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The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

The Scratch Record is a fortnightly Scratch newspaper collaboration.

Rules for Members
1. Must not copy ideas, projects or sprites without giving credit.
2. When interviewing scratchers, be clear that you are working on behalf of The Scratch Record.
3. Complete your assignments on time (if you cannot, please tell us as soon as you can)
4. Check this thread regularly where assignments will be posted.
5. No off topic talk on this forum thread.
6. If you are going to be inactive for a period of time, please fill in the leave form.
7. Have fun.

Here is a list of assignments, new and old. If you need an extension, go on leave, have too much or too little work then do not hesitate to say so. Also, if you don't like the current assignments you are being set and want to write about other topics then just say so.

∎ Job description Deadline: 00/11/2018

1:Release day
3:All scratchers, studios, projects etc to be featured/interviewed are selected
7: No more reporting should be done, all writing now.
9: Columnist submit their pieces
10: Page editors should have all their content
12: Chief editor should have all their content formatted correctly

Members List
Editor-in-chief: Co49
Headlines page editor: Co49
Side note page editor: (reserved)
Lime light page editor: (reserved)
Business page editor: (reserved)

General Writers (interviewing, reviewing, reporting, writing etc)
- crystal_song (P:interviewing, 100 words or so) Confirm place
- Digznigy (P:reviewing, N:interviewing, as much as required) Confirm place
- redglitter (P: anything, 200 max) Confirm place
- XCat (100-400 words, P: shops, any writing, N: TV, films, videogames) Confirm place
- sti_scratch (400 words, P: business page.) Confirm place
- maskedmaruder (much as required, P: anything) Confirm place
- wafflelot- (P: reviewing, 200 words or so) Confirm place
- (vacancies)

Fiction Writers (writing poems, short stories etc)
- CrimsonCrusade (poetry, humorous, adventure) Confirm place
- cyrstal_song Confirm place
- DeathLord_777 Confirm place
- wafflelot- (P: poetry, 200 words or so) Confirm place
- BlackWolfee Confirm place

Columnists (write their own columns)
- Helixable (fortnightly full length) Confirm place
- LotusLavender (fortnightly full length) Confirm place
- DeathLord_777 (fortnightly full length) Confirm place

Proof-reader (edits articles for spelling / grammatical mistakes)
- RonTheNerd Confirm place

On Leave

Editor-in-chief: in charge of the final edit and publishing the edition on release day.

Page editor: in charge of their respective page. Must ensure that there are no spelling or grammatical errors and that the work included in their page is of good quality. They format the articles and submit them to the editor-in-chief four days before the release date with a list of contributors. If a page editor wants to break the content guide when putting their page together, they should ask the editor-in-chief.

General writers: write game/book/film reviews, interview scratchers for a wide range of reasons, write about featured studios, collabs, projects etc, report on breaking stories and write them up. They report to and submit their work to an editor.

Fiction Writers: write poems, short stories etc specifically for the fiction page. They report to and submit their work to an editor.

Columnists: Write their own piece about pretty much whatever they want as long as the editor is happy with it. Their work must be submitted five days before the release day.

Proof-reader: Ensures that articles are free from grammatical and spelling errors and that they are readable. They edit work as it is posted on this forum thread.

Interviewing: Members may need to interview other scratchers for the featured scratcher, studio, project, collaboration shop or perhaps relating to some other article. When approaching a scratcher to interview, be sure to ask them nicely and make it clear that you are asking on behalf of our newspaper. For example:

Good Interviewer wrote:

Hello. May I ask you a few questions about your project on behalf of The Scratch Record?
Ask one question at a time and wait for their response. Some questions to think about: what has been most challenging, how did you get into Scratch, what are you most proud of, any advice for other scratchers and anything that you would like to change about Scratch. If you are interviewing a scratcher in relation to a story be sure to tailor your questions towards that. When selecting scratchers to be featured, check their activity to see if they are likely to respond in time for the next edition. Be sure to thank them for their time once you have finished your interview. See these examples: example one, example two, example three, example four, example five and example six
Reviewing: Members may need to review books, films and games. Make sure that reviews contain no spoilers. Be clear what aspects you enjoyed and what aspects you did not enjoy and let the reader know if you would recommend the book/film/game that you are reviewing. Consider commenting on the plot, characters cinematography, script, gameplay, graphics, tension etc.

