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100+ posts

TIPS meme and math chat

Here's another meme, the last and only remaining one of More Better's great animations, released less than a year ago: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/189423989/
90 posts

TIPS meme and math chat


Check out my main account, @congyingzhou!
I'm a whiz at (scratchblocks :: #123456 boolean) :: #098765 hat
*Evil Kumquat Guard (what's a kumquat :: #000000 stack)* :: grey cap
Unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe AI
90 posts

TIPS meme and math chat

It_is_congyingzhou wrote:


Hello, this is a Scratcher who refuses to check his messages.
Proof that I have 1600+ messages.
I used to have 2000+ but for some reason…it became 1600+
Alt. Account of @congyingzhou.
10 posts

TIPS meme and math chat


when green flag clicked
1000+ posts

TIPS meme and math chat

Giga110 wrote:


I think I screamed in terror for 10 minutes.

Last edited by congyingzhou (Oct. 14, 2018 12:37:05)

This is my signature. It appears after I post anything! (I added this for people who thought I was advertising)
and now i have finally removed that line of links, a lot don't work anyway after I unshared a bunch of projects
Oh look a rainbow (I wanted to make my whole signature a rainbow, but busted character limit)
2nd most-poster in Requests (still???), top 20 most-poster overall, 7.3K posts total, 6.5K requests foolproof mind reader??, try to beat the unbeatable tic-tac-toe AI
100+ posts

TIPS meme and math chat

What's Donald + Trump?
1000+ posts

TIPS meme and math chat

100+ posts

TIPS meme and math chat

pinkiepie710 wrote:

legoboy7107 wrote:

What's Donald + Trump?
Very True. Like a big fat orange 21.
1000+ posts

TIPS meme and math chat

But you might say, “No 2=2, & 1=1, but not 2=1!”
Fine, if 2=2, & 1=1, a=b.
So a=b
then a^2 = ab
and a^2 - b^2 = ab - b^2
(a - b)(a + b) = b(a - b)
divide both sides by (a - b)
so a + b = b
but a = b
so 2b = b
so 2 = 1


H                                                                                    He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

90 posts

TIPS meme and math chat

adsuri wrote:

But you might say, “No 2=2, & 1=1, but not 2=1!”
Fine, if 2=2, & 1=1, a=b.
So a=b
then a^2 = ab
and a^2 - b^2 = ab - b^2
(a - b)(a + b) = b(a - b)
divide both sides by (a - b)
so a + b = b
but a = b
so 2b = b
so 2 = 1

Nice pic dude.

Hello, this is a Scratcher who refuses to check his messages.
Proof that I have 1600+ messages.
I used to have 2000+ but for some reason…it became 1600+
Alt. Account of @congyingzhou.
90 posts

TIPS meme and math chat

adsuri wrote:

But you might say, “No 2=2, & 1=1, but not 2=1!”
Fine, if 2=2, & 1=1, a=b.
So a=b
then a^2 = ab
and a^2 - b^2 = ab - b^2
(a - b)(a + b) = b(a - b)
divide both sides by (a - b)
so a + b = b
but a = b
so 2b = b
so 2 = 1

This is lame.


1. Pick two numbers that are the same. We’ll call them a and b.
2. We can write it as a = b.
3. Remember, we can do anything we like to them as long as we treat both sides the same way.
4. Multiply both sides by a, the equation becomes a2 = ab
5. Subtract b2 from both sides, the equation becomes a2 – b2 = ab – b2
6. We can factorize it into (a-b)(a+b) = b(a-b)
7. Simplify it into (a+b) = b
8. Get rid of the bracket so it becomes a+b = b
9. Subtract b from both sides and you get a = 0.
I didn’t say what a was to start with, so a could be anything.
Therefore, I’ve proved that any number equals zero.

Check out my main account, @congyingzhou!
I'm a whiz at (scratchblocks :: #123456 boolean) :: #098765 hat
*Evil Kumquat Guard (what's a kumquat :: #000000 stack)* :: grey cap
Unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe AI
90 posts

TIPS meme and math chat

It_is_congyingzhou wrote:

adsuri wrote:

But you might say, “No 2=2, & 1=1, but not 2=1!”
Fine, if 2=2, & 1=1, a=b.
So a=b
then a^2 = ab
and a^2 - b^2 = ab - b^2
(a - b)(a + b) = b(a - b)
divide both sides by (a - b)
so a + b = b
but a = b
so 2b = b
so 2 = 1

This is lame. Your proof is wrong because a=b and (a-b) = 0. You divided both sides by (a-b): divide both sides by (a - b), and you can't divide anything by 0. Therefore, your proof is wrong. (I'm only a primary grade 5 ^_^ you're trumped)


1. Pick two numbers that are the same. We’ll call them a and b.
2. We can write it as a = b.
3. Remember, we can do anything we like to them as long as we treat both sides the same way.
4. Multiply both sides by a, the equation becomes a2 = ab
5. Subtract b2 from both sides, the equation becomes a2 – b2 = ab – b2
6. We can factorize it into (a-b)(a+b) = b(a-b)
7. Simplify it into (a+b) = b
8. Get rid of the bracket so it becomes a+b = b
9. Subtract b from both sides and you get a = 0.
I didn’t say what a was to start with, so a could be anything.
Therefore, I’ve proved that any number equals zero.

Check out my main account, @congyingzhou!
I'm a whiz at (scratchblocks :: #123456 boolean) :: #098765 hat
*Evil Kumquat Guard (what's a kumquat :: #000000 stack)* :: grey cap
Unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe AI
500+ posts

TIPS meme and math chat

If log a + log b = 3, find the least possible value of a^2+ab+b^2. (With steps)

My shop which I opened!
I am the assistant secretary of T.I.P.S..
And please give me an internet!
I play Brawl Stars!

