Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

Ability to add names to scripts

Support! I actually have blocks I can use for you:
Run Script Named [script name v] :: control

Stop Script Named [script name v] :: control

hey is this an evil kumquat? yes? no? maybe so?

when ([shift v] + [down v] :: sensing) pressed and [text v] is selected? :: hat events
scroll down :: list
can you pls bring scratch 1.4 to 64bit plss st

(*n*) // this is laze-y.
<*n* :: sensing> // this is edger
([*O*] :: variables) // kask.
-u- :: #FB9912// this is a "kumquat helper", you know why i put quotes, right... RIGHT?!?
([u v] [n v] [u v] :: control) // this is kumquat killer 2023. i did not know what to name him.

100+ posts

Ability to add names to scripts

Support! It would be very helpful for backpacking and could even let us start or stop specific scripts at will.

stop [game script]
broadcast [player dead]

I've been thinking about that for days now and someone posted about it.

It's better to poop in the sink, than to sink in the poop.
-Scratch Cat, MIT graduate

82 posts

Ability to add names to scripts

TheAdriCoolManDude wrote:

megaman100 wrote:

ScratchMarioMan64 wrote:

TheAdriCoolManDude wrote:

ScratchMarioMan64 wrote:

We have a lot of positive support, I think ST has the chance to find this soon and put their decision into it :3
Actually, no. It's 3 supporters and 4 or 5 non-supporters so far.
Oh. Ok.
I support now too!
I counted you too, by the way.

I support. Using the Backpack would be easier if we did.

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