Reporting: Reporting is simply finding the facts for an article and finding news around on Scratch. Examples of news include: new competitions, old shop closing down, shops expanding, collaborations bringing out their projects, announcements from the Scratch team.

Content Guide
General: each page is split into three columns. A ‘full length’ article covers one column and can contain 120-160 words. A 2/3 article is self-explanatory and can only contain around 100 words.

Headline News: contains all the breaking news from around Scratch from developments in collaborations, organisations, new trends and announcements from the Scratch Team. A 1/3 advert may also be included. The page editor is responsible for the production of the whole page excluding the 1/3 advert.

Limelight: contains an interview from the edition's featured scratcher, an article on a featured studio or project and a comic. The page editor is responsible for the production of the whole page except the comic.

Business News: contains an article designed to help with the management of shops and collaborations (e.g. Tips on Advertising) and a featured on a shop or collaboration (preferably with an interview or a few quotes from the owner). The page editor is responsible for the production of the whole page.

Side Note: may contain a range of material from book/film/videogame reviews, survey results, fun facts, trivia and more. It is preferable that there is at least one review and a fun fact or trivia. The page editor is responsible for the production of the whole page.

Fiction Note: may contain a range of fiction but usually a poem and a chapter from an ongoing short story. The page editor is responsible for the production of the whole page.

Columns: a page dedicated to a columnist's entry alongside a full length advert.

Application (currently looking for general writers.)
Position applying for:
Link to any previous work relevant to the role:
How often will you check this thread:
On a regular fortnightly basis, how many words could you contribute:
Any other experience in collaborations / shops:
Any particular activity you really want to do:
Any particular activity you really do not want to do:
Would you ever be interested in becoming an editor:
Why do you want to be a member of this collaboration:

If you are applying for the role of a general writer, please complete the following exercises and attach with application:
-Write a +60 word game, book or film review or a +100 word article on a studio, project, shop or collaboration of your choosing

If you are applying for the role of a columnist, please complete the following exercises and attach with application:
-Write an 100 word column on anything or your hopes for Scratch 3.0

Leave Form
Start Date:
End Date:

Advert Placements
Here are the prices for placing adverts in our newspaper for your shop or collaboration:
1/3 Standard : Free
1/3 Front Page : Free
2/3 Standard : Not currently available
1 Full Length : Free
2 Full Length : Not currently available
1 Full Page : Not currently available
You must supply us with a project containing your advert in the appropriate size. Ask on this thread if you need templates.

Last edited by Co49 (Aug. 13, 2019 09:50:07)

1000+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

Accepted as a columnist, welcome to the Scratch Record as the first member! Your acceptance article was of a good standard and will make it into the next edition when it comes out. As you have stated that you are prepared to write 150-200 a fortnight (if I understood you correctly), when I will put you down for a column an edition. Since you are a columnist rather than a general writer, you may write pretty much what you want within reason. When we attract a few more members, we'll publish our first edition.
100+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

Position applying for: Comic Artist
Link to any previous work relevant to the role: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/244084519/
How often will you check this thread: idk like every 2 days?
On a regular fortnightly basis, how many words could you contribute: idk why
Any other experience in collaborations / shops: Umm… Scrath3ds and Emerald Shop
Any particular activity you really want to do: make art for comics
Any particular activity you really do not want to do:WRITE WORDS
Would you ever be intereted in becoming an editor: Yeah!
Why do you want to be a member of this collaboration: because i like contributing to stuff

1000+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

Heyheypizza111 wrote:

Position applying for: Comic Artist
Link to any previous work relevant to the role: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/244084519/
How often will you check this thread: idk like every 2 days?
On a regular fortnightly basis, how many words could you contribute: idk why
Any other experience in collaborations / shops: Umm… Scrath3ds and Emerald Shop
Any particular activity you really want to do: make art for comics
Any particular activity you really do not want to do:WRITE WORDS
Would you ever be intereted in becoming an editor: Yeah!
Why do you want to be a member of this collaboration: because i like contributing to stuff
I am afraid that we don't have a comic artist position. We are only accepting applications for general writers and columnists.
1000+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

As soon as we get two general writers, we'll start publishing.
1000+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

12 posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

may I be a general writer?

great minds think differently. if they thought alike, what would make them so great?
1000+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

Position applying for: Columnist
Link to any previous work relevant to the role: n/a
How often will you check this thread: daily
On a regular fortnightly basis, how many words could you contribute: 100ish
Any other experience in collaborations / shops: many shops, I have run two newspapers
Any particular activity you really want to do: not really
Any particular activity you really do not want to do: not really
Would you ever be intereted in becoming an editor: no
Why do you want to be a member of this collaboration: I love writing columns and I enjoy being part of things - this is a great place which is well organised so it’s perfect!

