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  • » Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today! [RSS Feed]
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

welcome to blooming banners!

with our team of banner mentors, you will be making professional quality banners in no time!

Structure of Blooming Banners
We have three levels, starting with the basics an getting more complicated as you go.
Based on your starting example (or no example), we place you in the most appropriate level.
Most people start in either Level 1 or 2, and work their way through the program.
By the time you finish Level 3 and graduate from our program, you will be a well-seasoned banner artist!
The over all time it takes to complete our program depends on the student but it generally takes 3 - 4 weeks.

Think you have what it takes to become a banner artist yourself? Join below!

Student Join Form
Time of Scratch:
Previous banner experience:
Banner example (if possible):
What do you use to make banners**:
Do you have Cubeupload:
Are you following this thread:

**If applicable. Many students join with no experience at all and this is just fine.
We recommend using Canva to create banners (canva.com). Free accounts!

Want to help others make amazing banners? Become a mentor!

Mentor Join Form
Time on Scratch:
How long have you been making banners:
Why do you want to join:
What are your strengths and weaknesses:
Banner examples:
Program used to make banners:
Do you have Cubeupload:
Are you following this thread:

home & join | levels | assignments | shops program | faq

Last edited by clove- (Feb. 18, 2019 19:17:13)

former owner of buzzy bee banners and host of bbbb & src
soon-to-be college student in pennsylvania (studying math, education, & politics)
photography & ceramics enthusiast

pro-choice, pro-queer rights. always.


updated as of june 6, 2024.
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!


Level 1

Mentor: @clove- (position open)

Students: @Lexal9

Level 2

Mentor: @clove- (position open)

Students: @__

Level 3

Mentor: @LotusLavendar

Students: @WarriorCatLover1212

home & join | levels | assignments | shops program | faq

Last edited by clove- (Feb. 18, 2019 19:25:03)

former owner of buzzy bee banners and host of bbbb & src
soon-to-be college student in pennsylvania (studying math, education, & politics)
photography & ceramics enthusiast

pro-choice, pro-queer rights. always.


updated as of june 6, 2024.
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!


Level 1

1 - Make a banner with at least 3 different fonts that you think
look good together.
2 - Make a banner with at least 3 different images for the theme
of your choice (ex: flowers, animals, school)

Level 2

1 - Make a banner with a certain color scheme. Use the website
mycolor.space to create one. Use the second option
down, the “matching gradient”.
2 - Make a banner that balances images and text (one image for
every text box, just a guideline)

Level 3

1 - Fill this order.
Text: Blue Horizon Shop
Colors: Blue, other colors that look good with blue
Pictures: Background a ocean horizon
Font: Somewhat fancy
2 - Fill this order.
Text: The Ladybug Un-bug Shop
Colors: Red, orange
Pictures: Ladybugs, Scratch code blocks
Font: Code-like

home & join | levels | assignments | shops program | faq

Last edited by clove- (Feb. 18, 2019 19:11:31)

former owner of buzzy bee banners and host of bbbb & src
soon-to-be college student in pennsylvania (studying math, education, & politics)
photography & ceramics enthusiast

pro-choice, pro-queer rights. always.


updated as of june 6, 2024.
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

for shop owners

Would you like to have a banner training service for your shop
but don't have the staff to do it? Let Blooming Banners help you!

Shop name:
Shop owner:
Number of staff:
How long have you been open:
Number of trainees:

Shops in the Blooming Banners Shops program:

Elemental Shop, owner WarriorCatLover1212

home & join | levels | assignments | shops program | faq

Last edited by clove- (Feb. 18, 2019 19:12:02)

former owner of buzzy bee banners and host of bbbb & src
soon-to-be college student in pennsylvania (studying math, education, & politics)
photography & ceramics enthusiast

pro-choice, pro-queer rights. always.


updated as of june 6, 2024.
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!


What is Cubeupload?
Cubeupload (cubeupload.com) is an image hosting website. Basically you upload an image you made, in Canva for example, into it, and it gives you a URL that Scratch can use to put the image in the forums. It's totally free and very useful to have if you are going to make banners!

What is the correct size of banner?
In Canva, banners should be sized as a Soundcloud Banner (2480px by 520px).

Do I have to pay to use Canva?
Absolutely not! There are paid versions, but the free version works just fine and will give you all that you need to create great banners!

How is the Shops Program run?
The Shops Program is basically Blooming Banners inside of your shop. Everything will take place within your shop, so if members are active on your shop then they will be active for the trainings as well! We try to make this as hassle-free as it can be. There will be a welcoming post on your shop to get members acquainted with the training, and each member will give an example of their banners. We will then provide an individual training to each member so that every member of your shop will be producing amazing banners soon!

home & join | levels | assignments | shops program | faq

Last edited by clove- (Feb. 18, 2019 19:21:06)

former owner of buzzy bee banners and host of bbbb & src
soon-to-be college student in pennsylvania (studying math, education, & politics)
photography & ceramics enthusiast

pro-choice, pro-queer rights. always.


updated as of june 6, 2024.
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

I would like to be part of it but based on my examples, am I a teacher or student? Go to the busy bee banners and you will find my banner example on the last post.

