader, or Member):
Alt accounts (if any):
Are you following this thread?:
Why we should choose you:
Example projects (if any):

  • @1132262 (All categories, President)
  • @Rubpix (Art (pixel), coding, some music, Member)
  • @iinfinit
Possible upcoming features:
Advertisement System (we advertise your stuff on this thread) {beta test}
“Supporter” title {ADDED}
Employees of the week {ADDED}
You had to google the prefix “-sesqui”? Really? The next treasure hunt is not going to be this easy.

Last edited by 1132262 (Jan. 28, 2019 05:48:53)

1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

This is where meetings will take place: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5833069/comments/
This is where unclaimed (untaken) requests will go: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5833073/
This is where finished requests will go: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5836322/

Last edited by 1132262 (Jan. 11, 2019 05:04:26)

11 posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

Application Form:
Username: Rubpix
Category(s) you would like to work in: Art (pixels), basic coding, and I might be able to do some music
Title (Vice President, Leader, or Member): I'd like to start with member, but if you need a leader, I'll do it
Alt accounts (if any): not right now, I'm thinking about getting one
Are you following this thread?: yes
Why we should choose you: I can do pixel art. To see some of my art, please visit here and click on gallery
Example projects (if any): On the link provided.
Comments: I understand I am a new scratcher, but I would like to join. If you think I should have more experience, it's okay!
1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

Rubpix wrote:

Application Form:
Username: Rubpix
Category(s) you would like to work in: Art (pixels), basic coding, and I might be able to do some music
Title (Vice President, Leader, or Member): I'd like to start with member, but if you need a leader, I'll do it
Alt accounts (if any): not right now, I'm thinking about getting one
Are you following this thread?: yes
Why we should choose you: I can do pixel art. To see some of my art, please visit here and click on gallery
Example projects (if any): On the link provided.
Comments: I understand I am a new scratcher, but I would like to join. If you think I should have more experience, it's okay!

Accepted! Really nice pixel art, and its totally fine if you're a New Scratcher.

Last edited by 1132262 (Jan. 11, 2019 06:22:08)

1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!


1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

New studio:
FInished requests:

1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

You can now become a supporter!

1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

The advertising system beta has started. Advertise here!

1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

Employee of the week: @Rubpix

1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

We are now part of the ShopCard organization.

11 posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

11 posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

11 posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

Bumpity Bump Bump
1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

Hello, I run ShopCart. Just letting you know that Riddle is no longer running it. It's me!


Also I'm gonna add a banner here but cubeupload is blocked at my school so I'll do it later lol.
1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

CaptainRatlex wrote:

Hello, I run ShopCart. Just letting you know that Riddle is no longer running it. It's me!

28 posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

Username: RobbinsL
Category your request falls into: A profile icon logo.
Detailed description of request: Simple,flat design,use 2 similar color (like light blue & Dark blue, better if you just use these two color),make a letter R.
Due date (if any): That's okay but better if you finish at 2018.1.20
Comments (if any):none.
Preffered user (if any):1132262(p.s.: It says ‘113226’ on the top, I think you have a mistake with 1132262's name)
@Rubpix (Art (pixel), coding, some music, Member)

P.S.No.2:It should be ‘Preferred’ , not 'Prefferd'.
Can you make another logo for my friend @chennyL with the same style?Please! Thx very very much! :) :) )
@113226 (All categories, President)
↑See? @1132262, This is the correct one.@113226(wrong one)
@Rubpix (Art (pixel), coding, some music, Member)

Hello There.
1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

Username: RobbinsL
Category your request falls into: A profile icon logo.
Detailed description of request: Simple,flat design,use 2 similar color (like light blue & Dark blue, better if you just use these two color),make a letter R.
Due date (if any): That's okay but better if you finish at 2018.1.20
Comments (if any):none.
Preffered user (if any):1132262

Ok! I'll do this. Thanks for all of the tips by the way, and I can do it for your friend too.

1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!

1132262 wrote:

Username: RobbinsL
Category your request falls into: A profile icon logo.
Detailed description of request: Simple,flat design,use 2 similar color (like light blue & Dark blue, better if you just use these two color),make a letter R.
Due date (if any): That's okay but better if you finish at 2018.1.20
Comments (if any):none.
Preffered user (if any):1132262

Ok! I'll do this. Thanks for all of the tips by the way, and I can do it for your friend too.
Done! Tell me if you have any suggestions.

1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!


1000+ posts

The Fractal Shop [Now Hiring] We do art, coding, and more!



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