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22 posts
My Scratch Cat: A virtual pet game!
Welcome to My Scratch Cat!

In My Scratch Cat, you can take care of, well, a Scratch Cat! It's kind of like Pou, or Tamagotchi, but in Scratch!
The game is being updated, so suggest features and other potential improvements that I could make to the game in the comments if you want them to get added! If you see any bugs, report them in the comments too.
Without further ado, here's the link!

In My Scratch Cat, you can take care of, well, a Scratch Cat! It's kind of like Pou, or Tamagotchi, but in Scratch!
- Feed your Scratch Cat with apples, bananas, and muffins!
- When your Scratch Cat ever gets dirty, clean him up with some soap!
- Play games with your Scratch Cat to earn coins and get Scratch Cat happy!
- If your Scratch Cat gets sick, give him a Health Potion!
- Put your Scratch Cat to sleep if he ever gets tired.
- Customize Scratch Cat's color and put money in a bank with the Computer!
- NEW Complete special challenges to earn cool rewards!
The game is being updated, so suggest features and other potential improvements that I could make to the game in the comments if you want them to get added! If you see any bugs, report them in the comments too.
Without further ado, here's the link!
- windowsxsbaccount
22 posts
My Scratch Cat: A virtual pet game!
NEW UPDATE (v2.0 pre2):
+ Added a secret (only one so far, I’m planning two more before the full release of 2.0)
* There is now actually a fail state for Baby Scratchie (how did I miss this?)
* The “Get Rich Quick” challenge doesn’t set your need max to 150 anymore
+ Added a secret (only one so far, I’m planning two more before the full release of 2.0)
* There is now actually a fail state for Baby Scratchie (how did I miss this?)
* The “Get Rich Quick” challenge doesn’t set your need max to 150 anymore
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» My Scratch Cat: A virtual pet game!