Many people think that scratch 3.0 is a bad thing. Many people think they will leave. However, this is natural human behaviour: as a human, everyone fears change (to an extent); no one want to adapt.

Being a human being also means you can naturally do another thing, though. That thing is compromise. Compromise is the answer to adapting to 3.0. It means that we can forget about the graphics that we don’t like because there is a translator; let go of our hate of the new boldness to let the happiness of mobile/tablet access fill us with positivity.

Scratch 3.0 is a change. We can think of it as bad or we can think of it as new. New helps us renew our creativity to make better projects.

So even though in my mind I don’t like the new graphics and boldness, I can still be excited for the access.

My Profile || Contact me if you need any help or have any questions! || Buzzy Bee Banners ||

100+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

Position applying for: General writer
Link to any previous work relevant to the role:None
How often will you check this thread: Every few days. Cant be certain for sure
On a regular fortnightly basis, how many words could you contribute: possibly 100 or more. Depends on the story
Any other experience in collaborations / shops: I have alot of experience with writing and journalism. I am on the school's newspaper team.
Any particular activity you really want to do: I really water to interview the scratchers and writing.
Any particular activity you really do not want to do: Not really
Would you ever be intereted in becoming an editor: Why not.
Why do you want to be a member of this collaboration: I really enjoy writing and journalism and I think it would be great if i was showing my skills and writing for the news. I think its really great that there is news and it is really good for the scratch community to be able to share their other talents and yeah. So i really hope I become a general writer!

♫ Its only a matter of time before you get caught. ♫
♫ And daydreaming wont help reach you dreams. ♫

And sometimes friends lie

Scratch Record || The Story Book || Art Contest || Shops|| Fluous & Alacrity Inc || School For Paws||
1000+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

Please fill in the application form and attach your example article.

Welcome to the collaboration! As you have stated that you are prepared to write 100 words a fortnight, I will put you down for a 2/3 column a fortnight. As a columnist, you may write pretty much whatever you want within reason.

Great application so far but could you please attach your example article:

First Post wrote:

If you are applying for the role of a general writer, please complete the following exercises and attach with application:
-Write a +60 word game, book or film review or a +100 word article on a studio, project, shop or collaboration of your choosing
Thank you.

Our first edition will likely be published this weekend or a few days before.
1000+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

Co49 wrote:

Please fill in the application form and attach your example article.

Welcome to the collaboration! As you have stated that you are prepared to write 100 words a fortnight, I will put you down for a 2/3 column a fortnight. As a columnist, you may write pretty much whatever you want within reason.

Great application so far but could you please attach your example article:

First Post wrote:

If you are applying for the role of a general writer, please complete the following exercises and attach with application:
-Write a +60 word game, book or film review or a +100 word article on a studio, project, shop or collaboration of your choosing
Thank you.

Our first edition will likely be published this weekend or a few days before.
THANKS! I’ll probably write about starting afresh. Actually , would I be allowed full-length please?

Last edited by LotusLavender (Sept. 10, 2018 16:31:43)

My Profile || Contact me if you need any help or have any questions! || Buzzy Bee Banners ||

1000+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

No problem. A full-length article can contain 140-180 words while a 2/3 article can only contain 100 words. I'll put you down for a full-length column a fortnight.

1000+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

Co49 wrote:

No problem. A full-length article can contain 140-180 words while a 2/3 article can only contain 100 words. I'll put you down for a full-length column a fortnight.

Thanks! When does it need to be in?

My Profile || Contact me if you need any help or have any questions! || Buzzy Bee Banners ||

1000+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

LotusLavender wrote:

Co49 wrote:

No problem. A full-length article can contain 140-180 words while a 2/3 article can only contain 100 words. I'll put you down for a full-length column a fortnight.