Edit: I am soooo sorry I didn't see the last post

Last edited by Riddle_Man (Jan. 3, 2019 14:08:20)

by @athenenocturna
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

Username: redglitter
Time on Scratch: 2 years 9 months
How long have you been making banners: Around 2 Years
Why do you want to join: I love banner making! When I first found out about Canva and made my first banner, I created a banner making academy so others could learn how to use it. Nowadays, everybody uses Canva, but originally, it was just me
What are your strengths and weaknesses: I can:
Round corners off
Put shadows underneath fonts
Use special and cool fonts
I like to prefect my banners and give 110%
Use transparent images
Create my own images
Make smaller banners to go in signatures (e.g my signature)
(I could list a few more things, but those are my special skills)
Unfortunately, I can't think of any things I can't do. (this is not me trying to boast)
Banner examples:

Program used to make banners: Canva, but I sometimes use SumoPaint or SVE (Scratch Vector Editor) depending on what the order or request is
Do you have Cubeupload: Yes
Are you following this thread: Yes

1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

Riddle_Man wrote:

I would like to be part of it but based on my examples, am I a teacher or student? Go to the busy bee banners and you will find my banner example on the last post.

Edit: I am soooo sorry I didn't see the last post
Hi there, it's totally fine. I think I have enough reserved posts :) Regarding the teacher/student thing, I think you would be a student entering at Level 3. As you can see, this is still not completely set up yet, so I will notify you when it will start. So glad you're interested!

former owner of buzzy bee banners and host of bbbb & src
soon-to-be college student in pennsylvania (studying math, education, & politics)
photography & ceramics enthusiast

pro-choice, pro-queer rights. always.


updated as of june 6, 2024.
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

Username: OwenRich
Time of Scratch: 3 years 5 months
Previous banner experience: I made UFSS banner (IT's terrible)
Banner example (if possible): UFSS banner (See it's topic)
What do you use to make banners**: Paint.net but I might switch to something better
Do you have Cubeupload: No, Imageshack
Are you following this thread: Yes
Other: Once we graduate do we become a mentor in training if we want to?

stop fuming and start loving :p
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

clove- wrote:

Riddle_Man wrote:

I would like to be part of it but based on my examples, am I a teacher or student? Go to the busy bee banners and you will find my banner example on the last post.

Edit: I am soooo sorry I didn't see the last post
Hi there, it's totally fine. I think I have enough reserved posts :) Regarding the teacher/student thing, I think you would be a student entering at Level 3. As you can see, this is still not completely set up yet, so I will notify you when it will start. So glad you're interested!
OK, but am I going to be learning like the same things that I just completed (I'm a banner maker now at BBB!) for the assignments that LoLa gave me?

by @athenenocturna
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

redglitter wrote:

Username: redglitter
Time on Scratch: 2 years 9 months
How long have you been making banners: Around 2 Years
Why do you want to join: I love banner making! When I first found out about Canva and made my first banner, I created a banner making academy so others could learn how to use it. Nowadays, everybody uses Canva, but originally, it was just me
What are your strengths and weaknesses: I can:
Round corners off
Put shadows underneath fonts
Use special and cool fonts
I like to prefect my banners and give 110%
Use transparent images
Create my own images
Make smaller banners to go in signatures (e.g my signature)
(I could list a few more things, but those are my special skills)
Unfortunately, I can't think of any things I can't do. (this is not me trying to boast)
Banner examples:
Program used to make banners: Canva, but I sometimes use SumoPaint or SVE (Scratch Vector Editor) depending on what the order or request is
Do you have Cubeupload: Yes
Are you following this thread: Yes
Hi there! You are hired! I am going to assign you as the mentor for Level 2. Please read over their assignments. I will notify you when someone new joins the level. There will be bi-weekly check-ins and activity checks so make sure you are active! So glad to have you on our team!

former owner of buzzy bee banners and host of bbbb & src
soon-to-be college student in pennsylvania (studying math, education, & politics)
photography & ceramics enthusiast

pro-choice, pro-queer rights. always.


updated as of june 6, 2024.
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

OwenRich wrote:

Username: OwenRich
Time of Scratch: 3 years 5 months
Previous banner experience: I made UFSS banner (IT's terrible)
Banner example (if possible): UFSS banner (See it's topic)
What do you use to make banners**: Paint.net but I might switch to something better
Do you have Cubeupload: No, Imageshack
Are you following this thread: Yes
Other: Once we graduate do we become a mentor in training if we want to?
Hi there and welcome to Blooming Banners! You are going to start out in Level 1. You can go check out you first assignment! Please do not start on the second one until your mentor gives you feedback for the first assignment. There will be bi-weekly activity checks so please be active!