1000+ posts

TIPS meme and math chat

pinkiepie710 wrote:

legoboy7107 wrote:

Now we need the classic that started this all! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSS 9 + 10?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Hey look at this my friends…

This is my signature. It appears after I post anything! (I added this for people who thought I was advertising)
and now i have finally removed that line of links, a lot don't work anyway after I unshared a bunch of projects
Oh look a rainbow (I wanted to make my whole signature a rainbow, but busted character limit)
2nd most-poster in Requests (still???), top 20 most-poster overall, 7.3K posts total, 6.5K requests foolproof mind reader??, try to beat the unbeatable tic-tac-toe AI
1000+ posts

TIPS meme and math chat

It_is_congyingzhou wrote:

adsuri wrote:

But you might say, “No 2=2, & 1=1, but not 2=1!”
Fine, if 2=2, & 1=1, a=b.
So a=b
then a^2 = ab
and a^2 - b^2 = ab - b^2
(a - b)(a + b) = b(a - b)
divide both sides by (a - b)
so a + b = b
but a = b
so 2b = b
so 2 = 1

This is lame. Your proof is wrong because a=b and (a-b) = 0. You divided both sides by (a-b): divide both sides by (a - b), and you can't divide anything by 0. Therefore, your proof is wrong. (I'm only a primary grade 5 ^_^ you're trumped)


1. Pick two numbers that are the same. We’ll call them a and b.
2. We can write it as a = b.
3. Remember, we can do anything we like to them as long as we treat both sides the same way.
4. Multiply both sides by a, the equation becomes a^2 = ab
5. Subtract b^2 from both sides, the equation becomes a^2 – b^2 = ab – b^2
6. We can factorize it into (a-b)(a+b) = b(a-b)
7. Simplify it into (a+b) = b
8. Get rid of the bracket so it becomes a+b = b
9. Subtract b from both sides and you get a = 0.
I didn’t say what a was to start with, so a could be anything.
Therefore, I’ve proved that any number equals zero.

Use the edited form of above.

Last edited by congyingzhou (Oct. 16, 2018 11:07:26)

This is my signature. It appears after I post anything! (I added this for people who thought I was advertising)
and now i have finally removed that line of links, a lot don't work anyway after I unshared a bunch of projects
Oh look a rainbow (I wanted to make my whole signature a rainbow, but busted character limit)
2nd most-poster in Requests (still???), top 20 most-poster overall, 7.3K posts total, 6.5K requests foolproof mind reader??, try to beat the unbeatable tic-tac-toe AI
90 posts

TIPS meme and math chat

culverkwan wrote:

If log a + log b = 3, find the least possible value of a^2+ab+b^2. (With steps)
It's c

Check out my main account, @congyingzhou!
I'm a whiz at (scratchblocks :: #123456 boolean) :: #098765 hat
*Evil Kumquat Guard (what's a kumquat :: #000000 stack)* :: grey cap
Unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe AI
1000+ posts

TIPS meme and math chat

It_is_congyingzhou wrote:

culverkwan wrote:

If log a + log b = 3, find the least possible value of a^2+ab+b^2. (With steps)
It's c
no it's x

This is my signature. It appears after I post anything! (I added this for people who thought I was advertising)
and now i have finally removed that line of links, a lot don't work anyway after I unshared a bunch of projects
Oh look a rainbow (I wanted to make my whole signature a rainbow, but busted character limit)
2nd most-poster in Requests (still???), top 20 most-poster overall, 7.3K posts total, 6.5K requests foolproof mind reader??, try to beat the unbeatable tic-tac-toe AI
43 posts

TIPS meme and math chat

legoboy7107 wrote:

r_hello wrote:

Math talk.

I used copy and paste for that in such a way that while I was typing it there was an exponential increase in Harry Potters. Also, this is the memes and math chat now? As far as I remembered, the math was simply part of the memes since it came from the 9 + 10 meme that started this, lol.
Well guess what? I am the REAL Voldemort.

Hello, I am @Suchomimus_Scratch
Please follow me and like this project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/225250879/
I am a fan of mythology, Roblox and Maths.
I am part of the TIPS company: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/313844/?page=1
1000+ posts

TIPS meme and math chat

Suchomimus_Scratch wrote:

legoboy7107 wrote:

r_hello wrote:

Math talk.

I used copy and paste for that in such a way that while I was typing it there was an exponential increase in Harry Potters. Also, this is the memes and math chat now? As far as I remembered, the math was simply part of the memes since it came from the 9 + 10 meme that started this, lol.
Well guess what? I am the REAL Voldemort.

This is my signature. It appears after I post anything! (I added this for people who thought I was advertising)
and now i have finally removed that line of links, a lot don't work anyway after I unshared a bunch of projects
Oh look a rainbow (I wanted to make my whole signature a rainbow, but busted character limit)
2nd most-poster in Requests (still???), top 20 most-poster overall, 7.3K posts total, 6.5K requests foolproof mind reader??, try to beat the unbeatable tic-tac-toe AI
90 posts

TIPS meme and math chat

culverkwan wrote:

If log a + log b = 3, find the least possible value of a^2+ab+b^2. (With steps)
Anyone answer?

Check out my main account, @congyingzhou!
I'm a whiz at (scratchblocks :: #123456 boolean) :: #098765 hat
*Evil Kumquat Guard (what's a kumquat :: #000000 stack)* :: grey cap
Unbeatable Tic-Tac-Toe AI

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