Thanks! When does it need to be in?
Roughly the 23rd.
1000+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

Thank you very much for the offer but I am afraid that I have already made the newspaper format. I am just waiting to publish it.
1000+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

My Column - Due 23/9/18
I’m LotusLavender. Recently, I moved accounts to start afresh. Many Scratchers do this with various reasons: it’s very commonly done.
When I think about changing account, I think of simply a refresh: no more old, outdated favourite which are terrible by the standards which you’ve raised since joining; an escape from all the curations clogging up your mailbox. That was what I thought before actually doing it for myself. Now I know that it ispart of it but there are many other things that are very different after the move.

Of course, I’m not the rest of the community so I can only tell what I see but the things that really hit me as a change came mostly with the status of New Scratcher. Things like the 120-second rule and having everything defined when you first use it hit hardest – constantly confusing because I knew the definitions anyway. It felt like I was being put back through baby school because it was things that were so automatic to me, like someone reminding you to put your shoes on the right feet when you do it every single day.

Apart from that, I’m doing fine and working towards Scratcher status. Hope that you enjoyed!
This is a little long even though I've cut it down - sorry. I hope the editor thinks this is okay!

My Profile || Contact me if you need any help or have any questions! || Buzzy Bee Banners ||

1000+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

Helixable wrote:

LotusLavender wrote:

My Column - Due 23/9/18
I’m LotusLavender. Recently, I moved accounts to start afresh. Many Scratchers do this with various reasons: it’s very commonly done.
When I think about changing account, I think of simply a refresh: no more old, outdated favourite which are terrible by the standards which you’ve raised since joining; an escape from all the curations clogging up your mailbox. That was what I thought before actually doing it for myself. Now I know that it ispart of it but there are many other things that are very different after the move.

Of course, I’m not the rest of the community so I can only tell what I see but the things that really hit me as a change came mostly with the status of New Scratcher. Things like the 120-second rule and having everything defined when you first use it hit hardest – constantly confusing because I knew the definitions anyway. It felt like I was being put back through baby school because it was things that were so automatic to me, like someone reminding you to put your shoes on the right feet when you do it every single day.

Apart from that, I’m doing fine and working towards Scratcher status. Hope that you enjoyed!
This is a little long even though I've cut it down - sorry. I hope the editor thinks this is okay!

My Profile || Contact me if you need any help or have any questions! || Buzzy Bee Banners ||

100+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

Co49 wrote:

Heyheypizza111 wrote:

Position applying for: Comic Artist
Link to any previous work relevant to the role: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/244084519/
How often will you check this thread: idk like every 2 days?
On a regular fortnightly basis, how many words could you contribute: idk why
Any other experience in collaborations / shops: Umm… Scrath3ds and Emerald Shop
Any particular activity you really want to do: make art for comics
Any particular activity you really do not want to do:WRITE WORDS
Would you ever be intereted in becoming an editor: Yeah!
Why do you want to be a member of this collaboration: because i like contributing to stuff
I am afraid that we don't have a comic artist position. We are only accepting applications for general writers and columnists.
how about reviewing then

100+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

Example article- Book review
The Dirt Diary by Anna Staniszewski
We all know how annoying it is when you parents force you to clean your room. But the dirt diary takes it to a whole new level. When you mum has a cleaning company and makes you come with her, trouble is bound to occur. This book is sure to make you wonder what really goes in a mind of a cleaner. The main character, Rachel, finds out that she has to clean several of her classmates houses. This was certainly a recipe for disaster. Rachel goes through fiascos, rumours and more. This thrilling novel will sure to keep you reading for hours. The dirt diary is a combination of your worst nighmares. Cleaning, high school drama and enemies. How worse can it get? Well it does. Make sure to pick this book out the next time you go to your local library or book store. It is certainly a book you can't put down. (There even are sequels which continues Rachel's rough life) The Dirt Diary is one of my personal favorite books and I recommend everyone reading it. SO what are you waiting for? Its truly fabulous and SPECTACULAR!

♫ Its only a matter of time before you get caught. ♫
♫ And daydreaming wont help reach you dreams. ♫

And sometimes friends lie

Scratch Record || The Story Book || Art Contest || Shops|| Fluous & Alacrity Inc || School For Paws||
1000+ posts

The Scratch Record - [newspaper, recruiting writers]

That is a great article thanks. I may need to edit it down by ten words or so to fit the column. It will appear in the second edition.

You could apply as a general writer and just write reviews. If so, please attach your 70 word example game, book or film review.

That is a great article, it will appear in the second edition. Welcome to the collaboration!

The first edition will be published in a few days. Ensure you are following this thread please.

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