Last edited by clove- (Jan. 4, 2019 21:28:55)

former owner of buzzy bee banners and host of bbbb & src
soon-to-be college student in pennsylvania (studying math, education, & politics)
photography & ceramics enthusiast

pro-choice, pro-queer rights. always.


updated as of june 6, 2024.
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

Riddle_Man wrote:

clove- wrote:

Riddle_Man wrote:

I would like to be part of it but based on my examples, am I a teacher or student? Go to the busy bee banners and you will find my banner example on the last post.

Edit: I am soooo sorry I didn't see the last post
Hi there, it's totally fine. I think I have enough reserved posts :) Regarding the teacher/student thing, I think you would be a student entering at Level 3. As you can see, this is still not completely set up yet, so I will notify you when it will start. So glad you're interested!
OK, but am I going to be learning like the same things that I just completed (I'm a banner maker now at BBB!) for the assignments that LoLa gave me?
Looking at your banners at BBB again, I actually think you can be a mentor here. I am going to assign you to Level 1. Please read over their assignments. I will notify you when someone new joins the level. There will be bi-weekly check-ins and activity checks so make sure you are active! So glad to have you on our team!

former owner of buzzy bee banners and host of bbbb & src
soon-to-be college student in pennsylvania (studying math, education, & politics)
photography & ceramics enthusiast

pro-choice, pro-queer rights. always.


updated as of june 6, 2024.
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

clove- wrote:

Riddle_Man wrote:

clove- wrote:

Riddle_Man wrote:

I would like to be part of it but based on my examples, am I a teacher or student? Go to the busy bee banners and you will find my banner example on the last post.

Edit: I am soooo sorry I didn't see the last post
Hi there, it's totally fine. I think I have enough reserved posts :) Regarding the teacher/student thing, I think you would be a student entering at Level 3. As you can see, this is still not completely set up yet, so I will notify you when it will start. So glad you're interested!
OK, but am I going to be learning like the same things that I just completed (I'm a banner maker now at BBB!) for the assignments that LoLa gave me?
Looking at your banners at BBB again, I actually think you can be a mentor here. I am going to assign you to Level 1. Please read over their assignments. I will notify you when someone new joins the level. There will be bi-weekly check-ins and activity checks so make sure you are active! So glad to have you on our team!
YAAAAY! Thanks! I wanted to be a mentor

by @athenenocturna
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

Riddle_Man wrote:

clove- wrote:

Riddle_Man wrote:

clove- wrote:

Riddle_Man wrote:

I would like to be part of it but based on my examples, am I a teacher or student? Go to the busy bee banners and you will find my banner example on the last post.

Edit: I am soooo sorry I didn't see the last post
Hi there, it's totally fine. I think I have enough reserved posts :) Regarding the teacher/student thing, I think you would be a student entering at Level 3. As you can see, this is still not completely set up yet, so I will notify you when it will start. So glad you're interested!
OK, but am I going to be learning like the same things that I just completed (I'm a banner maker now at BBB!) for the assignments that LoLa gave me?
Looking at your banners at BBB again, I actually think you can be a mentor here. I am going to assign you to Level 1. Please read over their assignments. I will notify you when someone new joins the level. There will be bi-weekly check-ins and activity checks so make sure you are active! So glad to have you on our team!
YAAAAY! Thanks! I wanted to be a mentor
But don't you think that maybe mentors should make up the assignments to what they actually think is better? Btw I think my student is OwenRich.

by @athenenocturna
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

Riddle_Man wrote:

Riddle_Man wrote:

clove- wrote:

Riddle_Man wrote:

clove- wrote:

Riddle_Man wrote:

I would like to be part of it but based on my examples, am I a teacher or student? Go to the busy bee banners and you will find my banner example on the last post.

Edit: I am soooo sorry I didn't see the last post
Hi there, it's totally fine. I think I have enough reserved posts :) Regarding the teacher/student thing, I think you would be a student entering at Level 3. As you can see, this is still not completely set up yet, so I will notify you when it will start. So glad you're interested!
OK, but am I going to be learning like the same things that I just completed (I'm a banner maker now at BBB!) for the assignments that LoLa gave me?
Looking at your banners at BBB again, I actually think you can be a mentor here. I am going to assign you to Level 1. Please read over their assignments. I will notify you when someone new joins the level. There will be bi-weekly check-ins and activity checks so make sure you are active! So glad to have you on our team!
YAAAAY! Thanks! I wanted to be a mentor
But don't you think that maybe mentors should make up the assignments to what they actually think is better? Btw I think my student is OwenRich.
About the assignment thing, yes I know that's what some trainings do, but here I want to make sure every student graduates with the same knowledge and the way I can regulate that is making all of the assignments the same. Of course, every student will interpret it differently so they will be a lot of fun to give feedback on!

former owner of buzzy bee banners and host of bbbb & src
soon-to-be college student in pennsylvania (studying math, education, & politics)
photography & ceramics enthusiast

pro-choice, pro-queer rights. always.


updated as of june 6, 2024.
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

clove- wrote:

Riddle_Man wrote:

Riddle_Man wrote:

clove- wrote:

Riddle_Man wrote:

clove- wrote:

Riddle_Man wrote:

I would like to be part of it but based on my examples, am I a teacher or student? Go to the busy bee banners and you will find my banner example on the last post.

Edit: I am soooo sorry I didn't see the last post
Hi there, it's totally fine. I think I have enough reserved posts :) Regarding the teacher/student thing, I think you would be a student entering at Level 3. As you can see, this is still not completely set up yet, so I will notify you when it will start. So glad you're interested!
OK, but am I going to be learning like the same things that I just completed (I'm a banner maker now at BBB!) for the assignments that LoLa gave me?
Looking at your banners at BBB again, I actually think you can be a mentor here. I am going to assign you to Level 1. Please read over their assignments. I will notify you when someone new joins the level. There will be bi-weekly check-ins and activity checks so make sure you are active! So glad to have you on our team!
YAAAAY! Thanks! I wanted to be a mentor
But don't you think that maybe mentors should make up the assignments to what they actually think is better? Btw I think my student is OwenRich.
About the assignment thing, yes I know that's what some trainings do, but here I want to make sure every student graduates with the same knowledge and the way I can regulate that is making all of the assignments the same. Of course, every student will interpret it differently so they will be a lot of fun to give feedback on!

by @athenenocturna
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

clove- wrote:

redglitter wrote:

Username: redglitter
Time on Scratch: 2 years 9 months
How long have you been making banners: Around 2 Years
Why do you want to join: I love banner making! When I first found out about Canva and made my first banner, I created a banner making academy so others could learn how to use it. Nowadays, everybody uses Canva, but originally, it was just me
What are your strengths and weaknesses: I can:
Round corners off
Put shadows underneath fonts
Use special and cool fonts
I like to prefect my banners and give 110%
Use transparent images
Create my own images
Make smaller banners to go in signatures (e.g my signature)
(I could list a few more things, but those are my special skills)
Unfortunately, I can't think of any things I can't do. (this is not me trying to boast)
Banner examples:
Program used to make banners: Canva, but I sometimes use SumoPaint or SVE (Scratch Vector Editor) depending on what the order or request is
Do you have Cubeupload: Yes
Are you following this thread: Yes
Hi there! You are hired! I am going to assign you as the mentor for Level 2. Please read over their assignments. I will notify you when someone new joins the level. There will be bi-weekly check-ins and activity checks so make sure you are active! So glad to have you on our team!
Thank you! What should I do once I've read the assignments and do do I have to post my own assignments?

1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

redglitter wrote:

clove- wrote:

redglitter wrote:

Username: redglitter
Time on Scratch: 2 years 9 months
How long have you been making banners: Around 2 Years
Why do you want to join: I love banner making! When I first found out about Canva and made my first banner, I created a banner making academy so others could learn how to use it. Nowadays, everybody uses Canva, but originally, it was just me
What are your strengths and weaknesses: I can:
Round corners off
Put shadows underneath fonts
Use special and cool fonts
I like to prefect my banners and give 110%
Use transparent images
Create my own images
Make smaller banners to go in signatures (e.g my signature)
(I could list a few more things, but those are my special skills)
Unfortunately, I can't think of any things I can't do. (this is not me trying to boast)
Banner examples:
Program used to make banners: Canva, but I sometimes use SumoPaint or SVE (Scratch Vector Editor) depending on what the order or request is
Do you have Cubeupload: Yes
Are you following this thread: Yes
Hi there! You are hired! I am going to assign you as the mentor for Level 2. Please read over their assignments. I will notify you when someone new joins the level. There will be bi-weekly check-ins and activity checks so make sure you are active! So glad to have you on our team!
Thank you! What should I do once I've read the assignments and do do I have to post my own assignments?
Go look at the mentor studio, and post and questions there. Thanks!

former owner of buzzy bee banners and host of bbbb & src
soon-to-be college student in pennsylvania (studying math, education, & politics)
photography & ceramics enthusiast

pro-choice, pro-queer rights. always.


updated as of june 6, 2024.
1000+ posts

Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today!

Assignment 1:

stop fuming and start loving :p
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  • » Blooming Banners ~ A Banner School // Helping you reach the banner-making level you want // Join today! [RSS Feed]

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